hack | cut roughly hired horse |
halcyon | calm and peaceful |
hallow | to make holy consecrate |
harangue | a long passionate speech |
harbinger | something or smb that foretells the coming of |
harrow | to distress create stress or torment |
haughty | arrogant conceited |
heed | attention/give notice to |
heinous | odious (of crime) |
heresy | belief contrary to what is generally accepted |
hermetic | sealed by fusion |
heterogeneous | made up of different kinds |
hew | make by hard work cut (by striking) |
highbrow | (person) with superior tastes |
hirsute | hairy shaggy |
hoax | mischievous trick played on smb for a joke |
hoi | polloi the masses the rabble |
hollow | not soled with hole |
holster | leather case for a pistol |
homiletics | act of preaching |
hone | stone used for sharpening tools |
hoodwink | trick mislead |
hospitable | liking to give hospitality |
hubris | arrogant pride |
hush | make or become silent |
husk | worthless outside part of anything |
hypocrisy | falsely making oneself appear to be good |