Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Sunday, August 30, 2009


(1) totter
1) shake or move unsteadily
2) bravery
3) slight difference in degree
4) beginning

(2) expletive
1) (in ancient Rome) overseer of morals (also taking the census)
2) (of an animal) feed on growing grass
3) meaningless word
4) honor the memory of

(3) bogus
1) unsuccessful
2) falling off at a specific season or stage of growth as of leaves
3) counterfeit
4) journey

(4) carat(karat)
1) scanty
2) resembling a horse
3) unit of weight for precious stones
4) solemn promise

(5) beware
1) be cautious (of)
2) unfairness
3) hairs on back and neck, especially of a dog
4) impudent disrespect

(6) tawny
1) flabby
2) brownish yellow
3) excuse
4) improperness

(7) insalubrious
1) extremely severe
2) slight difference in degree
3) humbleness of spirit
4) unwholesome

(8) irreverence
1) small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests
2) lack of proper respect or reverence
3) multi-colored (as of a garment worn by a jester)
4) mercury

(9) obeisance
1) bow (to show respect and obedience)
2) object (because of doubts, scruples)
3) irresistible
4) very wicked

(10) exhale
1) breathe out
2) indecent
3) serving to assist
4) corrupt

(11) expansive
1) (of a person) outgoing and sociable
2) part that forms the end
3) rapture
4) loose freshness

(12) indict
1) drowsy
2) charge
3) list (of names)
4) instituting

(13) resignation
1) cancel
2) patiently submissiveness
3) hang about/around
4) push forward

(14) behemoth
1) mournful
2) huge creature
3) split into opposite extremes or camps
4) concerning alchemy or magic

(15) orthography
1) indirect or subtle (derogatory) hint
2) pitcher
3) meal
4) correct spelling

(16) tonsure
1) soften by soaking in liquid
2) without hope and courage
3) split
4) shaving of the head especially by person entering religious orders

(17) refute
1) coarse food for cattle, horses, etc.
2) disprove
3) block or hinder
4) mouthlike opening

(18) expenditure
1) payment or expense
2) situation that requires a choice between equally unfavorable options
3) producing results
4) systematic plan

(19) fuss:
1) trouble or worry over trifles
2) abnormal
3) servile dependent
4) gold and silver in the form of bars

(20) din
1) something of little importance or value
2) continued loud noise
3) storehouse
4) seniority by birth

(21) lopsided
1) heavier or larger on one side than the other
2) thwart
3) not done politely without due formalities
4) malleable

(22) scrap
1) change position or place
2) small bit or fragment
3) expurgate
4) ing\'enue

(23) germinate
1) monumental tomb
2) bitter (to the taste or smell)
3) unable to be doubted
4) cause to sprout

(24) elucidate
1) pertaining to induction or proceeding from the specific to the general
2) flow or fall in drops
3) explain
4) beginner

(25) stodgy
1) (of light or color) bright and distinct
2) using satire
3) in agreement
4) dull

(1)1 (2)3 (3)3 (4)3 (5)1 (6)2 (7)4 (8)2 (9)1 (10)1 (11)1 (12)2 (13)2 (14)2 (15)4 (16)4 (17)2 (18)1 (19)1 (20)2 (21)1 (22)2 (23)4 (24)3 (25)4

Saturday, August 29, 2009


(1) conveyance
1) vehicle
2) pierce
3) warn or speak to with gentle disapproval
4) carpenter's tool for smoothing and leveling wood

(2) guy
1) disagreement of opinions causing strife within a group
2) worldly as opposed to spiritual
3) cable or chain attached to something that needs to be braced or steadied
4) of a title

(3) caste
1) one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society
2) one's opinion of oneself
3) contaminate
4) deception

(4) incense
1) enrage
2) slander
3) bored with pleasure or dissipation
4) oddity

(5) hibernal
1) coarsely insulting
2) wintry
3) pertaining to cultivation of gardens
4) approve

(6) potentate
1) hardened
2) monarch
3) school for training future ministers
4) excessively or elaborately decorated

(7) ventilate
1) (of the senses) sharp
2) admit fresh air into to replace stale air
3) record of a voyage or flight
4) ridicule

(8) nutrient
1) manly
2) narrow in scope or outlook
3) nourishing substance
4) intermediate

(9) mercurial
1) not repentant
2) done or active at night
3) rankle
4) capricious

(10) filth
1) native
2) positive assertion
3) dirty matter
4) a great quantity

(11) flinch
1) condition or period of flowering
2) prankish
3) hesitate
4) sudden flood or rush

(12) dummy
1) imitation of a real object used as a substitute
2) legal delay of payment or action
3) flowing
4) dry up

(13) lofty
1) arrangement of words in the form of poetry (by accentual rhythm)
2) full-bosomed
3) very high
4) scorn

(14) blithe(blitheso
1) lead away from proper conduct
2) study of prehistoric life or fossils
3) me) gay
4) disposition to be lenient in deciding punishments

(15) clich\'e
1) (of a person) fat and round
2) cut into small parts
3) phrase dulled in meaning by repetition
4) exaggerated

(16) diorama
1) remitting of money
2) life-size, three-dimensional scene from nature or history
3) reveal
4) purgative

(17) derogatory
1) size or volume (esp. when very large)
2) expressing a low opinion
3) goblet
4) apparatus used to maintain balance, ascertain direction, etc.

(18) disembark
1) match
2) radiating
3) debark
4) wicked

(19) craven
1) exact
2) place of safety
3) cowardly
4) distinctive behavioral trait

(20) tract
1) propaganda pamphlet (esp. by a religious or political group)
2) slow gallop
3) doctrine
4) witty thought or saying, usually short

(21) aphasia
1) lack of physical or mental energy
2) loss of speech due to injury or illness
3) make oneself tidy in appearance
4) watchful

(22) herd
1) cautious
2) applaud
3) moved by sexual love
4) group of animals

(23) preternatural
1) charge in court
2) pertaining to fishing
3) quick sharp reply
4) beyond what is normal in nature

(24) bilk
1) miserable person
2) small boat
3) swindle
4) crowd

(25) fluency
1) protruding part
2) abstract
3) indifference
4) smoothness of speech

(1)1 (2)3 (3)1 (4)1 (5)2 (6)2 (7)2 (8)3 (9)4 (10)3 (11)3 (12)1 (13)3 (14)3 (15)3 (16)2 (17)2 (18)3 (19)3 (20)1 (21)2 (22)4 (23)4 (24)3 (25)4

Friday, August 28, 2009


(1) regent
1) father and ruler of a family or tribe
2) specialized knowledge (in a particular field)
3) a person who governs in place of a ruler who is ill, absent, or still a child
4) fitful

(2) indices
1) guess
2) thin
3) venomous spider
4) signs

(3) sultry
1) have a tendency
2) (of weather) hot
3) comfort in sorrow or trouble
4) shaky

(4) compost
1) protruding knot on a tree
2) obligatory
3) conceited smile
4) mixture of decaying organic matter used as fertilizer

(5) archipelago
1) winding
2) group of closely located islands
3) advocate of the extension of voting rights (for women)
4) love deeply and respect highly

(6) conformity
1) harmony
2) angry
3) loud and harsh
4) lawyer in the lower court of law

(7) subsequent
1) following in time or order
2) everlasting
3) accuse of or implicate in a crime
4) become unsteady and fall down

(8) puissant
1) characteristic frame of mind
2) powerful
3) neutral
4) not able to be pierced or entered

(9) peremptory
1) widespread
2) beat with a whip or flail
3) demanding and leaving no choice
4) affecting or relating to the sense of taste

(10) irksome
1) annoying
2) cule) extremely small
3) phrase repeated throughout a song or poem
4) homeless wanderer

(11) decomposition
1) decay
2) (of a fact) become known
3) neat and trim in appearance
4) amoral

(12) bevy
1) sameness leading to boredom
2) speak in favor of
3) large group
4) self-important

(13) consanguinity
1) only slightly connected
2) kinship
3) ability
4) widespread

(14) entree(entr\'ee
1) correct spelling
2) ) entrance
3) stench
4) of or like a slave

(15) outrage
1) belief in one God
2) act of extreme violence or viciousness
3) aggressiveness
4) (of someone) having insight

(16) fete(f\^ete)
1) honor at a festival
2) annoy
3) ill-humored
4) musical introduction to a long musical piece

(17) implicate
1) oval building with tiers of seats
2) incriminate
3) privilege
4) tall column tapering(becoming gradually narrower toward the end) and ending in a pyramid

