Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Monday, April 5, 2010


(1) reckon

1) count

2) daily

3) (of a word or remark) apt

4) l (of a style of art) showing things as they actually appear in real life

(2) centrifuge

1) truthfulness

2) underline

3) machine that separates substances by whirling them

4) pertaining to conversational or common speech

(3) intangible

1) large group

2) ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living

3) walk with a heavy step

4) not able to be perceived by touch

(4) vigil

1) charming

2) keeping watch (during normal sleeping hours)

3) silently showing ill humor or resentment

4) distortion

(5) supposition

1) coarsely insulting

2) assumption

3) peaceful

4) pertaining to farewell

(6) usage

1) lacking rhythm or regularity

2) black volcanic rock

3) exhibiting little interest or enthusiasm

4) act or manner of using

(7) jug

1) of or coming from the side

2) totally clear

3) pitcher

4) adequate

(8) deducible

1) isolation of a person, place, or ship to prevent spread of infection

2) desire

3) vow

4) derived by reasoning

(9) stultify

1) make stupid in mind

2) become worse in quality

3) like a meteor

4) going from one state of action to another

(10) firebrand

1) man or farmer owning small estate

2) harness fitted about a horse's head (used to restrain)

3) piece of burning wood

4) spotted

(11) engender

1) cause

2) liberate

3) the smallest particle (one or more atoms) of a substance that has all the properties of that substance

4) not knowing

(12) plump

1) grow rapidly

2) pretentiousness

3) study of humankind

4) pleasantly fat

(13) extraneous

1) in a coma

2) secure from corruption, attack, or violation(or profanation)

3) not essential

4) artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water (with a gate to regulate the flow)

(14) renown

1) naive and trusting

2) (of a metal) capable of being shaped by pounding(beating)

3) fame

4) slavish

(15) primate

1) lack of balance or symmetry

2) place for burying the dead

3) group of mammals including humans

4) boastful

(16) penetrate

1) desecrating

2) consecrate

3) winding

4) enter into

(17) molt(moult)

1) be unfaithful

2) overwhelming

3) wretch

4) periodically shed or cast off hairs or feathers (for replacement by a new growth)

(18) rudimentary

1) edge (at the top of a cliff)

2) and forwards

3) moving force

4) elementary

(19) pragmatist

1) female warrior

2) practical person

3) something surrendered as punishment for a crime or breach of contract

4) annoy

(20) censure

1) blame

2) (of a plant or grass) growing very well

3) division into two opposite parts

4) assumption

(21) iridescent

1) careful in choosing

2) exhibiting rainbowlike colors

3) absence of governing body

4) strike forcefully

(22) wont

1) ability to identify with another's feelings, ideas, etc.

2) pamper

3) (the stated person's) habit or custom

4) expressing irony

(23) melee

1) susceptible to wounds or attack

2) not spacious

3) fight

4) self-satisfaction

(24) fluke

1) case for a sword blade

2) begin formally

3) false testimony while under oath

4) unlikely occurrence

(25) catharsis

1) like a fox

2) mortuary

3) purging or cleansing of any passage of the body

4) frankness