Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Friday, April 9, 2010


(1) hermitage

1) home of a hermit

2) long, eventful, adventurous journey

3) one who installs and repairs pipes and plumbing(pipes)

4) make drunk

(2) implacable

1) beauty

2) celebrity (in a specific field)

3) having the appearance of truth or reality

4) incapable of being pacified

(3) dispirited

1) natural consequence (which naturally follows from something else)

2) lacking in spirit

3) prohibit

4) decay of body tissue caused by insufficient blood supply (usually following injury)

(4) havoc

1) fearful

2) widespread damage

3) match

4) yearly allowance

(5) disjointed

1) loud continous noise

2) keep as precious

3) disconnected

4) dark and gloomy



2) (of colors or surfaces) not bright

3) give an imitation that ridicules

4) commemorate

(7) arbitrary

1) extreme wealth

2) doctor specializing in ailments of the heart

3) unreasonable or capricious

4) paste of flour and water (eaten when baked)

(8) mangle

1) provide written evidence (for a claim)

2) tear or cut to pieces

3) cheating

4) practical

(9) padre

1) suitable (for a particular purpose although not necessarily morally correct)

2) woman who rules a family or larger social group

3) fleeting or transitory

4) chaplain (in the armed forces)

(10) hovel

1) shack

2) divide into parts

3) praise very highly

4) combine

(11) indigent

1) compelling immediate action

2) nourish

3) poor

4) place formally in office

(12) fester

1) short story of an amusing or interesting event

2) rankle

3) improve

4) confused uproar

(13) inductive

1) mercury

2) pertaining to induction or proceeding from the specific to the general

3) make unnecessary

4) beautiful clothes for a special occasion

(14) repress

1) expressing possibility

2) hold back (the natural expression of)

3) adorn

4) explain

(15) relent

1) opinion put forward and supported by reasoned arguments

2) vary

3) eye defect which prevents proper focus

4) become less severe

(16) minatory

1) menacing

2) dig out of the ground

3) excessively or elaborately decorated

4) curved

(17) frenetic(phrene

1) storage place for military equipment

2) striking one object against another sharply

3) connoisseur of food and drink

4) tic) frenzied

(18) dynamic

1) acal) fiendish

2) blame

3) energetic

4) decrease in size or strength (after being full)

(19) feud

1) Scandinavian myth

2) occurring at the proper time or season

3) spying

4) bitter prolonged quarrel (usually between two peoples or families)

(20) apostate

1) pertaining to the Pharisees, who paid scrupulous attention to tradition

2) one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs

3) compelling immediate action

4) diligent

(21) coy

1) great fire

2) shy (flirtatiously)

3) conflict

4) expand

(22) abstain

1) rural

2) masses of leaves

3) forerunner

4) refrain

(23) inadvertently

1) controlling influence

2) superintendent

3) unintentionally

4) decree

(24) superannuated

1) combining parts or separate things into a whole

2) make greater

3) agonizing

4) retired or disqualified because of age

(25) calligraphy

1) beautiful writing

2) characterizing or affecting all

3) insult

4) shy (flirtatiously)