Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


(1) limber

1) apparatus used to maintain balance, ascertain direction, etc.

2) sorcery

3) period of equal days and nights

4) flexible

(2) calamity

1) with identity concealed

2) having a common origin

3) disaster

4) wandering (esp. in search of adventure)

(3) estranged

1) destruction

2) separated

3) braid

4) ardent

(4) bridle

1) discordant

2) series of gradual stages

3) additional object

4) harness fitted about a horse's head (used to restrain)

(5) fruition

1) glassy residue from smelting metal

2) bearing of fruit

3) of psyche

4) complain (in a sad voice)

(6) hibernal

1) treat gently

2) wintry

3) exile

4) tell in confidence (to a person one trusts)

(7) prognosis

1) forecasted course of a disease

2) of or like an uncle

3) without definite purpose, plan, or aim

4) obligated

(8) bait

1) nonstandard grammatical construction

2) reading desk or stand for a public speaker

3) harass

4) persuade by flattery

(9) sustenance

1) flexible

2) sustaining

3) exercising the most influence

4) pierce with holes

(10) predator

1) fond of books and reading

2) silently showing ill humor or resentment

3) predatory animal or bird

4) private meeting of a group of people in a political party to select officers or determine policy

(11) callus

1) equipment

2) having a backbone or spinal column

3) fearless

4) area of thick hard skin

(12) complementary

1) threatening

2) person who collects coins

3) serving to complete something

4) one of the parts into which an enclosed space is divided

(13) vindicate

1) make (a bill) into law

2) rushing stream

3) clear from blame

4) proper (in behavior, conduct, or appearance)

(14) phenomena

1) observable facts

2) protest

3) legal delay of payment or action

4) honor

(15) sublimate

1) refine

2) comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as

3) malleable

4) gloomy

(16) fusillade

1) law enacted by the legislature

2) simultaneous firing or outburst (of missiles, questions, etc.)

3) record of descent

4) rotate swiftly

(17) calorific

1) irritable

2) heat-producing

3) knowledge

4) mar the appearance of

(18) stilted

1) put at a loss

2) large group of insects moving in a mass

3) bombastic

4) sharp upslope of a hill

(19) verdigris

1) dwarf

2) green coating or patina on copper which has been exposed to the weather

3) imaginary

4) social blunder

(20) offhand

1) casual

2) sharp-cornered

3) explain

4) prevent in advance

(21) pulmonary

1) artistic

2) short and thick

3) pertaining to the lungs

4) surrender

(22) ravine

1) Roman army officer (commanding a company of about 100 soldiers)

2) target of a hunt

3) narrow valley with steep sides

4) flood

(23) marshal

1) put in order

2) make rational

3) witty thought or saying, usually short

4) increase in the volume or intensity as in a musical passage

(24) salient

1) prominent

2) (of weather) hot or scorching

3) courteous regard for another's wish

4) entangle

(25) emulate

1) slow

2) group that meets socially

3) imitate

4) sleep-causing