(18) sound
1) moderate
2) juicy
3) woman who rules a family or larger social group
4) in good condition

(19) obviate
1) one who has more than one spouse at a time
2) make unnecessary
3) ceremonious quality
4) pious

(20) sobriety
1) moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol)
2) easily approachable
3) failure to act
4) trace

(21) interloper
1) conspiring in a fraudulent scheme to cheat or deceive others
2) intruder
3) holding one's attention
4) severe trial or affliction

(22) egregious
1) tired after long work
2) notorious
3) relating to races
4) praise very highly

(23) verge
1) decree or command
2) last stop of railroad
3) tending to overthrow or ruin
4) border

(24) paucity
1) command
2) scarcity
3) bravery
4) put an end to forcibly

(25) topography
1) urbanity
2) neglect of duty
3) physical features of a region (such as the shape and height)
4) systematic plan

(1)3 (2)4 (3)2 (4)4 (5)2 (6)1 (7)1 (8)2 (9)3 (10)1 (11)1 (12)3 (13)2 (14)2 (15)2 (16)1 (17)2 (18)4 (19)2 (20)1 (21)2 (22)2 (23)4 (24)2 (25)3

Thursday, August 27, 2009


(1) lethal
1) flabby
2) limit
3) deadly
4) grisly

(2) inveigle
1) delicate
2) of a title
3) deceive
4) path taken by a projectile

(3) brevity
1) one who is introspective or inclined to think more about oneself
2) make desolate
3) conciseness
4) dramatic poem set to music

(4) forward
1) moving slowly
2) presumptuous or bold
3) suitable (for a particular purpose although not necessarily morally correct)
4) marshal

(5) hilarity
1) boisterous mirth(merriment
2) flexible
3) art of effective communication
4) renounce upon oath

(6) cathartic
1) purgative
2) make (a bill) into law
3) very large number
4) private meeting of a group of people in a political party to select officers or determine policy

(7) minuscule(minis
1) seize
2) support (a claim) with evidence
3) report
4) cule) extremely small

(8) assay
1) condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles
2) listing of information in tabular or book form
3) analyze (to discover what materials are present)
4) authoritative

(9) orientation
1) act of finding oneself in society
2) get one's bearings
3) bravery
4) reverse the order or position of

(10) apiculture
1) advocate of the extension of voting rights (for women)
2) additional object
3) bee-keeping
4) extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress

(11) panoramic
1) on or relating to the earth
2) denoting an unobstructed and comprehensive view
3) discord
4) one who foretells the future

(12) mauve
1) tendency to disbelief
2) pale purple
3) illusive
4) comment

(13) effrontery
1) rudeness without any sense of shame
2) surmise
3) external
4) of the surface

(14) spurn
1) mass for the dead
2) reject disdainfully
3) self-restraint
4) steal things of small value

(15) chaffing
1) substance causing vomiting
2) bantering
3) ideal place, state, or society
4) period of ideal or peak condition

(16) sinecure
1) well-paid position with little responsibility
2) denoting an unobstructed and comprehensive view
3) able to take on many forms
4) move furtively and secretly

(17) apropos
1) obligatory
2) thoroughly soaked
3) with reference to
4) pardon (an offense)

(18) collage
1) fame
2) work of art put together from fragments
3) give up something (with reluctance)
4) surrender something (stolen)

(19) recess
1) dissimilar
2) separate
3) one incapacitated(disabled) by a chronic illness
4) pause

(20) reaper
1) servile flatterer
2) one who harvests grain
3) avaricious
4) put into words

(21) itinerant
1) person having administrative authority
2) important in history
3) diabolic
4) wandering

(22) plumage
1) believing that pleasure is good and suffering is bad and should be avoided
2) redden
3) bugbear
4) feathers of a bird

(23) subliminal
1) below the threshold of conscious perception
2) dig into (to get stone)
3) obvious
4) approve formally

(24) outfit
1) clothing or equipment for a special purpose
2) smear (as with paint)
3) inborn
4) short poem idealizing rural life

(25) heinous
1) paste that hardens to a smooth solid and is used for coating walls
2) very thin piece, usually of wood (cut from a surface with a sharp blade)
3) pommel
4) atrocious

(1)3 (2)3 (3)3 (4)2 (5)1 (6)1 (7)4 (8)3 (9)1 (10)3 (11)2 (12)2 (13)1 (14)2 (15)2 (16)1 (17)3 (18)2 (19)4 (20)2 (21)4 (22)4 (23)1 (24)1 (25)4

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


(1) inverse
1) clowning
2) opposite
3) one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs
4) quality of being true

(2) reactionary
1) noble
2) provide for the payment of
3) strongly opposed to social or political change
4) student at a military school

(3) memorial
1) book for religious instruction in question-and-answer form
2) life after death
3) something, such as a monument or holiday, intended to honor the memory of a person or event
4) morally disapproved person

(4) adjunct
1) wild drunken revelry
2) lie
3) something attached to but holding an inferior position
4) sentry

(5) rebuttal
1) totally clear
2) refutation
3) testimony under oath
4) purging or cleansing of any passage of the body

(6) thresh
1) servile flatterer
2) a person who governs in place of a ruler who is ill, absent, or still a child
3) beat (cereal plants) with a machine or flail to separate the grains from the straw
4) absentminded

(7) cadence
1) rhythmic rise and fall (of words or sounds)
2) stilent) causing plague
3) provide written evidence (for a claim)
4) pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state

(8) empathy
1) shriveled
2) severity
3) ability to identify with another's feelings, ideas, etc.
4) contradict

(9) statutory
1) pardon (allowed by government to political criminals)
2) objectionable
3) greed (for wealth)
4) created by statute or legislative action

(10) exiguous
1) irregular
2) not open to attack
3) not essential
4) small in amount

(11) intrinsic
1) urgent situation
2) essential
3) combining parts or separate things into a whole
4) eager enjoyment

(12) candor
1) man employed to take care of horses
2) drawback
3) accustomed
4) frankness

(13) generality
1) V-shaped cut in a surface
2) vague statement
3) permanent
4) clumsy

(14) dank
1) expand
2) hint
3) light-hearted
4) damp

(15) representationa
1) explanation, especially of biblical(of the bible) passages
2) l (of a style of art) showing things as they actually appear in real life
3) father and ruler of a family or tribe
4) total

(16) metamorphosis
1) equip
2) change of form
3) crafty
4) happiness

(17) conclave
1) agreeable
2) rhythmical throbbing of arteries
3) private secret meeting
4) expressing a low opinion

(18) nubile
1) burlesque
2) restrain
3) deprived of (someone beloved through death)
4) marriageable

(19) yokel
1) great fire
2) rustic
3) spacious
4) substance causing vomiting

(20) defer
1) fixed portion
2) beat (cereal plants) with a machine or flail to separate the grains from the straw
3) skillful
4) give in respectfully

(21) whinny
1) neigh like a horse
2) refine
3) pare
4) changeable (in affections or friendship)

(22) transpire
1) obedient
2) venture
3) (of a fact) become known
4) determine in advance

(23) indignation
1) anger at an injustice
2) catch sight of (something distant)
3) be next to
4) eager enjoyment

(24) viper
1) poisonous snake
2) having or causing lustful desires and thoughts
3) evil spirit
4) indirect or roundabout expression (by using an uncecessarily large number of words esp. when trying to avoid answering a difficult question directly)

(25) prepossessing
1) attractive
2) poisonous
3) exclamation
4) direct quick route

(1)2 (2)3 (3)3 (4)3 (5)2 (6)3 (7)1 (8)3 (9)4 (10)4 (11)2 (12)4 (13)2 (14)4 (15)2 (16)2 (17)3 (18)4 (19)2 (20)4 (21)1 (22)3 (23)1 (24)1 (25)1

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


(1) inverse
1) clowning
2) opposite
3) one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs
4) quality of being true

(2) reactionary
1) noble
2) provide for the payment of
3) strongly opposed to social or political change
4) student at a military school

(3) memorial
1) book for religious instruction in question-and-answer form
2) life after death
3) something, such as a monument or holiday, intended to honor the memory of a person or event
4) morally disapproved person

(4) adjunct
1) wild drunken revelry
2) lie
3) something attached to but holding an inferior position
4) sentry

(5) rebuttal
1) totally clear
2) refutation
3) testimony under oath
4) purging or cleansing of any passage of the body

(6) thresh
1) servile flatterer
2) a person who governs in place of a ruler who is ill, absent, or still a child
3) beat (cereal plants) with a machine or flail to separate the grains from the straw
4) absentminded

