Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009



converse = opposite; ADJ.
invalidate = weaken; destroy; make invalid; nullify
invert = turn upside down or inside out; reverse the position
or condition of
plagiarize = steal another.s ideas or writings and pass
them off as one.s own; Ex. ideas plagiarized from my
article; N. plagiarism; CF. kidnap
forensic = suitable to debate or courts of law; of or used
in legal proceedings and the tracking of criminals; Ex.
forensic science/medicine
culvert = artificial channel for water; drain crossing under
a road
generic = characteristic of an entire class or species; of a
coalesce = combine; fuse; N. coalescence
erotic = pertaining to passionate love or sexual love
incense = enrage; infuriate(make furious); make extremely
angry; outrage; N: aromatic substance burned
to produce a pleasant odor
prattle = talk idly; babble; N. CF. prate
imbalance = lack of balance or symmetry; disproportion
pseudonym = pen name; fictitious name assumed by an
author; ADJ. pseudonymous
supernumerary = person or thing excess of what is necessary;
extra; ADJ: additional to the usual or necessary
transitory = transient; impermanent; fleeting; N. transitoriness
alacrity = cheerful promptness without reluctance
remittance = remitting of money; amount of money remitted
timbre = quality of a musical tone produced by a musical
instrument (which distinguishes it from others of the
same pitch)
resuscitate = revive; bring back to life or consciousness;
Ex. resuscitate the drowned child
culmination = highest point; climax; V. culminate in:
reach the highest point in; end in; Ex. a series of minor
clashes culminating in war
figurine = small ornamental statuette(very small statue)
ravel = fall apart into tangles; entangle; unravel or untwist
stem = from arise from; originate from
decipher = decode; CF. indecipherable
endear = make beloved; Ex. endear her to everyone; ADJ.
dear: loved; cherished; high-priced
prohibitive = so high as to prohibit purchase or use; tending
to prevent the purchase or use of something; prohibiting;
inclined to prevent or forbid; Ex. prohibitive
obdurate = stubborn; refusing to change one.s belief
millennium = thousand-year period (as in the New Testament);
hoped-for period of happiness and prosperity
pittance = small amount (of money); small allowance or
admonish = warn or speak to with gentle disapproval; reprove
bane = posion; cause of ruin; ADJ. baneful: harmful; poisonous
clich´e = phrase dulled in meaning by repetition; platitude;
ADJ. clich´ed
sovereignty = complete independence and selfgovernment
(of a country); supremacy of authority;
power to govern
juridical = of the law and its administration; CF. judicial:
of courts of law; CF. judiciary
mace = ceremonial staff used as a symbol of authority;
clublike medieval weapon
incrustation = hard coating or crust; V. incrust: encrust;
cover with a crust
abject = (of a condition) wretched; as low as possible;
lacking pride; very humble; showing lack of selfrespect;
Ex. abject apology
aberration = deviation from the normal; mental disorder
desperado = reckless, desperate outlaw
concurrent = happening at the same time; in agreement
subservient = behaving like a slave; servile; obsequious;
subordinate; N. subservience
civil = having to do with citizens; not military or religious;
courteous and polite; Ex. married in a civil ceremony;
Ex. civil strife/disorder/law; N. civility; CF. civic
sully = defile; soil; tarnish; Ex. sully one.s hands in menial
tend = have a tendency; take care of; minister; serve at;
apply one.s attention; attend
prone = inclined to; likely to (suffer); prostrate; lying with
the front downward; Ex. prone to disease/make mistakes;
Ex. accident-prone
sonorous = resonant; producing a full deep sound; producing
chalice = goblet; consecrated cup
blighted = suffering from a disease; destroyed
lank = long and thin; Ex. Lank, gaunt, Abraham Lincoln
migrant = changing its habitat; wandering; Ex. migrant
birds/workers; N: one that migrates
collage = work of art put together from fragments
somnambulist = sleepwalker; V. somnambulate; N. somnambulism
flush = redden; blush; flow suddenly and abundantly;
wash out by a rapid brief flow of water; N: reddish
tinge; blush; brief rush; rush of strong feeling; Ex. flush
of pride; ADJ: having surfaces in the same plane; even;
dismiss = eliminate from consideration; no longer consider;
put out of court without further hearing; reject;
discharge from employment; direct to leave; ADJ. dismissive;
N. dismissal

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