Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


(1) self-righteous

1) not thick

2) turn into vapor (steam, gas, fog, etc.)

3) specialized knowledge (in a particular field)

4) sure of one's own righteousness

(2) quandary

1) system of ideas characteristic of a group or culture

2) dilemma

3) conspicuous

4) clearly different from others of the same kind

(3) theocracy

1) active strength

2) government run by religious leaders

3) religion practiced chiefly in Haiti

4) long, eventful, adventurous journey

(4) bereavement

1) into parts

2) profane

3) state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved

4) shallow body of water or lake near a sea

(5) negate

1) person celebrated for wisdom

2) riddle

3) cancel out

4) mixture

(6) squander

1) start

2) act of finding oneself in society

3) yield (title or territory) to (esp. after losing a war)

4) waste

(7) obstinate

1) shy and reserved (of a person)

2) charge in court

3) unspoiled

4) stubborn

(8) repartee

1) refusal of any compromise

2) beginning

3) quick clever reply

4) sore place appearing on the skin inside or outside the body

(9) grandiloquent

1) going beyond what is right

2) (of a person or speech) using high sounding or important-sounding language

3) withdraw

4) green

(10) antediluvian

1) profane

2) standstill resulting from the opposition of two unrelenting forces

3) pamper

4) antiquated

(11) unsavory

1) layer of earth's surface

2) distasteful

3) decide

4) of the production of electricity by the action of an acid on a metal

(12) wiggle

1) wriggle

2) ambush

3) touchy

4) warm by rubbing

(13) institution

1) causing great fear

2) violent anguish

3) mutilate

4) instituting

(14) conspiracy

1) small planet

2) preference

3) treacherous plot

4) turn into vapor (steam, gas, fog, etc.)

(15) entrepreneur

1) twisting

2) cause

3) businessperson (who assumes the risk of a business venture)

4) one who builds or works with stone or brick

(16) equivocal

1) small weakness of character

2) banish to the country

3) gather

4) (of words or statements) ambiguous

(17) dowry

1) basically different

2) money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage

3) sudden frenzied rush (of panic-stricken animals or people)

4) lively or animated

(18) compress

1) denounce

2) outside edge especially of a round surface

3) having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs

4) force into less space

(19) pedestrian

1) ordinary

2) daily domestic task (such as cleaning, cooking, and shopping)

3) hang about/around

4) stealthily lie in waiting

(20) sedulous

1) word considered offensive

2) swayed by sentiment

3) slow

4) diligent

(21) wane

1) pertaining to spring

2) convenient features that helps to make life pleasant

3) immoral or dissolute person

4) decrease in size or strength (after being full)

(22) distend

1) expand

2) quick clever reply

3) waste matter

4) earthen or stone embankment to prevent flooding

(23) uproar

1) calmness of temperament

2) consanguine) having a common ancestor

3) noisy confusion

4) complicated situation (as in a play)

(24) cadaverous

1) protective

2) like a corpse

3) hatch

4) fitful

(25) scenario

1) pass into or through

2) firm statement that something is certainly true

3) quarrelsome

4) plot outline