(7) cadence
1) rhythmic rise and fall (of words or sounds)
2) stilent) causing plague
3) provide written evidence (for a claim)
4) pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state

(8) empathy
1) shriveled
2) severity
3) ability to identify with another's feelings, ideas, etc.
4) contradict

(9) statutory
1) pardon (allowed by government to political criminals)
2) objectionable
3) greed (for wealth)
4) created by statute or legislative action

(10) exiguous
1) irregular
2) not open to attack
3) not essential
4) small in amount

(11) intrinsic
1) urgent situation
2) essential
3) combining parts or separate things into a whole
4) eager enjoyment

(12) candor
1) man employed to take care of horses
2) drawback
3) accustomed
4) frankness

(13) generality
1) V-shaped cut in a surface
2) vague statement
3) permanent
4) clumsy

(14) dank
1) expand
2) hint
3) light-hearted
4) damp

(15) representationa
1) explanation, especially of biblical(of the bible) passages
2) l (of a style of art) showing things as they actually appear in real life
3) father and ruler of a family or tribe
4) total

(16) metamorphosis
1) equip
2) change of form
3) crafty
4) happiness

(17) conclave
1) agreeable
2) rhythmical throbbing of arteries
3) private secret meeting
4) expressing a low opinion

(18) nubile
1) burlesque
2) restrain
3) deprived of (someone beloved through death)
4) marriageable

(19) yokel
1) great fire
2) rustic
3) spacious
4) substance causing vomiting

(20) defer
1) fixed portion
2) beat (cereal plants) with a machine or flail to separate the grains from the straw
3) skillful
4) give in respectfully

(21) whinny
1) neigh like a horse
2) refine
3) pare
4) changeable (in affections or friendship)

(22) transpire
1) obedient
2) venture
3) (of a fact) become known
4) determine in advance

(23) indignation
1) anger at an injustice
2) catch sight of (something distant)
3) be next to
4) eager enjoyment

(24) viper
1) poisonous snake
2) having or causing lustful desires and thoughts
3) evil spirit
4) indirect or roundabout expression (by using an uncecessarily large number of words esp. when trying to avoid answering a difficult question directly)

(25) prepossessing
1) attractive
2) poisonous
3) exclamation
4) direct quick route

(1)2 (2)3 (3)3 (4)3 (5)2 (6)3 (7)1 (8)3 (9)4 (10)4 (11)2 (12)4 (13)2 (14)4 (15)2 (16)2 (17)3 (18)4 (19)2 (20)4 (21)1 (22)3 (23)1 (24)1 (25)1

Monday, August 24, 2009


(1) scanty
1) lively
2) greediness for wealth
3) morally disapproved person
4) meager

(2) stately
1) drifting wreckage
2) hiding place
3) made of inferior material
4) formal

(3) quirk
1) belief that events are determined by forces or fates beyond one's control
2) loose freshness
3) sudden sharp turn or twist
4) essence

(4) season
1) trademark
2) tendency to keep together
3) combining parts or separate things into a whole
4) enhance the flavor of by adding a spice, etc.

(5) rakish
1) platitude
2) something long-lasting
3) half-human, half-bestial being in the court of Dionysus (resembling a goat), portrayed as wanton(unrestrained) and cunning
4) jaunty

(6) extrapolation
1) satisfy to the full
2) boasting
3) mutually destructive
4) projection

(7) ooze
1) one who voluntarily suffers death for his or her religion or cause
2) gruesome
3) dependent on something uncertain or in the future
4) (of a thick liquid) pass or flow slowly

(8) gauche
1) clumsy (in social behavior)
2) send to a person or place for sale
3) authoritative and weighty statement (made by a judge in court)
4) fallen fruit

(9) surfeit
1) satiate
2) counselor-at-law or lawyer in the higher court of law
3) work or appoint as a deputy
4) cowardly

(10) gerontology
1) home of a hermit
2) study of the sociological phenomena associated with old age
3) curse
4) similar

(11) gallows
1) issue forth
2) something new
3) framework from which a noose is suspended (used for execution by hanging)
4) highly excited

(12) ingrained
1) area of thick hard skin
2) attacking cherished traditions
3) deeply established
4) poison (of an animal)

(13) absolve
1) join together end to end to make one continuous length
2) appearance of truth
3) pardon (an offense)
4) oily

(14) replete
1) contract into wrinkles
2) do or give something in return
3) of the production of electricity by the action of an acid on a metal
4) fully filled

(15) fusillade
1) tall column tapering(becoming gradually narrower toward the end) and ending in a pyramid
2) simultaneous firing or outburst (of missiles, questions, etc.)
3) move gently (in air or in seas) by wind or waves
4) mismanage

(16) disclose
1) reveal
2) certainty
3) grand suggesting great expense
4) eat away

(17) vivisection
1) act of dissecting living animals
2) very thin piece, usually of wood (cut from a surface with a sharp blade)
3) existing at birth
4) written command issued by a court (telling someone to do or not to do something)

(18) fritter
1) waste (time or money on unimportant things)
2) supplicatory prayer
3) clever and imaginative (in dealing with difficult situations)
4) (of societies or groups) combine

(19) upshot
1) turn to for help
2) life after death
3) outcome
4) guess

(20) draught
1) current of air (through a room or to a fire)
2) one that achieves unexpected success
3) sniffle
4) refine

(21) marginal
1) of a margin
2) intellectuals
3) shove
4) (of a place) be filled with sound

(22) append
1) haughty
2) attach
3) (of a story or play) loosely connected
4) marriageable

(23) extrovert
1) person interested mostly in external objects and actions
2) title or heading (in red print)
3) one who is intolerant (in matters of religion or politics)
4) incinerate (a corpse)

(24) frigid
1) intensely cold
2) correct a false impression
3) pass safely through (a storm or difficult period)
4) annoying

(25) gavel
1) humbleness of spirit
2) hammerlike tool
3) trick
4) offensive

(1)4 (2)4 (3)3 (4)4 (5)4 (6)4 (7)4 (8)1 (9)1 (10)2 (11)3 (12)3 (13)3 (14)4 (15)2 (16)1 (17)1 (18)1 (19)3 (20)1 (21)1 (22)2 (23)1 (24)1 (25)2

Sunday, August 23, 2009


(1) expatriate
1) exile
2) full of vigor or energy
3) quality of pleasing
4) written command issued by a court (telling someone to do or not to do something)

(2) gentle
1) expressiveness
2) kindly
3) recover
4) total failure

(3) propound
1) outrun
2) lively
3) put forth for consideration or analysis
4) authorized agent

(4) bifurcated
1) divided into two branches
2) come together
3) of a pivot
4) small shiny metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation

(5) arch-
1) justified
2) feign
3) insurmountable
4) chief

(6) outlook
1) point of view
2) children
3) correct (usually a text)
4) marked by inventive skill

(7) feral
1) impertinence
2) holding of an office or real estate
3) (of an animal) not domestic
4) steep

(8) babble
1) quality of being deeply moving
2) chatter idly or foolishly
3) evil
4) superfluous

(9) sly
1) gain for the performance of service or labor
2) clever in deceiving
3) ponder at length
4) give in respectfully

(10) paraphernalia
1) equipment
2) into parts
3) expand
4) insert improperly

(11) auspicious
1) decayed and foul-smelling
2) pretty good)''
3) favoring success
4) wise

(12) arbiter
1) person with power to decide a matter in dispute
2) enter into
3) eyesight
4) abyss

(13) transition
1) connected with birth
2) (of something written or painted) still in existence
3) going from one state of action to another
4) denounce

(14) anarchy
1) excessive zeal
2) something that relieves pain
3) long narrow channel made in a surface to guide the movement of something
4) absence of governing body

(15) bountiful
1) very poor person
2) fond of books and reading
3) generous
4) great waterfall

(16) virile
1) illegal trade
2) manly
3) unable to be restrained or held back
4) public official who investigates any death thought to be of other than natural causes

(17) clip
1) one incapacitated(disabled) by a chronic illness
2) grant a share of
3) hostile invasion
4) cut off with shears

(18) dormant
1) push (oneself or one's ideas) forward or intrude
2) affected
3) sleeping
4) self-assurance

(19) masquerade
1) wear a mask or disguise
2) intensely cold
3) apparatus used to maintain balance, ascertain direction, etc.
4) deep dish for serving soup

(20) lectern
1) bitter prolonged quarrel (usually between two peoples or families)
2) deck opening
3) reading desk or stand for a public speaker
4) diffuse mass of interstellar dust or gas

(21) deadlock
1) speed
2) brief, comprehensive summary
3) standstill resulting from the opposition of two unrelenting forces
4) name (of a book, film, etc.)

