Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


(1) armada
1) fleet of warships
2) dwell
3) imitate or mimic (a person's behavior or manner)
4) cast a spell over

(2) preclude
1) pertaining to heat
2) inborn
3) act of reciting publicly
4) make impossible

(3) distraught
1) rushing stream
2) unalterable
3) unshakably calm
4) upset

(4) prank
1) mischievous trick
2) practical rule guiding conduct
3) flexible
4) harmonious

(5) congruence
1) (of voice) harsh and unpleasant
2) make invalid
3) drink (alcoholic beverages) frequently
4) correspondence of parts

(6) stellar
1) mental keenness
2) denial
3) long, eventful, adventurous journey
4) pertaining to the stars

(7) cartographer
1) silent
2) first rough form
3) color
4) map-maker

(8) ghastly
1) horrible
2) seine net
3) full of life
4) fluent

(9) disengage
1) uncouple
2) reply
3) trip and almost fall
4) marked by formality

(10) renounce
1) abandon
2) enormous chasm
3) contaminate
4) divided into two branches

(11) poseur
1) person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant, etc., to impress others
2) amuse
3) designed to create ill will or envy
4) teach (ideas or principles)

(12) gruel
1) evil
2) good judgment with composure
3) steadfast
4) thin liquid porridge

(13) dispense
1) debauched person
2) distribute
3) mischievous child (usually a boy)
4) (of a person) fat and round

(14) ingenious
1) increase
2) marked by inventive skill
3) signs
4) half-human, half-bestial being in the court of Dionysus (resembling a goat), portrayed as wanton(unrestrained) and cunning

(15) dishearten
1) discourage
2) having foresight
3) complete independence and self-government (of a country)
4) rustic

(16) calumny
1) lack of proportion (between the parts)
2) having a sharp or acid taste
3) excessively or elaborately decorated
4) malicious misrepresentation

(17) ursine
1) wooden
2) bearlike
3) state of being numerous or multiple
4) tired or uninterested by surfeit

(18) indubitable
1) lose animation or strength
2) unable to be doubted
3) arsonist
4) throw overboard (from a ship or plane)

(19) celibate
1) walk
2) sentry
3) live in a monotonous way (without interests or activity)
4) abstaining from sexual intercourse

(20) plasticity
1) ability to be molded
2) noxious(harmful) smell
3) habitually intoxicated
4) current of air (through a room or to a fire)

(21) belligerent
1) stormy
2) quarrelsome
3) sun's corona
4) eating away by chemicals or disease

(22) grill
1) deck opening
2) question severely
3) turn to stone
4) saturate(soak thoroughly)

(23) requite
1) file of documents on a subject or person
2) related to population balance
3) make return for
4) feign

(24) seethe
1) relating to the back of an animal
2) extremely small
3) be violently disturbed
4) become worse in quality

(25) onslaught
1) mosaic
2) occupy fully
3) vicious assault
4) plentiful

(1)1 (2)4 (3)4 (4)1 (5)4 (6)4 (7)4 (8)1 (9)1 (10)1 (11)1 (12)4 (13)2 (14)2 (15)1 (16)4 (17)2 (18)2 (19)4 (20)1 (21)2 (22)2 (23)3 (24)3 (25)3