burnish = make shiny by rubbing; polish
wisp = small bunch (of hair); faint streak (of smoke)
belated = delayed
perpetual = everlasting
calumny = malicious misrepresentation; slander
obtrude = push (oneself or one.s ideas) forward or intrude;
impose (oneself or one.s ideas) on others; butt
in; stick out or extrude; thrust out; Ex. obtrude A on
B; ADJ. obtrusive; N. obtrusion; CF. unobtrusive
compact = agreement; contract; ADJ: tightly packed; firm;
brief; concise; Ex. compact statement
meretricious = flashy; tawdry; attractive on the surface
but of no real value; Ex. metericious argument/jewel;
CF. prostitute
polygamist = one who has more than one spouse at a
time; CF. bigamy; CF. polyandry
painstaking = taking pains; showing hard work; taking
great care; very careful and through
sinewy = (of meat) tough; strong and firm; muscular; N.
sinew: tendon; strong cord connecting a muscle to a
stump = base of a tree trunk left after the rest has been cut
down; V: walk in a heavy manner; baffle; puzzle
bitter = having a sharp biting taste; �H; causing sharp
pain to the body or mind; filled with resentment, disappointment,
or other unpleasant feelings; Ex. bitter
promontory = headland
cull = pick out from others (to kill the weakest members);
reject; select; collect (information); N.
induce = persuade; lead to do something; bring about; N.
petty = trivial; unimportant; very small; small-minded;
edify = instruct; correct morally
teetotalism = practice of abstaining totally from alcoholic
drinks; N. teetotaler;; ADJ. teetotal; CF. T + total
extrude = force or push out; thrust out; shape (plastic or
metal) by forcing through a die
potpourri = heterogeneous mixture; medley; mixture of
dried flower petals a pot (to give a pleasant smell to a
militant = combative; bellicose; N.
sporadic = occurring irregularly; intermittent
chronic = long established as a disease
crescendo = increase in the volume or intensity as in a
musical passage; climax; CF. crescent
adjourn = suspend until a later time; move from one place
to another
gingerly = very carefully; ADJ.
meter = arrangement of words in the form of poetry (by
accentual rhythm)
pedestrian = ordinary; dull; unimaginative(lacking in
imagination); going on foot; Ex. pedestrian prose; N.
irretrievable = impossible to recover or regain; CF. retrieve
disputatious = argumentative; fond of argument
woe = great sorrow; deep inconsolable grief; affliction;
suffering; Ex. financial woes
incubus = burden; very worriying problem; mental care;
nightmare; male devil; CF. succubus
facetious = joking (often inappropriately); unserious; humorous
cryptic = mysterious; hidden; secret
totter = shake or move unsteadily; sway as if about to fall
drama = prose or verse composition to be performed by
actors; play; exciting and unusual situation
obsequious = slavishly attentive; servile; full of servile
compliance; sycophantic
mortify = humiliate by embarassing excessively; shame;
punish the flesh; discipline (one.s body) by self-denial;
Ex. mortified by her blunder; Ex. mortify the flesh; CF.
cause to die
anthology = book of literary selections by various authors;
CF. omnibus
intrigue = make secret plans; plot; arouse the curiosity of;
N: secret scheme; plot; secret love affair
nourish = provide with food necessary for life and
whine = complain (in a sad voice); make a high sad sound
(as in pain or supplication)
cloister = monastery or convent
invidious = designed to create ill will or envy; tending to
rouse ill will or envy; Ex. invidious comparison
turpitude = depravity; baseness; Ex. moral turpitude
smolder = smoulder; burn slowly without flame; be liable
to break out at any moment; exist in a suppressed state;
Ex. smoldering anger
emasculate = weaken; castrate
revelry = boisterous merrymaking; V. revel: engage boisterous
festivities; enjoy greatly; N: boisterous festivity
or celebration
kismet = fate; destiny; Ex. Kismet is the Arabic word for
impeach = charge (a public official) with crime in office;
raise doubts about; indict; Ex. impeach a witness.s credibility
conjure = cause to appear by magic; summon (a devil or
a spirit) by magical power; practice magic (esp. by very
quick movement of the hands); evoke; conjure up: bring
into the mind; Ex. The magician conjured a rabbit out of
his hat.
uncouth = boorish; clumsy in speech or behavior; outlandish
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