(22) overweening
1) praising
2) arrogant
3) system of religious or ethical belief
4) ostentatious

(23) propriety
1) feasible
2) fitness
3) attempt to gain
4) keeping watch (during normal sleeping hours)

(24) concoct
1) green
2) range of knowledge
3) prepare by mixing or combining
4) neutral

(25) anoint
1) agree
2) dormant
3) consecrate
4) something hinted at or suggested

(1)1 (2)2 (3)3 (4)1 (5)4 (6)1 (7)3 (8)2 (9)2 (10)1 (11)3 (12)1 (13)3 (14)4 (15)3 (16)2 (17)4 (18)3 (19)1 (20)3 (21)3 (22)2 (23)2 (24)3 (25)3

Saturday, August 22, 2009


(1) superimpose
1) long shallow trench made by a plow
2) mar
3) having a sawtoothed edge
4) place over something else

(2) incisive
1) pertaining to hell
2) inattentive or unmindful
3) (appreciatively) cutting
4) soothe

(3) veto
1) get one's bearings
2) overflowing abundance
3) narrow-minded person, uncultured and exclusively interested in material gain
4) vested power to reject a bill

(4) cede
1) yielding to another
2) circular building or hall covered with a dome
3) yield (title or territory) to (esp. after losing a war)
4) fantastic

(5) stalwart
1) like a spirit or fairy
2) commemorate
3) physically strong
4) bordering on(adjacent to) the sea

(6) savory
1) sum
2) obedient
3) pleasant in taste
4) commonplace

(7) velocity
1) restore to good condition
2) insult
3) speed
4) deportment

(8) adore
1) love deeply and respect highly
2) club
3) very small
4) give a personal guarantee

(9) optometrist
1) someone seeking revenge
2) one who fits glasses to remedy visual defects
3) yield to
4) block

(10) curmudgeon
1) severely critical
2) churlish, miserly individual
3) relating to the stars
4) clowning

(11) canny
1) dissolve
2) laugh (at)
3) restrain
4) shrewd in money matters

(12) eon(aeon)
1) official of ancient Rome elected by the plebians to protect their rights
2) conspicuously wicked, bad, or offensive
3) group of people who sing together (esp. during religious services)
4) long period of time

(13) infirmity
1) supporter
2) speak evil of
3) weakness
4) petition humbly

(14) droll
1) time for rest
2) morally disapproved person
3) heap
4) queer and amusing

(15) subservient
1) correspondence of parts
2) effort
3) pertaining to money
4) behaving like a slave

(16) parchment
1) brief and compact
2) conflict
3) cry out suddenly
4) writing material made from the skin of a sheep or goat

(17) caprice
1) white with age
2) turn to for help
3) epicure
4) whim

(18) allay
1) calm
2) someone who bears the blame for others
3) pride
4) gift giver

(19) prune
1) causing deep feelings of wonder, joy, respect, etc.
2) achieve by cleverness or trick
3) cut away
4) wasting away

(20) spawn
1) optimistic
2) lay eggs (in large numbers)
3) writing material made from the skin of a sheep or goat
4) brutal deed

(21) juridical
1) ancestry
2) wild
3) red or white cell in the blood
4) of the law and its administration

(22) subsistence
1) existence
2) boorish
3) one-sided
4) dull

(23) commiserate
1) work together
2) feel or express pity or sympathy for
3) assume a particular posture
4) relentless

(24) consistency
1) timely
2) facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust, etc
3) absence of contradictions
4) one that pays rent to use property owned by another

(25) parsimony
1) stinginess
2) move gently (in air or in seas) by wind or waves
3) arrangement of words in the form of poetry (by accentual rhythm)
4) vice

(1)4 (2)3 (3)4 (4)3 (5)3 (6)3 (7)3 (8)1 (9)2 (10)2 (11)4 (12)4 (13)3 (14)4 (15)4 (16)4 (17)4 (18)1 (19)3 (20)2 (21)4 (22)1 (23)2 (24)3 (25)1

Friday, August 21, 2009


(1) catechism
1) book for religious instruction in question-and-answer form
2) motivated solely by money or gain
3) one who commits sabotage
4) eating away by chemicals or disease

(2) draft
1) not earthly
2) first rough form
3) female warrior
4) unfounded false rumor

(3) panache
1) detached plant shoot used in grafting
2) dig into (to get stone)
3) flair
4) strong emotion

(4) disinterested
1) imagined
2) belief
3) unprejudiced
4) mosaic

(5) prop
1) support placed under or against something
2) copy
3) burdensome
4) wasteful (of money)

(6) unilateral
1) unwilling
2) one-sided
3) walk
4) systematic

(7) maritime
1) be suited to
2) state of having two opposite qualities
3) decide
4) bordering on(adjacent to) the sea

(8) lateral
1) practical
2) practical rule guiding conduct
3) of or coming from the side
4) report

(9) stupor
1) morbid fear
2) one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society
3) state of being stupefied
4) meal

(10) discombobulated
1) in good condition
2) discomposed
3) temporary stay
4) making a harsh noise

(11) log
1) record of a voyage or flight
2) outwit
3) seize another's power or rank (without legal authority)
4) concerning alchemy or magic

(12) dutiful(duteous
1) prank
2) induced sleeping state
3) (of a bird with large wings) wave (the wings) lightly, rapidly, and irregularly
4) ) (of people or their behavior) respectful

(13) insurrection
1) disease passed on by the bite of an infected animal (causing madness and death)
2) insert between
3) rebellion
4) piece of burning wood

(14) pell-mell
1) in confusion
2) lose animation or strength
3) mock
4) taking up again

(15) pathological
1) torn piece of cloth
2) slow
3) combativeness
4) pertaining to disease

(16) atheistic
1) denying the existence of God
2) servile dependent
3) brawl
4) storehouse for grain

(17) precipitate
1) hurl downward
2) revoke
3) legal claim or right on a property
4) intelligent

(18) laud
1) lazy
2) written statement made under oath (for use as proof in a court of law)
3) praise
4) fitness

(19) migrant
1) loathe
2) changing its habitat
3) shack
4) lustful

(20) prosody
1) illicit lover
2) art of versification
3) kingdom
4) capable of being repaired

(21) thermal
1) pleasantly tart-tasting
2) pertaining to heat
3) prominent
4) supplying nourishment

(22) redundant
1) any ulcerous sore
2) egotistic
3) superfluous
4) seemingly reasonable but incorrect

(23) legend
1) trace
2) explanatory list of symbols on a map
3) walk
4) being truly so

(24) elaboration
1) small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests
2) roundabout
3) addition of details
4) lively

(25) ingratiate
1) become popular with
2) treat gently
3) falling to pieces
4) selective

(1)1 (2)2 (3)3 (4)3 (5)1 (6)2 (7)4 (8)3 (9)3 (10)2 (11)1 (12)4 (13)3 (14)1 (15)4 (16)1 (17)1 (18)3 (19)2 (20)2 (21)2 (22)3 (23)2 (24)3 (25)1

Thursday, August 20, 2009


(1) pretension
1) shackle
2) connoisseur of food and drink
3) keep waiting
4) pretentiousness

(2) improvise
1) argumentative
2) compose on the spur of the moment
3) filthy
4) utter impulsively from nervousness or excitement

(3) compute
1) dependent on something uncertain or in the future
2) think up
3) reckon
4) rise and float in the air (especially by magical means)

(4) grudging
1) cheap and gaudy
2) stinging
3) unwilling
4) formal essay

(5) bristling
1) rising like bristles
2) uneasiness
3) capable of sensation and conscious
4) older person who accompanies and supervises a young unmarried woman

(6) rancor
1) respect or admiration
2) long-lasting hatred
3) pare
4) violate (a law)

(7) significant
1) acting without dialogue
2) without guile
3) expressing a meaning
4) illegitimate child

(8) scale
1) climb up
2) painting on wet plaster (usually fresh)
3) produce a splashing sound (when stepping through mud)
4) items of business at a meeting

(9) beholden
1) isolation of a person, place, or ship to prevent spread of infection
2) not spacious
3) obligated
4) (of air) thin in density

(10) kernel
1) freedom from punishment or harm
2) condense or shorten
3) substance or rich soil formed by decaying vegetable matter
4) central or vital part

(11) unruly
1) of a particular season
2) capable of being bribed
3) disobedient
4) science of sound

(12) scenario
1) outward appearance
2) put into a lower or worse place
3) plot outline
4) compiler of a dictionary

