geriatrics = medical treatment and care of old age
discretion = prudence; ability to adjust actions to circumstances;
freedom of action or judgment; ADJ. discreet;
CF. discretionary
dictum = authoritative and weighty statement (made by a
judge in court); saying; maxim; CF. obiter dictum: incidental,
nonbinding remark (something said in passing)
animus = hostile feeling or intent; animosity; hostility;
acclaim = applaud; praise; greet with great approval; announce
with great approval; Ex. The new drung has
been acclaimed as the most important discoveries for
years; N: strong expression of approval and praise
reprobate = morally disapproved person; person hardened
in sin, devoid of a sense of decency; CF. disapproved
by God ?
kleptomaniac = person who has a compulsive desire to
tycoon = wealthy and powerful businessperson; wealthy
leader; magnate; Ex. business tycoon
resignation = patiently submissiveness; statement that
one is quitting a job; ADJ. resigned: acquiescent
microcosm = small representative world; world in miniature;
Ex. microcosm of English society
prosaic = lacking in imagination; dull and unimaginative;
matter-of-fact(concerned with facts, not imagination or
feelings); factual; CF. prose
fuss: = trouble or worry over trifles; make nervous; pay
too much attention to; N: needless concern or worry
(about a trivial thing); anxious nervous condition; display
of attention; Ex. make a fuss over the baby
compassion = sympathy for the suffering of others; ADJ.
anthropoid = manlike; resembling a human being; N.
pauper = very poor person
fallow = (of land) plowed but not sowed (to improve the
quality); uncultivated
entreat = plead; ask earnestly
disconcert = confuse; upset; embarrass; perturb
unruly = disobedient; lawless; difficult to control
potion = dose (of liquids); liquid dose
bigot = one who is intolerant (in matters of religion or politics)
ingenuous = naive and trusting; young; unsophisticated;
illusive = deceiving; based on illusion; causing illusion;
orient = get one.s bearings; adjust; make familiar with a
situation; orientate
raiment = clothing; garments; Ex. I have no raiment fit to
Bacchanalia = the ancient Roman festival in honor of Bacchus
pucker = gather into wrinkles or folds; N: wrinkle or fold
casual = happening by chance; irregular; occasional; informal;
showing or feeling little interest; Ex. casual
pummel = pommel; beat or pound with fists
curmudgeon = churlish, miserly individual; badtempered
old person
coup = highly successful action or sudden attack; coup(s)
d.´etat; CF. coup de gr.ace: deathblow or shot which kills
glimmer = shine erratically; twinkle; N: dim or unsteady
light; faint indication; Ex. glimmer of hope
synchronous = similarly timed; simultaneous with; occurring
at the same time; V. synchronize
impudence = impertinence; insolence
quaff = drink with zest; drink with relish(zest; hearty enjoyment);
ÃœJ,.ÃœJ,.r; = CF. sip
paramount = foremost in importance; supreme; CF. para-:
beyond; above; Ex. paranormal
violate = break (a law); defile; desecrate; assault sexually;
Ex. violate graves
stellar = pertaining to the stars; of a star performer; outstanding;
Ex. stellar attraction of the entire performance
affected = artificial; pretended
notoriety = disrepute; ill fame
fluctuate = waver; shift; rise and fall as if in waves;
change or vary irregularly
slaughter = killing of animals for food; massacre; V:
butcher (animals) for food; kill in large numbers
levee = earthen or stone embankment to prevent flooding;
CF. raise
embroider = decorate with needlework; ornament (a
story) with fancy or fictitious details; embellish
correlation = mutual relationship
crossbreed = hybridize; N: hybrid; CF. interbreed; CF. inbreed
centripetal = tending toward the center
malefactor = evildoer; criminal
loquacious = talkative; N. loquacity
garrulous = loquacious; wordy; talkative; N. garrulity
Occident = the West
lilliputian = extremely small; CF. Lilliput in Gulliver.s
prude = excessively modest or proper person (who is easily
shocked by improper things, esp. of a sexual nature);
N. prudery; ADJ. prudish: excessively concerned with
pallid = pale; wan; Ex. pallid complexion
flinch = hesitate; shrink back (in fear of something unpleasant);
Ex. She did not flinch in the face of danger.
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Friday, April 10, 2009
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