facetious | humorous funny jocular |
facile | easily done |
fagged | too tired, exhausted |
fallacious | based on error |
falter | waver/move in an uncertain manner |
fatuous | without sense foolish self-satisfaction |
fawn | young deer try to win smb's favor |
feckless | lacking purpose or vitality ineffective careless |
fecund | fertile |
feint | pretend |
felicitous | apt suitably expressed well chosen apropos |
felon | person guilty of murder |
ferment | substance become excited |
ferocity | savage cruelty |
ferret | discover by searching search |
fervid | showing earnest feeling |
fervor | warmth of feelings earnestness |
fetid | stinking |
fetter | to shackle put in chains |
feud | bitter quarrel over a long period of time |
fidelity | loyalty accuracy |
fidget | move restlessly make nervous |
figurehead | carved image on the prow of a ship |
finesse | delicate way of dealing with a situation |
finical | too fussy about food clothing etc. |
finicky | finical |
fission | splitting or division (esp. of cells) |
fixate | stare at |
flak | criticism/anti-aircraft guns |
flamboyant | brightly colored florid |
flaunting | show off complacently |
flax | pale yellow (hair) a plant |
fledged | able to fly trained experienced |
fleet | number of ships quick- moving |
flinch | draw move back wince |
flop | fail/move/fall clumsily |
florid | very much ornamented naturally red (e.g.. of face) |
flout | reject mock to go against (as in going against tradition) |
fluke | lucky stroke |
fluster | make nervous or confused |
foible | defect of character (a person is wrongly proud) |
foil | prevent from carrying out contrast |
foment | put something warm (to lessen the pain) |
foolproof | incapable of failure or error |
foppish | like a man who pays too much attention to his clothes |
forage | food for horses and cattle |
forbear | refrain from be patient ancestor |
forbearance | patience willingness to wait |
ford | shallow place in a river (to cross) |
forestall | prevent by taking action in advance preempt |
forfeit | suffer the loss of something |
forge | workshop for the shaping of metal to shape metal lead |
forgery | counterfeit |
forswear | renounce disallow repudiate |
foster | nurture care for |
fracas | noisy quarrel |
fragile | easily injured broken or destroyed |
fragrant | sweet-smelling |
frantic | wildly excited with joy pain anxiety |
frenetic | frantic frenzied |
fret | worry irritation wear away |
fringe | edge ornamental border part of hair over the forehead |
froward | intractable not willing to yield or comply stubborn |
frugal | careful economical |
fulmination | bitter protest |
fulsome | disgusting offensive due to excessiveness |