paean | song of praise or triumph |
palate | roof of the mouth sense of taste |
palatial | magnificent |
palliate | lessen the severity of |
palpability | can be felt touched understood |
palpitate | tremble beat rapidly and irregularly |
panegyric | formal praise eulogy |
paradigm | a model example or pattern |
parenthesis | sentence within another one something separated |
pariah | an outcast a rejected and despised person |
parley | negotiation, discussion between enemies |
parsimonious | too economical miserly |
partisan | one- sided committed to a party biased or prejudiced |
patron | regular customer person who gives support |
paucity | scarcity a lacking of |
peccadillo | small sin small weakness in one's character |
pedantic | bookish showing off learning |
pedestrian | commonplace trite unremarkable |
pellucid | transparent easy to understand |
penchant | strong inclination a liking |
penitent | feeling or showing regret |
penurious | poor/stingy |
penury | extreme poverty |
peregrination | traveling about wandering |
peremptory | urgent imperative unchallengeable ending debate |
perfidious | treacherous faithless |
perfidy | treachery breaking of faith |
perfunctory | done as a duty without care |
perilous | dangerous |
peripatetic | wandering |
perish | be destroyed decay |
perjury | willful FALSE statement unlawful act |
permeate | spread into every part of |
pernicious | harmful injurious |
perpetrate | be guilty commit (a crime) |
personable | pleasing in appearance attractive |
perspicacity | quick judging and understanding |
pertain | belong as a part have reference |
pest | destructive thing or a person who is nuisance |
petrified | taken away power (to think feel act) |
petrify | to make hard rocklike |
petrous | like a rock hard stony |
petulant | unreasonably impatient |
philistine | a smug ignorant person one who lacks knowledge |
phlegmatic | calm sluggish temperament unemotional |
picaresque | involving clever rogues or adventurers |
pied | of mixed colors |
pinch | be too tight take between the thumb and finger |
pine | waste away through sorrow or illness |
pious | dutiful to parents devoted to religion |
piquant | agreeably pungent stimulating |
pique | hurt the pride or self-respect stir (curiosity) |
pitfall | covered hole as a trap unsuspected danger |
pith | essential part force soft liquid substance |
pivotal | of great importance (others depend on it) |
placate | soothe pacify calm |
plaintive | mournful melancholy sorrowful |
plaque | flat metal on a wall as a memorial |
platitude | a trite or banal statement unoriginality |
plea | request |
plead | address a court of law as an advocate |
plethora | glut |
pliant | pliable easily bent shaped or twisted |
plod | continue doing something without resting |
pluck | pull the feathers off pick (e.g.. flowers) |
plumb | get to the root of |
plummet | fall plunge steeply |
plunge | move quickly suddenly and with force |
poignant | deeply moving keen |
poncho | large piece of cloth |
ponderous | heavy bulky dull |
portent | omen marvelous threatening |
precarious | uncertain risky dangerous |
precepts | rules establishing standards of conduct |
preclude | prevent make impossible |
precursory | preliminary anticipating |
predilection | special liking mental preference |
predominate | have more power than others |
preen | tidy/show self-satisfaction |
premature | doing or happening something before the right time |
preponderance | greatness in number strength weight |
presage | warning sign |
presumption | arrogance |
preternatural | not normal or usual |
prevalent | common |
prevaricate | to equivocate to stray from the truth |
prim | neat formal |
pristine | primitive unspoiled pure as in earlier times unadulterated |
probity | uprightness incorruptibility principle |
proclivity | inclination |
procrastination | keeping on putting off |
prodigal | wasteful reckless with money |
prodigious | enormous wonderful |
profane | worldly having contempt for God |
profligacy | shameless immorality |
profligate | wasteful prodigal licentious extravagant |
profundity | depth |
profuse | abundant/lavish |
proliferate | grow reproduce by rapid multification |
prolix | tiring because too long |
prone | prostrate inclined to (undesirable things) |
propagation | increasing the number spreading extending |
propinquity | nearness in time or place affinity of nature |
propitiatory | conciliatory appeasing mitigating |
propitious | auspicious presenting favorable circumstances |
prosaic | everyday mundane commonplace trite pedestrian |
proscribe | denounce as dangerous |
protracted | prolonged |
provident | frugal looking to the future |
provisional | of the present time only |
provoke | make angry vax |
prudence | careful forethought |
prudish | easily shocked excessively modest |
prune | dried plum silly person |
pry | get something inquire too curiously |
pucker | wrinkle |
pugnacious | fond of in the habit of fighting |
puissance | strength |
punctilious | precise paying attention to trivialities |
pundit | pedant authority on a subject |
pungency | sharpness stinging quality |
purvey | provide supply |
pusillanimous | cowardly craven |
putrefaction | becoming rotten |
pyre | large pile of wood for burning |