(13) flit
1) shrewd in money matters
2) fly
3) lacking substance
4) pertaining to the improvement of race

(14) scorch
1) express evil satisfaction
2) sad and lonely
3) sear
4) one-sided

(15) authenticate
1) thing that completes another
2) imaginary remote paradise on earth
3) harmony
4) prove genuine

(16) trance
1) irregularity
2) unintelligible
3) scold strongly
4) hypnotic state

(17) condole
1) core or marrow
3) burn (a wound or snakebite, etc.) with hot iron or caustic substance to stop bleeding and prevent infection
4) express condolences

(18) distract
1) strong point or special talent in a person's character
2) take (one's attention) off something
3) judicial branch of government
4) conducive to good health

(19) incredulity
1) fully filled
2) tendency to disbelief
3) quality of being true
4) worldly

(20) churlish
1) build
2) boorish
3) causing a problem
4) unconventional (in an artistic way)

(21) panacea
1) deep dish for serving soup
2) cure-all
3) serving to assist
4) seasonings

(22) retrench
1) cut down
2) cut the top off
3) cater to (the low desires of others)
4) ellent) substance which propels or drives forward (such as an explosive charge or a rocket fuel)

(23) molten
1) melted
2) daily
3) crisis
4) delicate

(24) frond
1) vanity or self-love
2) bantering
3) drink (alcoholic beverages) frequently
4) fern leaf

(25) broach
1) introduce as a subject
2) mysterious
3) sleeping
4) group of mammals including humans

(1)4 (2)2 (3)3 (4)3 (5)1 (6)2 (7)3 (8)1 (9)3 (10)4 (11)3 (12)3 (13)2 (14)3 (15)4 (16)4 (17)4 (18)2 (19)2 (20)2 (21)2 (22)1 (23)1 (24)4 (25)1

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


(1) tipple
1) explain
2) narrow in scope or outlook
3) drink (alcoholic beverages) frequently
4) delayed

(2) excoriate
1) relating to space
2) scold with biting harshness
3) odd
4) weightless

(3) hubris
1) everlasting
2) te) ornament worn on the shoulder (of a uniform, etc.)
3) ability to move spontaneously
4) arrogance

(4) sonnet
1) ornamental clasp
2) 14-line poetic verse form with a fixed rhyme pattern
3) come to one as a gain
4) utter (complaining words) indistinctly in low tones

(5) gloss
1) decay
2) introduce as a subject
3) small cavern
4) brief explanation note or translation of a difficult expression

(6) impoverish
1) draw
2) praising
3) refer indirectly
4) make poor

(7) relegate
1) limit
2) basically different
3) throw overboard (from a ship or plane)
4) put into a lower or worse place

(8) infidel
1) decree or command
2) unbeliever (with respect to a particular religion)
3) happening by chance
4) pen name

(9) disconcert
1) tranquil
2) drunken
3) confuse
4) stupid

(10) writ
1) written command issued by a court (telling someone to do or not to do something)
2) large three-masted sailing ship
3) central or vital part
4) denying the existence of God

(11) prosperous
1) successful
2) from which it is impossible to get free
3) dormant
4) command

(12) blue
1) counselor
2) point directly overhead in the sky
3) subside or moderate
4) gloomy

(13) scaffold
1) temporary platform for workers (to work at heights above the ground)
2) secret
3) female warrior
4) wrong or improper name

(14) tend
1) record of a voyage or flight
2) cower
3) seriousness
4) have a tendency

(15) fallible
1) being truly so
2) sum
3) beggar
4) liable to err

(16) supernumerary
1) person or thing excess of what is necessary
2) change
3) boast
4) elementary

(17) betoken
1) uprightness
2) proverb
3) signify
4) mutually agreed on

(18) impassive
1) without feeling
2) spread or cover with a sticky substance
3) interdependent relationship (between groups, species) often mutually beneficial
4) (of land) rising and falling in long gentle slopes

(19) pliable
1) tool for mashing or grinding substances in a hard bowl or mortar
2) flexible
3) good judgment with composure
4) dry up

(20) luminous
1) steadily loyal
2) very small quantity
3) shining (esp. in the dark)
4) give up (a position, right, or claim)

(21) innuendo
1) bold
2) indirect or subtle (derogatory) hint
3) joking talk
4) either of the correlated things

(22) phylum
1) staying for a short time
2) major classification, second to kingdom, of plants and animals
3) root up
4) grow rapidly

(23) beatific
1) giving or showing bliss
2) represent (an inanimate object) as a person
3) darken
4) end

(24) zealot
1) causing sadness, compassion, pity
2) fitful
3) extremely demanding
4) one who is zealous

(25) foment
1) stir up
2) double-dealing
3) deportment
4) deceive

(1)3 (2)2 (3)4 (4)2 (5)4 (6)4 (7)4 (8)2 (9)3 (10)1 (11)1 (12)4 (13)1 (14)4 (15)4 (16)1 (17)3 (18)1 (19)2 (20)3 (21)2 (22)2 (23)1 (24)4 (25)1

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


(1) prowess
1) inattentive or unmindful
2) mental or physical ability
3) optimistic
4) extraordinary ability

(2) fissure
1) pierce with holes
2) stinging
3) calamity
4) crevice

(3) primp
1) small bit or fragment
2) grieve
3) groom oneself with care
4) eerie

(4) peerless
1) person of no importance
2) having no equal
3) imitation
4) step on heavily (so as to crush or extinguish)

(5) repellent
1) driving away
2) effective
3) contest in which winners are selected in a drawing of lots
4) trip especially one taken for pleasure by an official at public expense

(6) vicarious
1) a manually skilled worker
2) act of lying in wait to attack by surprise
3) pertaining to fishing
4) experienced as if one were taking part in the experience of another

(7) licentious
1) not essential
2) listing of information in tabular or book form
3) solemn wonder
4) amoral

(8) saunter
1) stroll(go for a leisurely walk) slowly
2) moral correctness
3) lustful
4) cutting

(9) afterlife
1) inconspicuous
2) without money
3) (of beliefs) against accepted opinion
4) life after death

(10) quench
1) assuage or satisfy (thrust)
2) advantage
3) not noticing
4) not spacious

(11) tramp
1) made of inferior material
2) offensive
3) walk with a heavy step
4) surround and swallow up

(12) apparent
1) ban on commerce or other activity
2) evident
3) insane
4) rustic

(13) pragmatic
1) reply
2) graze
3) practical (as opposed to idealistic)
4) unable to be restrained or held back

(14) voyeur
1) give up temporarily
2) end
3) turn aside
4) Peeping Tom

(15) animadversion
1) critical remark
2) contradict
3) having a common origin
4) raise in rank or dignity

(16) worldly
1) think up
2) boisterous laughter
3) drink in
4) engrossed in matters of this earth

(17) hydrophobia
1) put into effect
2) assault
3) fear of water
4) lacking caution

(18) heresy
1) school for training future ministers
2) wordy
3) opinion contrary to popular belief
4) protrusion

(19) maroon
1) damaged
2) demanding much work or care
3) motion
4) leave helpless on a deserted island or coast

(20) permissive
1) particle removed by a file
2) clever
3) allowing much freedom
4) satisfy fully (physical needs such as hunger)

(21) exclaim
1) sentry
2) ruler in a monarchy
3) deep
4) cry out suddenly

(22) loquacious
1) new or newly coined word or phrase
2) talkative
3) puzzle
4) point of moon's orbit when it is nearest the earth

(23) imposture
1) grow rapidly (in numbers)
2) poison (of an animal)
3) assuming a false identity
4) clear from blame or guilt

(24) fashion
1) destroy leaves
2) plunge into water or liquid
3) give shape to
4) indirect

(25) succor
1) assist (someone in difficulty)
2) place or condition of bliss
3) unalterable
4) black form of carbon used in lead pencils

(1)4 (2)4 (3)3 (4)2 (5)1 (6)4 (7)4 (8)1 (9)4 (10)1 (11)3 (12)2 (13)3 (14)4 (15)1 (16)4 (17)3 (18)3 (19)4 (20)3 (21)4 (22)2 (23)3 (24)3 (25)1

Monday, August 17, 2009


(1) adjutant
1) staff officer assisting the commander
2) mass of material sticking together
3) significance
4) cheerfulness

(2) tender
1) offer formally
2) poverty
3) immature
4) social blunder

(3) renown
1) become less severe
2) stinginess
3) fame
4) move (a railway train) from one track to another

(4) luxuriant
1) abundant
2) lying
3) (esp. of an expression of the face) twisted
4) large volume

