Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Friday, January 22, 2010


(1) formality

1) end

2) ceremonious quality

3) practicing self-denial

4) beastlike

(2) wrest

1) obtain by pulling violently

2) fastening or lock consisting of a movable bar that fits into a notch

3) having the odor of stale or decomposing fat

4) word or signal (as in a play to prompt another actor's speech or entrance)

(3) cavalier

1) similar

2) include (as a member of a group)

3) casual and offhand

4) wrinkle

(4) fete(f\^ete)

1) brief flash of light

2) person who collects coins

3) honor at a festival

4) have a tendency

(5) swear-word

1) word considered offensive

2) irreverent

3) expressing a low opinion

4) pertaining to the science of the function of living organisms

(6) sordid

1) filthy

2) agonizing

3) abusive

4) obligatory

(7) jaunty

1) cheerful and pleased with life

2) (of things and place) dirty and dull

3) annoy

4) study of fish

(8) riddle

1) split into opposite extremes or camps

2) treat with scorn or contempt

3) pierce with holes

4) one who writes in defense of a cause or institution

(9) musky

1) dictionary

2) legislating branch of government

3) trickery

4) having the odor of musk

(10) tanner

1) admit to the rights of citizenship (especially the right to vote)

2) diplomatic etiquette

3) story set to music to be sung by a chorus (shorter than an oratorio)

4) person who turns animal hides into leather

(11) reconcile

1) court of justice

2) display ostentatiously

3) unalterable

4) make friendly again (after quarrel)

(12) saunter

1) having great weight

2) reckon

3) stroll(go for a leisurely walk) slowly

4) wave around (a weapon)

(13) adept

1) design composed of one or more initials of a name

2) expert at

3) (of writing) flowing

4) sharply painful to the body or mind

(14) ingenuous

1) abusive

2) generous

3) naive and trusting

4) extremely dry

(15) averse

1) slandering

2) reluctant

3) heavenly

4) dictionary

(16) chronic

1) estimate value of

2) long established as a disease

3) comic

4) take pleasure in great comfort

(17) knave

1) unfairness

2) untrustworthy person

3) begin formally

4) pithy

(18) facsimile

1) copy

2) (the stated person's) habit or custom

3) lack of proportion (between the parts)

4) (of someone) suspicious

(19) reprimand

1) associate with

2) face (as showing the character and the mind)

3) reprove severely

4) holding fast (as to a belief)

(20) penology

1) study of prison management and criminal rehabilitation

2) basically different

3) refrain

4) tolerate

(21) quirk

1) sudden sharp turn or twist

2) (of a heart or machine) beat rapidly or violently

3) since

4) swamp gas

(22) bate

1) climate

2) make impossible

3) act of dissecting living animals

4) let down

(23) leonine

1) like a lion

2) pleasant

3) brief and compact

4) denoting a widely used temperature scale (basically same as Celsius)

(24) creed

1) secondary or minor occupation

2) draw

3) annoy by repeated attacks

4) system of religious or ethical belief

(25) unfaltering

1) make a harsh noise

2) swelling out in waves

3) weird

4) steadfast