Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Friday, April 11, 2008

Word List - S

sagacious having sound judgment perceptive wise like a sage 
salacious obscene 
salubrious healthful
salutary remedial wholesome causing improvement 
sanctimony self-righteousness hypocritical with FALSE piety 
sanction approval (by authority) penalty 
sanguine cheerful confident optimistic
sanity health of mind soundness of judgment 
sash long strip worn round the waist 
satiate satisfy fully 
saturnine gloomy dark sullen morose 
savant person of great learning 
savor taste flavor something
sawdust tiny bits of wood 
scabbard sheath for the blade 
scent smell (especially pleasant) 
scorch become discolored/dry up/go at high speed 
scribble write hastily 
scurvy mean contemptible 
secular material (not spiritual) living outside monasteries 
sedulous persevering 
seminal like a seed constituting a source originative 
sententious short and pithy full of maxims/proverbs 
sequence succession connected line of 
sere make hard and without feeling 
sermon reproving a person for his faults 
serrated having a toothed edge 
serration having a toothed edge 
servile like a slave lacking independence 
sever break off 
severance severing 
shallow little depth not earnest 
shard piece of broken earthenware 
sheath cover for the blade of a weapon or a tool 
shrewd astute showing sound judgement 
shrill sharp piercing 
shun keep away from avoid
shunt send from one track to another lay aside evade discussion 
sidestep step to one side 
simper (give a) silly/self-conscious smile 
sinuous winding undulating serpentine 
skiff small boat 
skit short piece of humorous writing 
slack sluggish dull not tight 
slake to assuage to satisfy allay 
slate king of blue-grey stone propose criticize 
sluggard lazy slow-moving person 
slur join sounds/words (indistinct) 
smolder burn slowly without flame 
snare trap 
snub treat with contempt 
soar rise fly high 
sober self-controlled 
sobriety quality or condition of being sober 
sodden soaked saturated 
soggy heavy with water 
solvent of the power of forming a solution 
somatic of the body 
soot black powder in smoke 
sophisticated complex subtle refined 
sophistry fallacious reasoning faulty logic 
sophomoric self-assured though immature affected bombastic overblown 
soporific producing sleep 
sordid wretched comfortless contemptible 
spear weapon with a metal point on a long shaft 
specious illogical of questionable truth or merit 
splenetic bad-tempered irritable 
splice join (two ends) 
sponge porous rubber for washing live at once expense 
spurious FALSE counterfeit 
spurn have nothing to do reject or refuse 
squalid foul filthy 
squander spend wastefully 
squat crouch/settle without permission 
stanch to stop the flow of a fluid 
steeply rising or falling sharply 
stentorian extremely loud and powerful 
stickler person who insists on importance of something
stigma mark of shame or disgrace 
stigmatize describe smb scornfully 
sting something sharp 
stingy spending using unwillingly
stint to be thrifty to set limits 
stipple paint with dots 
stipulate state or put forward as a necessary condition
stolid showing no emotion impassive 
stray wander lose one's way 
streak long thin move very fast 
striated striped grooved or banded 
stride walk with long steps 
strut a supporting bar 
stygian hence dark gloomy 
stymie to hinder obstruct or block 
subdue overcome bring under control 
sublime extreme astounding 
submerge put under water liquid sink out of sight 
suborn induce by bribery or something to commit perjury 
subpoena written order requiring a person to appear in a low court 
substantiation giving facts to support (statement) 
subsume include under a rule 
succor assistance relief in time of distress 
suffice be enough 
suffocate cause or have difficulty in breathing 
sullied to be stained or discredited 
summarily briefly without delay 
sumptuous magnificent 
sundry various miscellaneous separate 
supercilious disdainful characterized by haughty scorn 
superfluous more then is needed or wanted 
superimpose put something on the top 
supersede take the place of 
supine lying on the back slow to act passive 
suppliant asking humbly beseeching 
supplicate make a humble petition to 
suppress prevent from being known put an end to 
surcharge additional load/charge 
surfeit satiate feed to fulness or to excess 
susceptibility sensitiveness 
swerve change direction suddenly 
sycophant person who flatter to the rich and powerful 
synopsis summary or outline