Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


(1) contrite

1) appease

2) conduct or language inciting rebellion

3) penitent

4) hegm) pithy, compact saying

(2) dishearten

1) peak

2) trademark

3) (of land) rising and falling in long gentle slopes

4) discourage

(3) pending

1) conceited smile

2) peaceful

3) not yet decided or settled

4) contest in which winners are selected in a drawing of lots

(4) marred

1) symbol of immortality or rebirth

2) scatter

3) adequate

4) damaged

(5) carrion

1) logically convincing

2) rotting flesh of a dead body

3) tickle

4) attractive (in personality or appearance)

(6) revoke

1) charlatan

2) untrustworthy person

3) express disapproval of

4) cancel

(7) amoral

1) nonmoral

2) only slightly connected

3) risk, particularly of being exposed to disease or to the elements

4) unruly

(8) earn

1) following

2) gain for the performance of service or labor

3) lying below

4) existing at the beginning (of time)

(9) egoism

1) legal delay of payment or action

2) excessive interest in one's self

3) nearsighted

4) delicate

(10) fanaticism

1) outsmart

2) excessive zeal

3) group of people who sing together (esp. during religious services)

4) concise and meaningful

(11) convoke

1) of or like a slave

2) call together

3) state of being alone

4) highly ornate

(12) advert

1) defamation

2) imagination (of a whimsical or fantastic nature)

3) refer

4) based on assumptions or hypotheses

(13) tart

1) absence of governing body

2) sharp to the taste

3) heterogeneous mixture

4) projection

(14) peremptory

1) modest

2) demanding and leaving no choice

3) youthful

4) travel

(15) aspire

1) funeral director

2) seek to attain (position or status)

3) chuckle with delight

4) reckon

(16) reciprocate

1) random

2) greatness (in size or extent)

3) do or give something in return

4) disagree

(17) expound

1) power to produce desired effect

2) government run by religious leaders

3) chatter rapidly or unintelligibly

4) explain

(18) provision

1) difficult condition

2) act of providing

3) of or like an uncle

4) (of water) cover completely

(19) carapace

1) worldly

2) copy

3) shell covering the back (of a turtle, tortoise, crab, etc.)

4) slight degree of color

(20) simile

1) mournful

2) approve

3) comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as

4) new growth from a plant

(21) emissary

1) the smallest particle (one or more atoms) of a substance that has all the properties of that substance

2) criticize harshly

3) agent (sent on a mission to represent another)


(22) autonomous

1) send to a person or place for sale

2) self-governing

3) plan in advance

4) step on heavily (so as to crush or extinguish)

(23) waylay

1) comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as

2) ambush

3) dull

4) (of a word or remark) apt

(24) agglomeration

1) shorten

2) collection

3) support

4) position giving an advantage (such as a strategic point)

(25) swipe

1) large three-masted sailing ship

2) natural inclination

3) hit with a sweeping motion

4) colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism