Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Monday, May 24, 2010


(1) procurement

1) erase

2) study of prehistoric life or fossils

3) obtaining

4) correct a false impression

(2) pernicious

1) (of a liquid) having the sediment disturbed

2) very carefully

3) lowest point

4) very harmful

(3) pore

1) tendency to disbelief

2) study industriously

3) waver

4) make (a bill) into law

(4) funereal

1) unselfishly generous

2) sad

3) hold back (the natural expression of)

4) agitation

(5) rostrum

1) raised platform for speech-making

2) tending to overthrow or ruin

3) make or become black by burning

4) clear from blame

(6) document

1) provide written evidence (for a claim)

2) excessively or elaborately decorated

3) twist (to extract liquid)

4) strong

(7) comport

1) support

2) bear one's self

3) build

4) seriousness

(8) amiss

1) wrong

2) defamation

3) cancel

4) sentry

(9) equable

1) advanced in development

2) tranquil

3) feeling of exaggerated or unfounded(ungrounded

4) disgust

(10) vanguard

1) fit for growing crops

2) forerunners

3) follow (as a result)

4) pamphlet

(11) unilateral

1) move (a railway train) from one track to another

2) move with body close to the ground

3) saying farewell

4) one-sided

(12) refraction

1) ordinary

2) hard but easily broken

3) bending of a ray of light

4) having lost one's original power

(13) urge

1) laugh quietly

2) burdensome

3) drive or force forward (by causing impulses)

4) begin

(14) cynosure

1) wise saying

2) object of general attention

3) habitual return to crime (even after being punished)

4) bad-tempered complaint

(15) clandestine

1) combine

2) profane

3) small body revolving around a larger one

4) secret

(16) provenance

1) place of origin

2) egg-shaped

3) insane

4) not fully worked out or developed

(17) delusion

1) deep disgrace

2) outwit

3) false belief

4) speak violently or excitedly

(18) immobility

1) state of being immovable

2) ) (of people or their behavior) respectful

3) tease

4) cause to stop for a period

(19) pert

1) grisly

2) (esp. of a girl or young woman) impertinent

3) feverish

4) approach and speak first to a person

(20) spectrum

1) colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism

2) (of someone old) eccentric

3) Roman outer robe

4) torn piece of cloth

(21) hindrance

1) ornamental horizontal band on a wall

2) blood-vessel

3) block

4) intellectuals

(22) buxom

1) full-bosomed

2) wind or turn in its course

3) pertaining to the lungs

4) without feeling

(23) brocade

1) lying

2) rich, figured(patterned) fabric

3) not able to be perceived by touch

4) daydream

(24) tranquillity

1) rude, insensitive person

2) calmness

3) overwhelmingly favorable review

4) drug that relieves pain or trouble

(25) fraught

1) unprejudiced

2) error

3) filled (with something unpleasant)

4) fully filled