Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Sunday, May 9, 2010


(1) gullible

1) of a pivot

2) easily deceived

3) half-solid lump formed from a liquid (or blood)

4) generator for producing electricity

(2) redoubtable

1) formidable

2) heap

3) young woman making formal entrance into society

4) of substance

(3) philatelist

1) stamp-collector

2) threatening

3) pare

4) the chance occurrence, at the same time, of two or more seemingly connected events

(4) engross

1) intruder

2) make poor

3) occupy fully

4) person of high rank or position

(5) regiment

1) capable of being repaired

2) military unit

3) send out of the country

4) gift made by a will

(6) gnarl

1) region near heaven or hell where certain souls are kept

2) ) hanging down from something

3) tending to include all

4) protruding knot on a tree

(7) jubilation

1) crude dwelling

2) deputize

3) frozen rain drop

4) rejoicing

(8) quibble

1) lack of harmony

2) humiliate by embarassing excessively

3) direct financial aid by government, etc.

4) minor objection or complaint

(9) cantankerous

1) decay of body tissue caused by insufficient blood supply (usually following injury)

2) ill-humored

3) appropriate

4) military unit

(10) marsupial

1) rosy

2) shortcoming

3) one of a family of mammals that nurse their offspring in a pouch(pocket of skin or leather)

4) sharpen

(11) canny

1) played in an abrupt manner

2) sleeping

3) shrewd in money matters

4) relapse

(12) institute

1) organization for a special purpose

2) lower

3) rhythmical throbbing of arteries

4) operate with one's hands

(13) idyll(idyl)

1) trouble or worry over trifles

2) small boat

3) short poem idealizing rural life

4) delaying

(14) carcinogenic

1) sharpen (a tool)

2) causing cancer

3) indulge

4) deceive

(15) carafe

1) delaying

2) turn over

3) person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant, etc., to impress others

4) glass water bottle

(16) pragmatic

1) make liquids murky by stirring up sediment

2) practical (as opposed to idealistic)

3) hesitate

4) flowing

(17) tutelary

1) pertaining to the universe

2) steal another's ideas or writings and pass them off as one's own

3) a set of bells (often in a tower) capable of being played

4) protective

(18) slake

1) (of air) thin in density

2) satisfy (thirst)

3) said or done in jest or playfully

4) state of depression or melancholy

(19) pulpit

1) salary

2) unselfishly generous

3) raised platform used in preaching (in a church)

4) gather leavings

(20) enunciate

1) deny

2) announce

3) conceal in the palm of the hand

4) playful remark or act

(21) candor

1) protest

2) person designated to execute the terms of a will

3) sear

4) frankness

(22) litter

1) of or pertaining to the people

2) silent

3) waste material thrown away (as bits of paper scattered untidily)

4) pretty good)''

(23) aver

1) remove (fleece or hair) by cutting

2) demand and obtain by force

3) state confidently

4) dispute

(24) imbroglio

1) boorish

2) concerning trade or merchants

3) complicated situation (as in a play)

4) beauty

(25) condign

1) narrow space between things

2) pale

3) adequate

4) nonsense