(5) quisling
1) turn upside down or inside out
2) yield (title or territory) to (esp. after losing a war)
3) (of desire, wish, plan) recently begun
4) traitor who aids invaders

(6) indecisive
1) unscrupulous
2) list (of names)
3) marked by indecision
4) courteous

(7) inequity
1) tall column tapering(becoming gradually narrower toward the end) and ending in a pyramid
2) promote or publicize (one's goods or service)
3) unfairness
4) charm

(8) foreboding
1) eliminate from consideration
2) freeze
3) premonition of evil
4) struggle and thrash about

(9) perturb
1) military unit
2) accidental transposition of sounds in successive words
3) back country
4) disturb greatly

(10) credo
1) of good upbringing
2) rise again
3) mixed indiscriminately
4) creed

(11) castrate
1) desecrating
2) excessive or uncontrollable excitement
3) restrain or immobilize by binding the wings or legs
4) remove the sex organs (of a male animal or person)

(12) laborious
1) restrain
2) outside edge especially of a round surface
3) damnation
4) demanding much work or care

(13) ostensible
1) lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life
2) apparent
3) trifle with
4) not noticing

(14) infantile
1) lack of consistency or agreement as between facts
2) of the law and its administration
3) childish
4) seriousness

(15) whet
1) sharpen
2) done with speed
3) unscrupulous
4) all-knowing

(16) maculated
1) spotted
2) swath
3) put or force in without being asked
4) excessively fat

(17) insuperable
1) refrain
2) insurmountable
3) stupid
4) distinctive part of the faces (as the eyes or mouth)

(18) jostle
1) remainder
2) plan in advance
3) shove
4) of psyche

(19) annul
1) odorous
2) hammerlike tool
3) make void
4) (of a bird with large wings) wave (the wings) lightly, rapidly, and irregularly

(20) effective
1) drink in
2) renunciation
3) poke abruptly with something sharp
4) effectual

(21) fructify
1) bear fruit
2) discord
3) (esp. of older people) vigorously active
4) dependent on something uncertain or in the future

(22) destitute
1) extremely poor
2) support
3) dock
4) talkative boaster

(23) impediment
1) crowd
2) capricious happening
3) hindrance
4) settle accounts

(24) venture
1) risk
2) make watertight (by blocking up cracks as in a ship)
3) flat mass of floating ice
4) nonmoral

(25) agog
1) highly excited
2) malodorous
3) someone seeking revenge
4) smugly and unconsciously foolish

(1)1 (2)1 (3)3 (4)1 (5)4 (6)3 (7)3 (8)3 (9)4 (10)4 (11)4 (12)4 (13)2 (14)3 (15)1 (16)1 (17)2 (18)3 (19)3 (20)4 (21)1 (22)1 (23)3 (24)1 (25)1

Sunday, August 16, 2009


(1) carnage
1) set free
2) destruction of life
3) capable of being stretched
4) incinerate (a corpse)

(2) harrowing
1) torn ragged wound
2) agonizing
3) trace
4) burn unsteadily or fitfully

(3) surly
1) very bad or disagreeable
2) bad-tempered
3) reveal
4) use sparingly

(4) squat
1) short and thick
2) postpone
3) (cause to) join the armed forces
4) pertaining to the moon

(5) realm
1) joking talk
2) kingdom
3) long period of time
4) hold back (the natural expression of)

(6) satiate
1) lacking liveliness
2) door bar
3) e indisputable
4) satisfy fully (physical needs such as hunger)

(7) avarice
1) avoid (responsibility, work, etc.)
2) burning
3) lending money at illegal high rates of interest
4) greediness for wealth

(8) buccaneer
1) pirate
2) of a prophet or prophecy
3) one devoted to the promotion of human welfare
4) masses of leaves

(9) tantamount
1) strong inclination
2) reach a necessary standard
3) equivalent in effect or value
4) quarrelsome

(10) intrude
1) like a spirit or fairy
2) voracious
3) put or force in without being asked
4) damp

(11) stoke
1) exit
2) striker (tongue) of a bell
3) study of prehistoric life or fossils
4) stir up a fire or furnace

(12) lionize
1) sad
2) treat (a person) as a celebrity
3) someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another person or thing (without moving lips or jaws)
4) long established as a disease

(13) tundra
1) poke abruptly with something sharp
2) prohibit
3) rolling treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America
4) place where different trees and shrubs are studied and exhibited

(14) accrue
1) formidable
2) agreeable
3) curving outward
4) come to one as a gain

(15) incompatible
1) sparkle
2) inharmonious
3) mushy(sentimental) and gushy
4) reckless, desperate outlaw

(16) muted
1) plot outline
2) silent
3) retired or disqualified because of age
4) having no motion

(17) censorious
1) squeeze between the thumb and a finger, or other edges
2) severely critical
3) disrepute
4) effulgent

(18) fruitful
1) ward off a blow
2) pierce
3) producing results
4) huge

(19) vigilante
1) edge (at the top of a cliff)
2) medical condition in which the skin, the white part of the eyes, etc. turn yellow
3) one who without authority assumes law enforcement powers
4) extremely small

(20) repress
1) thriftless
2) luxuriate
3) dying
4) hold back (the natural expression of)

(21) perquisite(perk
1) braid
2) ) any gain above stipulated salary
3) (of a plant or grass) growing very well
4) like a lion

(22) increment
1) increase
2) club
3) speak evil of
4) upset

(23) titular
1) suggested or implied meaning of an expression
2) of a title
3) shyness
4) operatic singer

(24) necromancy
1) not natural
2) suave
3) diligent
4) black magic

(25) flourish
1) drive away
2) absence of governing body
3) plunder
4) grow well

(1)2 (2)2 (3)2 (4)1 (5)2 (6)4 (7)4 (8)1 (9)3 (10)3 (11)4 (12)2 (13)3 (14)4 (15)2 (16)2 (17)2 (18)3 (19)3 (20)4 (21)2 (22)1 (23)2 (24)4 (25)4

Saturday, August 15, 2009


(1) exquisite
1) disagreeably aggressive
2) delicate
3) groom oneself with care
4) set free

(2) grouch
1) bad-tempered complaint
2) sorcery
3) seeker after position or status
4) of a periphery

(3) reproach
1) blame (not angrily but sadly)
2) quick in movement
3) miscellaneous
4) process of being made sensitive or acutely responsive to an external agent or substance

(4) effectuate
1) effect
2) destroy leaves
3) not willing to accept ways of thinking different from one's own
4) courage (to continue bravely in spite of difficulties)

(5) drip
1) fall or let fall in drops
2) bossy
3) put at a loss
4) represent (an inanimate object) as a person

(6) appall
1) timely
2) violent anguish
3) unable for the moment to speak (because of strong feeling)
4) dismay

(7) assiduous
1) give a personal guarantee
2) large group of insects moving in a mass
3) diligent
4) support or base as for a pillar or statue

(8) notable
1) conspicuous
2) group of three related works (connected by a shared subject but each complete in itself)
3) leave to someone by means of a will
4) severity

(9) listless
1) weaken (esp. through heat, hunger, illness)
2) restraint
3) something contrived
4) lacking in spirit or energy

(10) ligneous
1) weird
2) propaganda pamphlet (esp. by a religious or political group)
3) quarrel noisily
4) like wood

(11) rivet
1) having no motion
2) disown
3) metal pin used for fastening metal plates together
4) childish

(12) havoc
1) widespread damage
2) irritate
3) bog
4) provide food and drink (for)

(13) civil
1) meaningless word
2) imagination (of a whimsical or fantastic nature)
3) having to do with citizens
4) certainty

(14) polar
1) related to marriage or the wedding ceremony
2) of a pole
3) opposite
4) dig

(15) espouse
1) great joy and delight
2) surface texture
3) adopt
4) complete

(16) receptive
1) quick or willing to receive (ideas, suggestions, etc.)
2) compensation (for loss or wrong)
3) pertaining to the universe
4) life after death

(17) calligraphy
1) providing a general overview
2) beautiful writing
3) given to complaining
4) influenced by personal feelings

(18) asinine
1) stupid
2) of a pole
3) of the same kind
4) debauched person

(19) arrogance
1) pride
2) thing that completes another
3) move back suddenly
4) change or harden into bone

(20) satirical
1) composed (with no excitement)
2) support
3) using satire
4) lying on back

(21) whelp
1) crowd (of people or things)
2) scolding woman
3) inconspicuous
4) young animal (esp. of the dog or cat family)

(22) largess
1) physician who specializes in treatment of the eyes
2) generous gift (given to people who do not have enough)
3) advantage
4) mortuary

