macabre | gruesome suggesting death |
macerate | make or become soft by soaking in water |
machination | plot scheme (esp. evil) |
maladroit | tactless clumsy |
malapropism | misuse of a word (for one that resembles it) |
malevolence | wishing to do evil |
malign | injurious speak ill of smb tell lie |
malinger | to fake illness or injury in order to shirk a duty |
malleable | yielding easily shaped moldable adapting |
manacle | chains for the hands or feet |
massacre | cruel killing of a large number of people |
matriculation | be admitted enter a university as a student |
maudlin | sentimental in a silly or tearful way |
maul | hurt by rough handling |
maverick | rebel nonconformist |
mellifluous | sweetly flowing |
mendacity | dishonesty |
mendicant | a beggar |
mercurial | quick changeable in character fleeting |
meretricious | attractive on the surface but of little value |
mesmerize | hypnotize |
meticulous | giving great attention to details |
mettle | quality of endurance or courage |
mettlesome | courageous high-spirited |
middling | fairly good but not very good |
minatory | menacing threatening |
mince | pronounce or speak affectedly euphemize |
misanthrope | person who hates mankind |
mischievous | harmful causing mischief |
miser | person who loves wealth and spends little |
misogynist | one who hates women/females |
mite | Avery small amount, portion, or particle |
moderation | quality of being limited not extreme |
mollify | make calmer or quieter |
molt | moult lose hair feathers before new growing |
morbid | diseased unhealthy (e.g.. about ideas) |
morose | ill-tempered unsocial |
muffler | cloth worn round the neck/silencer |
multifarious | varied motley greatly diversified |
mundane | worldly as opposed to spiritual commonplace everyday |
myriad | very great number |