Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Sunday, July 25, 2010


(1) humus

1) slow down

2) substance or rich soil formed by decaying vegetable matter

3) number of points

4) skillful

(2) belabor

1) quibble

2) harp on

3) loud and harsh

4) metal pin used for fastening metal plates together

(3) screech

1) eager enjoyment

2) small poor bed

3) ordinary

4) unpleasant high sharp sound

(4) warble

1) worthless products of an endeavor

2) moment of calm

3) half-human, half-bestial being in the court of Dionysus (resembling a goat), portrayed as wanton(unrestrained) and cunning

4) (of a bird) sing

(5) ichthyology

1) ravenous

2) uninterrupted

3) study of fish

4) change

(6) indiscriminate

1) pertaining to language

2) choosing at random

3) healthful

4) overflowing abundance

(7) rou\'e

1) make drunk

2) lecherous man

3) plentiful

4) descent

(8) materialism

1) preoccupation with physical comforts and things

2) kingdom

3) possession of land or building by rent

4) lethargy

(9) prefatory

1) introductory

2) invigorating and refreshing

3) that which accompanies

4) not literal but metaphorical

(10) windfall

1) deceive

2) framework and working parts of an automobile

3) (of a story or play) loosely connected

4) fallen fruit

(11) roster

1) act or manner of using

2) spacious

3) list (of names)

4) recover

(12) queer

1) having many talents

2) strange

3) rejoicing

4) censure

(13) quail

1) send out of the country

2) cower

3) lending money at illegal high rates of interest

4) trifles

(14) bacchanal

1) susceptible to wounds or attack

2) noisy party with a lot of drinking

3) urge on

4) influenced by personal feelings

(15) incantation

1) singing or chanting of magic spells

2) prudent

3) condense or shorten

4) moral correctness

(16) translucent

1) narrow-mindedness

2) partly transparent

3) crude dwelling

4) apply a lubricant to

(17) euphony

1) wrongdoing

2) free from an entanglement or difficulty

3) without attention to comfort

4) sweet sound

(18) hut

1) crude dwelling

2) nonstandard grammatical construction

3) attach

4) move, give, or take in a quiet, stealthy way

(19) bemoan

1) prank

2) circular building or hall covered with a dome

3) lament

4) heavy substance used to add stability or weight

(20) abate

1) limited

2) subside or moderate

3) providing for future needs

4) drink of the gods

(21) paramour

1) mixed up

2) induced sleeping state

3) significance

4) illicit lover

(22) halting

1) violation of a law

2) unreasonable or capricious

3) falling to pieces

4) hesitant

(23) Elysium

1) smirk

2) place or condition of bliss

3) quarrel noisily

4) clamorous

(24) civil

1) failure to act

2) broad comedy

3) contend

4) having to do with citizens

(25) stint

1) supply

2) soft wet land

3) holding fast (as to a belief)

4) slight degree of color