fray = brawl; fight; V: wear away or unravel by rubbing;
have loose threads developing; cause to become worn
out (a person.s temper or nerves); CF. rub
agglomeration = collection; heap; V. agglomerate: gather
into a rounded mass; N. aggolmeate: jumbled mass; heap
phylum = major classification, second to kingdom, of
plants and animals; category ranking below a kingdom
and above a class; division
hiatus = gap; pause; gap or interruption in space or time;
irrevocable = unalterable; irreversible; impossible to revoke
contrivance = something contrived; machine or apparatus;
clever deceitful plan; scheme
apostate = one who abandons his religious faith or political
beliefs; N. apostasy
ratify = approve formally; confirm; verify
loft = room or space under the roof; attic
defray = provide for the payment of; undertake the payment
of; pay
discerning = mentally quick and observant; having insight;
perceptive; able to make good judgments; V. discern:
chagrin = annoyance and disappointment; vexation
(caused by humiliation or injured pride)
magisterial = authoritative; imperious; commanding; of
a magistrate; Ex. magisterial study of Roman law; Ex.
magisterial manner
warp = twist out of shape; N.
phenomena = observable facts; subjects of scientific investigation;
SG. phenomenon: observable fact; very unusual
person, thing, or event; marvel; wonder; CF. phenomenons;
ADJ. phenomenal: very unusual; extraordinary;
of a phenomenon; Ex. phenomenal strength
plaudit = praise; enthusiastic approval; round(succession
or series) of applause; ADJ. plauditory; CF. applaud
litter = waste material thrown away (as bits of paper scattered
untidily); V: cover untidily with scattered litter
advent = arrival
tenacious = holding fast (as to a belief); persistent
touchstone = stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys;
criterion; standard
resound = (of a place) be filled with sound; (of a sound)
sound loudly; sound back; echo; Ex. hall resounded
with laughter
aperture = opening; hole; adjustable opening in a camera
that limits the amount of light
coalition = partnership; league; union of separate political
defame = harm someone.s reputation; malign; speak evil
of; slander; N. defamation; ADJ. defamatory
nutrition = process of nourishing or being nourished; CF.
sustenance = sustaining; means of livelihood, support,
food, nourishment; something that maintains life; food
waive = give up temporarily; yield; N. waiver: waiving a
right or claim; document that waives a right or claim
facilitate = help bring about; make less difficult
glean = gather leavings; gather grain left behind by
reapers; gather bit by bit (facts or information) often
with difficulty
novelty = something new; newness; ADJ. novel: new;
avenge = take vengence for something or on behalf of
someone; Ex. They avenged his death by burning the
village; Ex. He swore to avenge his brother; Ex. They
avenged themselves on their enemy.
emanate = issue forth; come out
shrivel = make or become shrunken and wrinkled (often
by drying)
swell = long wave of water that moves continuously
without breaking; V.
misconduct = immoral behavior; bad management; V.
fell = cruel; (of a disease) deadly
swear = vow; promise; use profane oaths; use offensive
immune = resistant to; free or exempt from; N. immunity
decry = express strong disapproval of; condemn openly
(something dangerous to the public); disparage; Ex. decry
the violence of modern films
nomenclature = terminology(system of specialized
words); system of names or naming things
bait = harass; tease; torment; Ex. badger baiting; N: food
or other lure used to catch fish or trap animals
exposure = risk, particularly of being exposed to disease
or to the elements; unmasking; act of laying something
open; Ex. exposure of governmental corruption
ruminant = animal that ruminates; ADJ.
scorch = sear; N.
stock = standard; kept regularly in stock or supply; typical;
routine; common; Ex. stock sizes of paper; Ex.
stock excuse/character; N: goods for sale in a shop; OP.
imperceptible = unnoticeable; impossible to perceive; undetectable
collusion = conspiring in a fraudulent scheme to cheat or
deceive others; V. collude
depravity = extreme corruption; wickedness; V. deprave
quorum = minimal number of members necessary to conduct
a meeting
allude = refer indirectly; N. allusion: indirect reference
pendulous = hanging; suspended
pith = core or marrow; spongelike substance in the center
of stems; essence; substance
psychosomatic = of the influence of the mind on the body
(esp. with respect to disease)
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