stint = set limits in amount or number; be thrifty; ADJ.
stinting, unstinting; CF. stint:savings
lubricate = apply a lubricant to; N. lubricant: substance
that reduces friction
advert = refer
comely = attractive; agreeable; having a pleasing appearance
ambivalence = the state of having contradictory or conflicting
emotional attitudes or opinions
bereaved = deprived of (someone beloved through death)
glutton = someone who eats too much; ADJ. gluttonous:
given to gluttony; greedy; CF. gluttony: habit of eating
too much
lurk = stealthily lie in waiting; slink; exist unperceived
profound = deep; not superficial; complete; Ex. profound
thinker/remark/silence/deafness; N. profundity
stipend = pay for services
mountebank = charlatan; boastful pretender
parchment = writing material made from the skin of a
sheep or goat
cursory = casual; hastily done with little attention to detail
vilify = slander; speak evil of; N. vilification
doom = condemnation to a severe penalty; ruin; fate (esp.
a tragic or ruinous one); V.
apposite = appropriate; fitting
hem = surround tightly so that movement is impossible;
Ex. hem in; N.
venom = poison (of an animal); hatred; Ex. remarks full
of venom; ADJ. venomous
retort = quick sharp reply; V.
saline = salty
plausible = conceivably true; having a show of truth but
open to doubt; specious
gall = annoy; exasperate; chafe; N: skin sore caused by
rubbing (as on the skin of a horse); exasperation
foster = rear; bring up (for a certain period only); encourage;
promote the development of (feelings or ideas); Ex.
help foster friendly relations; ADJ: giving parental care
although not related by blood; Ex. foster parents
mortician = undertaker; CF. death
legerdemain = sleight(dexterity) of hand; CF. light of
obsessive = related to thinking about something constantly;
of an obsession; preoccupying; N. obsession:
compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea; compulsive
idea; V. obsess: preoccupy the mind of excessively
respiration = breathing; exhalation; ADJ. respiratory
charisma = divine gift; great popular charm or appeal;
empirical = based on experience
causal = implying a cause-and-effect relationship; N.
barterer = trader; V. barter: trade; exchange good for
other goods rather than money
fundamental = basic; primary; essential
hostility = unfriendliness; hatred; enmity; ADJ. hostile
breed = produce young; rear; bring up; produce (an undesirable
condition); N: kind or sort of animal or plant
gravity = seriousness; ADJ. grave
enact = make (a bill) into law
demur = object (because of doubts, scruples); raise an objection
(showing qualms); hesitate; Ex. demur at the
idea of working on Sunday
manumit = emancipate; free from slavery or bondage
omnipresent = universally present; ubiquitous
condole = express condolences; N. condolence: sympathy
for someone who has experienced great sorrow
sour = having a sharp or acid taste; acid; tart; badtempered;
relic = surviving remnant (from an extinct culture); memento;
keepsake; relics: corpse; Ex. ancient relics; Ex.
relics of his travel; Ex. His relics are buried at X.
reckon = count; calculate; regard as; think; suppose
hoax = trick which makes someone take action; practical
joke; Ex. hoax mail; V.
disparage = belittle
sphinx-like = enigmatic; mysterious
base = contemptible; morally bad; inferior in value or
quality; Ex. base motives/conduct; Ex. base metal such
as iron
extant = (of something written or painted) still in existence
puny = tiny; weak; insignificant
epistemologist = philosopher who studies the nature of
knowledge; N. epistemology
sprightly = lively
procurement = obtaining; V. procure: obtain by effort; obtain
(a prostitute) for another
eugenic = pertaining to the improvement of race; N. eugenics:
study of hereditary improvement of the human
pedant = scholar who overemphasizes book learning,
trivial details of learning, or technicalities
hamper = obstruct; prevent the free movement of; N: d.
champion = support militantly; fight for; N: person who
fights for or supports strongly (a principle, movement,
person, etc.)
jargon = language used by special group; technical terminology;
Gibberish; nonsensical or incoherent talk
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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