(23) opalescent
1) v. ask or beg earnestly
2) iridescent
3) roof of the mouth
4) infection (by contact)

(24) palpitate
1) neat and trim in appearance
2) loose freshness
3) limit
4) throb

(25) defiance
1) condemn
2) prudence
3) entreating
4) refusal to yield

(1)2 (2)1 (3)1 (4)1 (5)1 (6)4 (7)3 (8)1 (9)4 (10)4 (11)3 (12)1 (13)3 (14)2 (15)3 (16)1 (17)2 (18)1 (19)1 (20)3 (21)4 (22)2 (23)2 (24)4 (25)4

Friday, August 14, 2009


(1) seasonal
1) of a particular season
2) wetland
3) stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys
4) reclining

(2) equilibrium
1) balance of opposing forces
2) outer boundary
3) grouch
4) remembering

(3) wastrel
1) waster
2) peaceful
3) wrong
4) make watertight (by blocking up cracks as in a ship)

(4) warble
1) come or bring together
2) bully
3) (of a bird) sing
4) having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs

(5) slough
1) widespread
2) flexible
3) (of a snake) shed or cast off (dead outer skin)
4) sticky

(6) askance
1) easily accomplished
2) award of merit
3) cowardly
4) with a sideways or indirect look (with disapproval or distruct)

(7) subjective
1) influenced by personal feelings
2) abstract
3) denial
4) tooth projecting from a wheel

(8) narcissist
1) antiquated
2) senility
3) change of form
4) conceited person

(9) gild
1) pacify
2) property inherited from a father
3) cover with a thin layer of gold
4) te) ornament worn on the shoulder (of a uniform, etc.)

(10) victuals
1) expand
2) pay out (as from a fund)
3) branch out
4) food

(11) fledgling(fledg
1) eling) inexperienced
2) marked by vulgar lewd humor
3) effective
4) sediment deposited by running water (at the entrance to a harbor or by a bend in a river)

(12) wangle
1) flow or fall in drops
2) achieve by cleverness or trick
3) obscure
4) affectedly dainty(delicate)

(13) dowry
1) collect (gradually, in a very large amount)
2) done with speed
3) money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage
4) suffer (harm or loss)

(14) epistemologist
1) masses of leaves
2) nonsense
3) philosopher who studies the nature of knowledge
4) thought

(15) gratuitous
1) given freely
2) shade of slight difference in meaning or color
3) assist (someone in difficulty)
4) public records

(16) jibe
1) agree
2) effulgent
3) informal discussion
4) respectful

(17) invulnerable
1) scold strongly
2) vessel in which substances are crushed with a pestle
3) tear or be torn quickly and violently
4) incapable of injury

(18) probity
1) tube in which patterns made by the reflection in mirrors of colored pieces of glass, etc. produce interesting symmetrical effects
2) make bitter
3) cause to appear by magic
4) uprightness

(19) discomfit
1) frustrate
2) unutterable
3) silly
4) evil schemes or plots

(20) stereotype
1) reparable
2) (of societies or groups) combine
3) tireless
4) one regarded as embodying a set image or type

(21) authoritarian
1) self-restraint
2) subordinating the individual to the state
3) slight offense or fault
4) convenient features that helps to make life pleasant

(22) pecuniary
1) pertaining to money
2) fleet of warships
3) making up for
4) picture writing

(23) peripatetic
1) ancestry
2) complete agreement
3) artistic
4) walking about from place to place (to work)

(24) suppliant
1) food
2) pardon (allowed by government to political criminals)
3) entreating
4) most favorable

(25) embroider
1) link as in a chain
2) decorate with needlework
3) powerful movement of or like a wave
4) cock

(1)1 (2)1 (3)1 (4)3 (5)3 (6)4 (7)1 (8)4 (9)3 (10)4 (11)1 (12)2 (13)3 (14)3 (15)1 (16)1 (17)4 (18)4 (19)1 (20)4 (21)2 (22)1 (23)4 (24)3 (25)2

Thursday, August 13, 2009


(1) barterer
1) small boat
2) trader
3) unspoiled
4) esoteric

(2) sentinel
1) prove genuine
2) tendency to speak or write of oneself excessively
3) sentry
4) complete

(3) protocol
1) diplomatic etiquette
2) artificial
3) come together
4) arrange (laws or rules) as a code

(4) wont
1) ability to foresee future happenings
2) (the stated person's) habit or custom
3) attractive
4) strikingly bright

(5) residue
1) equal in extent
2) determination
3) swayed by sentiment
4) remainder

(6) suckle
1) funeral song
2) unfortunate
3) make (a liquid) less concentrated
4) give or take milk at the breast or udder

(7) mortar
1) vessel in which substances are crushed with a pestle
2) disloyal
3) made in an earlier period and usu. valuable
4) do drudgery

(8) alluvial
1) proper (in behavior, conduct, or appearance)
2) pertaining to soil deposits left by running water
3) reproduce
4) throw into confusion

(9) incarnate
1) serious
2) madly excited
3) of a title
4) endowed with flesh

(10) unbridled
1) shortcoming
2) make use of, sometimes unjustly
3) violent
4) flexible

(11) comestible
1) something fit to be eaten
2) sharpness
3) forbiddingly stern
4) imaginary remote paradise on earth

(12) orthodox
1) hard but easily broken
2) traditional
3) venomous spider
4) promote or publicize (one's goods or service)

(13) repulse
1) reject with rudeness or coldness (an offer or friendship)
2) one who installs and repairs pipes and plumbing(pipes)
3) insane
4) reddish

(14) immure
1) rebellion
2) imprison
3) unmoved or unconcerned by
4) support

(15) maternal
1) motherly
2) cautious
3) person who seeks to overturn the established government
4) mercury

(16) carefree
1) artificial
2) superfluous
3) eager for knowledge
4) free from worries

(17) girth
1) distance around something
2) scrupulous
3) kindly
4) restraint

(18) limp
1) pantry
2) slope
3) walk lamely
4) basically different

(19) abate
1) current of air (through a room or to a fire)
2) burst inward
3) rise or fly high in the air
4) subside or moderate

(20) blunder
1) false
2) error
3) plants of a region or era
4) assuage or satisfy (thrust)

(21) quail
1) liable to err
2) insult
3) falling to pieces
4) cower

(22) traumatic
1) talk dully
2) drawback
3) (of an experience) deeply shocking
4) trembling

(23) controvert
1) sore place appearing on the skin inside or outside the body
2) oppose with arguments
3) without a material body
4) heterogeneous mixture

(24) commandeer
1) trace
2) interfering
3) take (private property) for military use without needing permission or giving payment
4) spotted

(25) amalgam
1) combination of different things
2) swagger
3) twist
4) felt in one's inner organs

(1)2 (2)3 (3)1 (4)2 (5)4 (6)4 (7)1 (8)2 (9)4 (10)3 (11)1 (12)2 (13)1 (14)2 (15)1 (16)4 (17)1 (18)3 (19)4 (20)2 (21)4 (22)3 (23)2 (24)3 (25)1

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


(1) gregarious
1) delusion
2) broad
3) direct vote by the entire electorate (on an important issue)
4) sociable

(2) cornice
1) burn to ashes
2) punishing
3) projecting molding on building (usually above columns or pillars)
4) (of liquid) pour out in large quantities from a hole

(3) idyllic
1) wandering
2) charmingly carefree
3) grow well
4) long narrow container for feeding farm animals

(4) disparage
1) man who is courting a woman
2) belittle
3) harass, annoy, torment (by repeated attacks)
4) impudent disrespect

(5) flirt
1) behave in a way that attracts (sexual) attention
2) of this earth
3) state of being self-contradictory
4) tiny

(6) indulgent
1) comprehend
2) homesickness
3) grow well
4) humoring

(7) tardy
1) outer boundary
2) deceive
3) slow
4) line (of waiting people or vehicles)

(8) redolent
1) place where a river can be crossed on foot
2) odorous
3) time long past
4) like a meteor

(9) impenetrable
1) dry food for livestock
2) not able to be pierced or entered
3) (of beliefs) against accepted opinion
4) (of someone) having insight

(10) herald
1) long narrow container for feeding farm animals
2) boisterous
3) act of keeping watch
4) messenger

(11) hone
1) carrion-eating birds
2) inclined to form factions
3) sharpen (a tool)
4) reconstruct (a sentence, story, statue, etc.)

