Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Friday, October 2, 2009


(1) contortions
1) twisting
2) beat (cereal plants) with a machine or flail to separate the grains from the straw
3) ceremonial staff used as a symbol of authority
4) stretch out full on ground

(2) averse
1) reluctant
2) lacking interest or effort
3) fitful
4) favoritism (to a relative)

(3) tarry
1) secure from corruption, attack, or violation(or profanation)
2) imprison
3) linger
4) silly

(4) abash
1) embarrass
2) confused uproar
3) active enmity
4) plan of a trip

(5) paltry
1) mar
2) colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism
3) insignificant
4) obligatory

(6) humility
1) utter impulsively from nervousness or excitement
2) of substance
3) equip
4) humbleness of spirit

(7) reverberate
1) weak
2) loud continous noise
3) echo repeatedly
4) those of gentle birth

(8) addiction
1) mercy killing
2) resonant
3) fastening or lock consisting of a movable bar that fits into a notch
4) compulsive habitual need

(9) thesis
1) l (of a style of art) showing things as they actually appear in real life
2) retort
3) opinion put forward and supported by reasoned arguments
4) traditional

(10) apiarist
1) motivate
2) illicit lover
3) person who keeps bees
4) denial

(11) foray
1) raid
2) theme
3) protruding knot on a tree
4) speech or writing with no meaning

(12) legacy
1) plot outline
2) shrewd in money matters
3) cure-all
4) gift made by a will

(13) adjacent
1) melt (ore) for separating and removing the metal
2) adjoining
3) furthest behind
4) system of ideas characteristic of a group or culture

(14) urge
1) drive or force forward (by causing impulses)
2) (of land) rising and falling in long gentle slopes
3) walk or behave with an over-confident manner
4) constituting

(15) innate
1) scholar
2) burn to ashes
3) inborn
4) combativeness

(16) brim
1) uppermost edge of a cup
2) state of being stupefied
3) twist
4) (of a person or writing) digressing

(17) dint
1) diabolic
2) means
3) only slightly connected
4) small bunch (of hair)

(18) balk
1) satisfy (thirst)
2) thoroughly soaked
3) having a sharp biting taste
4) stop short, as if faced with an obstacle, and refuse to continue

(19) carcinogenic
1) remove or get rid of something or someone unwanted
2) causing cancer
3) unruly
4) run away secretly with the intention of getting married

(20) anguish
1) acute pain
2) walk or behave with an over-confident manner
3) unexpected and adverse
4) first in rank or importance

(21) bitter
1) one of the parts into which an enclosed space is divided
2) deceive
3) irritate
4) having a sharp biting taste

(22) synthesis
1) fearful
2) mental or bodily powers
3) easily approachable
4) combining parts or separate things into a whole

(23) fulsome
1) disgustingly excessive
2) rotting flesh of a dead body
3) study of prehistoric life or fossils
4) use sparingly

(24) converse
1) move suddenly or involuntarily
2) cancel
3) opposite
4) psychosis marked by delusions of grandeur or persecution

(25) influx
1) flowing into
2) pretend
3) handed) done slyly and secretly (being dishonest)
4) ceremonious quality

(1)1 (2)1 (3)3 (4)1 (5)3 (6)4 (7)3 (8)4 (9)3 (10)3 (11)1 (12)4 (13)2 (14)1 (15)3 (16)1 (17)2 (18)4 (19)2 (20)1 (21)4 (22)4 (23)1 (24)3 (25)1