willowy = flexible; pliant; slender; CF. willow
apologist = one who writes in defense of a cause or institution;
N. apologia
cloying = distasteful (because excessive); excessively
sweet or sentimental; V. cloy: become unpleasant
through too much sweetness or excess
seep = pass slowly through small openings; ooze; trickle;
N. seepage
vicarious = experienced as if one were taking part in the
experience of another; done by a deputy for other people;
acting as a substitute; Ex. vicarious thrill at the
movies; Ex. the vicarious sufferings of Christ
finicky = too particular; fussy; difficult to please; too concerned
with unimportant details or quality; Ex. finicky
about her food
antithesis = contrast; direct opposite of or to; ADJ. antithetic
or antithetical
culpable = deserving blame; blameworthy
quiver = tremble; shake; N.
brawn = human muscle; muscular strength; sturdiness
chasten = discipline; punish in order to correct; CF. castigate
infer = deduce; conclude; N. inference
disburse = pay out (as from a fund); N. disbursement; CF.
untenable = (of a position, esp. in an argument) indefensible;
not able to be maintained
demotic = of or pertaining to the people
spat = squabble; minor dispute; minor quarrel
persist = continue in existence; last; continue in a course
of action in spite of opposition; Ex. persist in/with
something; ADJ. persistent
cacophonous = discordant; inharmonious; N. cacophony:
unpleasant mixture of loud sounds
filial = pertaining to or befitting a son or daughter; Ex. filial
arrhythmic = lacking rhythm or regularity; N. arrhythmia
plaster = paste that hardens to a smooth solid and is used
for coating walls; V.
nebula = diffuse mass of interstellar dust or gas; galaxy
doddering = shaky; infirm from old age; V. dodder
depict = portray
juxtapose = place side by side; CF. next
filth = dirty matter; ADJ. filthy
devise = think up; invent; plan; bequeath; N: bequest
brackish = somewhat saline
pontifical = pertaining to a bishop or pope; pompous or
pretentious; CF. pontiff: pope; bishop
reverent = respectful; worshipful; V. revere: regard with
reverence; N. reverence: profound respect
shuffle = mix together; jumble; move (something) from
one place to another; slide (the feet) along the ground
while walking; Ex. shuffle papers from one pile to another;
dirge = funeral song; slow mournful piece of music (sung
over a dead person)
Machiavellian = crafty; double-dealing; of the political
doctrine of Machiavelli, which holds that craft and deceit
are justified in pursuing political power
belittle = disparage; depreciate
patina = green crust on old bronze works or copper; tone
slowly taken by varnished painting
mischance = ill luck
effigy = dummy; likeness of a person made of wood, paper,
or stone; Ex. burn an effigy of the President
nutrient = nourishing substance; ADJ: providing nourishment
bacchanal = noisy party with a lot of drinking
virtuoso = highly skilled artist (esp. in music); Ex. piano
eccentricity = oddity; idiosyncrasy
benign = kindly; favorable; not malignant (disease); Ex.
benign tumor
wheedle = deceive, persuade, or obtain by flattery; cajole;
coax; Ex. wheedle a promise out of her
intrinsic = essential; inherent; built-in
placate = pacify; bring peace to; conciliate; appease
menagerie = collection of wild animals on exhibition; zoo
pulsate = throb; beat regularly; vibrate regularly
sere = sear; parched; dry
throb = (of a heart or machine) beat rapidly or violently;
N. Ex. hearthrob: heartbeat; sweetheart
halfhearted = exhibiting little interest or enthusiasm
patriarch = father and ruler of a family or tribe
usage = act or manner of using; accepted practice; way in
which words are actually used
subaltern = subordinate
hut = crude dwelling; shack
infest = inhabit in numbers large enough to be harmful;
Ex. Mice infested the house; Ex. shark-infested waters
inevitable = unavoidable
parity = equality; close resemblance; CF. disparate
incontrovertible = indisputable; impossible to dispute;
not open to question; unquestionable
tether = tie (an animal) with a rope or tether; N: rope
or chain to which an animal is tied; limit of one.s endurance;
Ex. the end of one.s tether
ebullient = showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm;
boiling; N. ebullience; N. ebullition: state of boiling
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