(12) grimace
1) outward decorations
2) (of land) plowed but not sowed (to improve the quality)
3) energetic
4) facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust, etc

(13) hothead
1) (of a sound) echoing
2) official (who performs a particular function)
3) person who does things too quickly without thinking
4) odd

(14) contusion
1) devout
2) bruise
3) stroke
4) restrain or immobilize by binding the wings or legs

(15) furor
1) incriminate
2) destroy completely
3) bearlike
4) frenzy

(16) effectual
1) free from worries
2) teachings in general
3) able to produce a desired effect
4) changeable (in affections or friendship)

(17) brand
1) trademark
2) spend too much time on minor points (esp. when finding fault)
3) singing or chanting of magic spells
4) flexible

(18) idolatry
1) worship of idols
2) bottomless
3) coarse food for cattle, horses, etc.
4) administrative division of a city

(19) cower
1) having the odor of stale or decomposing fat
2) purposely continuing to do something wrong
3) shrink quivering as from fear
4) distribute

(20) vulnerable
1) susceptible to wounds or attack
2) of an oracle
3) systematic plan
4) boorish

(21) ungainly
1) liberate
2) (of someone) awkward in movement
3) belief that events are determined by forces or fates beyond one's control
4) parish priest

(22) obdurate
1) point of view
2) without a material body
3) stubborn
4) heavy and awkward to carry or wear

(23) exult
1) cover with a thin and shiny surface
2) rejoice
3) impenetrable
4) able to take on many forms

(24) natty
1) salary
2) standard
3) neatly or smartly dressed
4) nimbleness

(25) merger
1) combination (of two business corporations)
2) boasting
3) wall painting
4) walk through a substance, such as water, that impedes movement

(1)4 (2)3 (3)2 (4)2 (5)1 (6)4 (7)3 (8)2 (9)2 (10)4 (11)3 (12)4 (13)3 (14)2 (15)4 (16)3 (17)1 (18)1 (19)3 (20)1 (21)2 (22)3 (23)2 (24)3 (25)1

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


(1) rasp
1) (of a sound) grate on (eg. nerves)
2) tear made by rending
3) fleeting or transitory
4) lustful

(2) implausible
1) (esp. of a woman's behavior) capricious
2) strip a priest or minister of church authority
3) me) gay
4) unlikely (to be true)

(3) plausible
1) sediment deposited by running water (at the entrance to a harbor or by a bend in a river)
2) conceivably true
3) habitual return to crime (even after being punished)
4) animals of a period or region

(4) fiat
1) low, guttural, menacing sound (as of a dog)
2) command
3) difficult condition
4) occurring at the proper time or season

(5) importunate
1) flow in drops or in a thin stream
2) lie
3) urging
4) calm and unexcitable

(6) aspersion
1) tending toward the center
2) error
3) slanderous remark
4) devoted to the pleasures of the sense

(7) incrustation
1) in name only
2) hard coating or crust
3) plot outline
4) reject bluntly

(8) impregnable
1) relentless
2) invulnerable
3) desire
4) decode

(9) amoral
1) life after death
2) spoil the appearance of
3) approve
4) nonmoral

(10) satellite
1) fit for growing crops
2) brutal deed
3) essential or main point
4) small body revolving around a larger one

(11) august
1) surround with armed forces
2) washing
3) impressive
4) tired or uninterested by surfeit

(12) charm
1) quality of pleasing
2) reduce
3) stratagem(deceptive scheme)
4) varied

(13) wanderlust
1) strong longing to travel
2) refer indirectly
3) ceremony conferring holy orders
4) give a personal guarantee

(14) wean
1) accustom a baby not to nurse
2) eager for knowledge
3) narrate or tell (a story)
4) having importance

(15) macabre
1) morally pure
2) detached plant shoot used in grafting
3) gruesome
4) in feudalism, one who held land of a superior lord

(16) tout
1) move furtively and secretly
2) small roofed structure for storage and shelter
3) confer
4) promote or publicize (one's goods or service)

(17) scourge
1) easily approachable
2) lash
3) petition humbly
4) quarrelsome

(18) disinclination
1) kind in a generous way (to someone less important)
2) body of customers
3) serving to assist
4) unwillingness

(19) diligence
1) relating to the highest point
2) speak with involuntarily pauses or repetitions
3) steadiness of effort
4) dwelling place

(20) irrelevant
1) not applicable
2) mentally quick and observant
3) move the fingers and hands awkwardly (in search of something)
4) avoid (responsibility, work, etc.)

(21) enlist
1) with a sideways or indirect look (with disapproval or distruct)
2) (cause to) join the armed forces
3) autopsy
4) unwilling

(22) innovation
1) absolutely necessary
2) change
3) pertaining to farewell
4) very important

(23) connoisseur
1) (of something written or painted) still in existence
2) falling off at a specific season or stage of growth as of leaves
3) decrease in size or strength (after being full)
4) person competent to act as a judge of art, etc. (whose judgments are respected)

(24) euphoria
1) school for training future ministers
2) feeling of exaggerated or unfounded(ungrounded
3) having the appearance of truth or reality
4) lover of mankind

(25) wanton
1) e indisputable
2) pitiless
3) eliminate from consideration
4) unrestrained

(1)1 (2)4 (3)2 (4)2 (5)3 (6)3 (7)2 (8)2 (9)4 (10)4 (11)3 (12)1 (13)1 (14)1 (15)3 (16)4 (17)2 (18)4 (19)3 (20)1 (21)2 (22)2 (23)4 (24)2 (25)4

Monday, August 10, 2009


(1) precarious
1) bantering
2) unsafe
3) capable of being bribed
4) rash

(2) prolixity
1) based on theory
2) place where different trees and shrubs are studied and exhibited
3) tedious wordiness
4) unwillingness

(3) gist
1) surrender of prisoner by one state to another
2) essence
3) purgative
4) pastoral song

(4) delve
1) dig
2) pertaining to the stars
3) brawl
4) unpredictable

(5) expertise
1) formidable
2) uninterrupted
3) attack with abusive language
4) specialized knowledge (in a particular field)

(6) threadbare
1) related to population balance
2) worn through till the threads show
3) thunder
4) area of thick hard skin

(7) incarcerate
1) insert between
2) invent or fabricate in a clever way (by improvisation)
3) imprison
4) dark

(8) quiescent
1) bad-tempered complaint
2) dormant
3) sentry
4) mutually destructive

(9) mammal
1) vertebrate animal whose female suckles its young
2) appropriate
3) get one's bearings
4) be cautious (of)

(10) forbearance
1) rudeness without any sense of shame
2) resentment
3) understood (without actually being expressed)
4) patience

(11) supple
1) artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water (with a gate to regulate the flow)
2) delay (in development)
3) not biased
4) flexible

(12) obliterate
1) destroy completely
2) spread throughout
3) played in an abrupt manner
4) steadiness of effort

(13) demented
1) copy
2) insane
3) wise
4) loose sleeveless outer garment

(14) negligence
1) miser
2) neglect
3) vested power to reject a bill
4) nonsense

(15) crust
1) hard outer covering (as of earth or snow)
2) teachings in general
3) person who verbally harasses others
4) plundering

(16) trickster
1) protest
2) person who cheats people
3) object of general attention
4) partial shadow (in an eclipse)

(17) fleece
1) firmness
2) psychic and emotional energy or urges behind human activity
3) wool coat of a sheep
4) greed (for wealth)

(18) caustic
1) fallen fruit
2) act of providing
3) not able to be corrected or repaired
4) burning

(19) jollity
1) impartial
2) sharpen
3) gaiety
4) pertaining to speculative philosophy

(20) unmitigated
1) disagreement of opinions causing strife within a group
2) providing nourishment
3) talent
4) (of something bad) not moderated

(21) uproarious
1) shake uncontrollably
2) contending
3) marked by commotion or uproar
4) place of spiritual expiation

(22) symbiosis
1) implied comparison
2) enthusiastic follower
3) evidence concerning one's authority
4) interdependent relationship (between groups, species) often mutually beneficial

(23) vixen
1) female fox
2) making up for
3) mad with violent anger
4) complete

(24) unwonted
1) wrong
2) study of insects
3) language used by special group
4) unaccustomed

(25) provender
1) hunt through discarded materials for usable items or food
2) achieve by cleverness or trick
3) dry food for livestock
4) growth or increase in size by gradual addition

(1)2 (2)3 (3)2 (4)1 (5)4 (6)2 (7)3 (8)2 (9)1 (10)4 (11)4 (12)1 (13)2 (14)2 (15)1 (16)2 (17)3 (18)4 (19)3 (20)4 (21)3 (22)4 (23)1 (24)4 (25)3