benediction = blessing
libretto = text of an opera or oratorio; CF. book
vegetate = live in a monotonous way (without interests or
activity); CF. vegetation: plants of an area; CF. vegetarian;
CF. vegan
navigable = (of a body of water) wide and deep enough to
allow ships to pass through; (of a ship or aircraft) able
to be steered
salacious = lascivious; lustful; Ex. salacious monk
neologism = new or newly coined word or phrase
codicil = supplement to the body of a will; later addition
to a will
tension = stretching; condition of being stretched; mental
strain; strained relationship between groups or people
cordon = extended line of men or fortifications to prevent
access = or egress;
disjunction = act or state of separation; disunity; CF. disjunctive:
expressing a choice between two ideas; CF.
conjunction; CF. conjunctive
wary = very cautious; watchful
effectuate = effect; produce; achieve; Ex. effectuate a reconciliation
vex = annoy; distress
clapper = striker (tongue) of a bell
brag = boast
injurious = harmful; causing injury
ciliated = having minute hairs; CF. cilium; CF. cilia: eyelash
precursor = forerunner; predecessor
repudiate = disown; disavow; deny
tome = large volume; book
flirt = behave in a way that attracts (sexual) attention; deal
triflingly with; N: one (or woman) given to flirting; ADJ.
diligence = steadiness of effort; persistent hard work
limn = draw; outline; describe; CF. line ?
beset = harass or trouble from all directions; hem in
platonic = purely spiritual; theoretical; without sensual
parallel = similar; analogous; corresponding; N: parallel
line; person or thing that is parallel (to another); similarity;
Ex. know of no parallel to the case; Ex. without
parallel; V: be similar to; make parallel; Ex. Your experience
parallels mine; CF. unparalleled
restitution = returning something (lost or stolen) to the
rightful owner; reparation; indemnification; compensation
for loss, damage, or injury
unsightly = ugly; unpleasant to look at
domineer = rule over tyrannically
billowing = swelling out in waves; surging
aboriginal = being the first of its kind in a region; primitive;
native; indigenous; N. aborigine
recount = narrate or tell (a story); count over again
disarray = state of disorder; a disorderly or untidy state;
Ex. with her clothes in disarray
convoluted = coiled around; twisted; involved; complicated;
intricate; complex; N. convolution: twist; one of
the convex folds of the surface of the brain
indulge = yield to; gratify; allow oneself a special pleasure;
Ex. indulge one.s every whim/a child/in a big
cigarette; N. indulgence
gesticulation = motion; gesture; V. gesticulate: make gestures
(while speaking)
vixen = female fox; ill-tempered woman; CF. shrew
tarnish = make or become dull or discolored; N.
hypercritical = excessively exacting; too critical (without
noticing good qualities)
officious = meddlesome; excessively pushy in offering
one.s services; overly eager in offering unwanted services
or advices; Ex. officious bellboy
cow = terrorize; intimidate
representational = (of a style of art) showing things as
they actually appear in real life
viscid = adhesive; gluey
infraction = violation (of a rule or regulation); breach
sunder = separate; part; CF. asunder
stilted = bombastic; stiffly pompous; Ex. stilted rhetoric;
CF. stiff: formal
defile = pollute; make filthy or dirty; corrupt morally;
profane; desecrate; N: narrow passage or gorge through
pine = long for; yearn; languish from longing or grief; decline
revulsion = sudden strong feeling of disgust; sudden violent
change of feeling; negative reaction; Ex. revulsion
from the scenes of torture
refractory = unmanageable; disobedient and stubborn;
Ex. refractory horse
decorum = propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners;
appropriateness of behavior or conduct
tirade = long angry denunciatory speech; diatribe; harangue;
extended scolding; denunciation
paradigm = model; example that serves as a model; pattern;
list of all the inflectional forms of a word
sibling = brother or sister
peripheral = of a periphery; marginal; outer; of minor importance;
not central; Ex. peripheral nerve/interest
squelch = produce a splashing sound (when stepping
through = mud); crush; squash; CF.
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