haunt = (of a spirit) visit (a place); come to mind continually;
visit (a place) regularly; frequent; Ex. haunted
house; Ex. haunted by his last words; N: place much
statutory = created by statute or legislative action; regulated
by statute; Ex. statutory age limit
carnal = fleshly; sensual; concerning the desires of the
thrall = slave; bondage; slavery; Ex. Her beauty held him
in thrall; CF. enthrall
gull = trick; deceive; hoodwink; N: person who is easily
tricked; dupe
amenable = obedient; compliant; readily managed; responsive;
willing to be led; answerable or accountable
legally; responsible; able to be tested by; Ex. amenable
to sensible suggestions; Ex. He is very amenable; Ex.
amenable to the usual tests
seismic = pertaining to earthquakes
vagrant = homeless wanderer
pessimism = belief that life is basically bad or evil;
gloominess; tendency to take the gloomiest possible
view of a situation; ADJ. pessimistic
sublimate = refine; purify; replace (natural urges) with
socially acceptable activities; change between a solid
state and a gaseous state
reputable = respectable; having a good reputation
salvage = rescue (goods or property) from loss; N: saving;
property saved
repel = drive away; disgust; Ex. repel the attack/
moisture; Ex. repelled by the dirty room; CF. repulsion
disengage = uncouple; separate; disconnect; stop fighting;
OP. engage
exacting = extremely demanding; Ex. exacting standard
of safety
endearment = fond word or act; expression of affection
cabal = small group of persons secretly united to promote
their own interests
jaded = tired or uninterested by surfeit; fatigued; surfeited;
worn out; wearied; Ex. jaded appetite
glow = shine brightly without a flame (as of eyes or metals);
show redness and heat (in the face) after hard work
or because of strong feelings; N: light produced by a
heated body; brilliance of a color
abominable = detestable; extremely unpleasant
feature = distinctive part of the faces (as the eyes or
mouth); features: overall appearance of the face; prominent
or distinctive quality; prominent article; film; V:
make prominent
percussion = striking one object against another sharply;
Ex. percussion instrument; N: striking together of two
bodies; sound caused by percussion
engage = attract; employ; hire; pledge oneself; confront;
fight; enter into confliction; interlock; lock together; participate;
N. engagement: agreement to marry; arrangement
to meet someone or to do something; battle
winnow = sift; separate the chaff from grain by blowing;
separate good parts from bad; CF. wind
abortive = unsuccessful; fruitless
rotunda = circular building or hall covered with a dome
revile = attack with abusive language; vilify(slander)
blanch = bleach; whiten; make white or pale
breach = breaking of contract or duty; fissure or gap;
opening; V.
hurtle = crash; rush; move with great speed; Ex. hurtling
runaway train
circlet = small ring; band of gold, silver, jewel, etc. (worn
on the head, arms, or neck as decoration)
sensual = devoted to the pleasures of the sense; carnal;
voluptuous; Ex. sensual woman/curves/lips
credential = evidence concerning one.s authority; written
proof of a person.s position; Ex. The new ambassador
presented his credentials to the court.
culinary = relating to cooking or kitchen
ultimate = final; not susceptible to further analysis; fundamental;
Ex. The sun is the ultimate source of energy.
supposition = assumption; hypothesis; surmise; V. suppose
tenure = holding of an office or real estate; time during
which such an office is held
impoverish = make poor; deprive of natural strength or
something important; Ex. impoverished soil
perquisite(perk) = any gain above stipulated salary; Ex.
perquisites such as free meals and a car
pillory = punish by placing in a wooden frame or pillory;
subject or expose to criticism and ridicule; N.
propulsive = driving forward; N. propulsion
accretion = growth or increase in size by gradual addition;
growth; increase; increase by natural growth; Ex.
towers and other accretions of the castle; V. accrete
provident = providing for future needs; displaying foresight;
thrifty; preparing for emergencies; OP. improvident
elegy = poem or song expressing lamentation (for the
dead); ADJ. elegiacal, elegiac
ancillary = serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary; N.
redolent = odorous; fragrant; suggestive (of an odor); Ex.
redolent of onions/mystery
buttress = support; prop up; N. stationary structure to
support wall; Ex. flying buttress
dyspeptic = suffering from indigestion; N. dyspepsia: indigestion;
difficulty in digesting food
tentative = not fully worked out or developed; provisional;
experimental; uncertain; hesitant; not definite or
positive; Ex. tentative agreement/reply
acumen = mental keenness; sharpness of judgment; ability
to judge quickly and well; Ex. business acumen
dissident = dissenting (with an opinion, a group, or a
government); rebellious; N.
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Tuesday, June 2, 2009
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