gainsay | to deny to oppose |
garble | make unfair selection from facts |
garner | to gather and save to store up |
garrulity | talkativeness |
garrulous | too talkative |
gaucherie | socially awkward tactless behavior |
germane | relevant pertinent to |
gist | the point general sense |
glean | gather facts in small quantities |
glib | ready and smooth but not sincere |
glimmer | weak/unsteady light |
gloat | over look at with selfish delight |
glut | supply to much fill to excess |
gnaw | waste away bite steadily |
goad | something urging a person to action |
gorge | eat greedily/narrow opening with a stream |
gossamer | soft light delicate material |
gouge | tool for cutting grooves in wood |
gourmand | a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess |
grandiloquent | using pompous words |
grave | serious requiring consideration |
graze | touch or scrape lightly in passing |
gregarious | living in societies liking the company |
grievous | causing grief or pain serious dire grave |
grovel | crawl humble oneself |
guile | deceit cunning |
gullible | easily gulled |
gush | burst out suddenly/talk ardently |
gust | outburst of feeling sudden rain wind fire etc. |