Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Saturday, May 2, 2009



amiable = agreeable; lovable; warmly friendly
roster = list (of names)
delta = flat plain of mud or sand between branches of a
bereavement = state of being deprived of something
valuable or beloved; state of being bereaved or bereft
loll = lounge about
posthumous = after death (as of child born after father.s
death or book published after author.s death); coming
or occurring after one.s death; Ex. posthumous
rapt = engrossed; absorbed; enchanted; Ex. rapt listener
gentry = people of standing(rank or position); people of
good family or high social position; class of people just
below nobility
idiom = expression whose meaning as a whole differs
from the meanings of its individual words; distinctive
style (of expression); Ex. idiom of the modern popular
music; ADJ. idiomatic
recant = disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement;
openly confess error; Ex. recant one.s faith/a
asylum = place of refuge or shelter; protection (religious
or political)
virus = disease communicator
aberrant = abnormal or deviant
hubris = arrogance; excessive self-conceit
leniency = mildness; permissiveness; ADJ. lenient: not
severe in judgment or punishment
imply = suggest a meaning not expressed; signify
syllogism = logical formula consisting of a major premise,
a minor premise and a conclusion; deceptive or specious
propensity = natural inclination
opaque = dark; not transparent; N. opacity
fetish(fetich) = object believed to have spiritual powers;
object of excessive attention or reverence; CF. fetishism
hummock = small hill; hillock
venial = (of a fault or sin) forgivable; trivial
effrontery = rudeness without any sense of shame;
shameless boldness; presumptousness; nerve; cheek
subtlety = perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy; ADJ. subtle:
delicate; so slight as to be difficult to detect;
able to make fine distinctions; clever; Ex. subtle
mind/differences in meaning
strew = spread randomly; sprinkle; scatter; Ex. flower girl
strewing rose petals
canine = related to dogs; doglike
boisterous = violent; rough; noisy
vituperative = abusive; scolding; V. vituperate: berate;
scold; rail against abusively
compress = force into less space; squeeze; contract; put
into fewer words; N: thick mass of cloth pressed to part
of the body to stop bleeding or swelling, reduce fever,
paste = smooth viscous mixture as of flour(powder made
by crushing grain) and water (used as an adhesive); V:
cause to adhere by applying paste
spendthrift = someone who wastes money; CF. thrift: accumulated
mannered = affected; not natural; Ex. mannered way of
marginal = of a margin; barely within a limit; Ex.
marginal effect/writing ability
ultimatum = last demand; last warning; last statement of
conditions that must be met; Ex. They have ignored our
lascivious = lustful
suspend = cause to stop for a period; interrupt; hold in
abeyance; defer; hang from above; exclude for a period
from a position; Ex. suspended state; Ex. suspend judgment;
Ex. suspended from the team; N. suspension
turncoat = traitor
pique = irritation; resentment from wounded pride (eg.
loss in a contest); V: provoke; arouse; annoy; cause to
feel resentment; Ex. pique her curiosity
discrepancy = lack of consistency or agreement as between
facts; difference; Ex. discrepancy between two
comprehensive = broad; including a lot or everything;
thorough; inclusive
dilemma = situation that requires a choice between
equally unfavorable options; problem; choice of two unsatisfactory
initiate = begin; originate; receive into a group; introduce
to a new field or activity; Ex. initiate someone into the
mysteries of a secret religion; N: one who has been initiated
osseous = made of bone; bony
distrait = absentminded; distracted
calligraphy = beautiful writing; excellent penmanship
halting = hesitant; faltering; not fluent; Ex. halting
steps/voice; V. halt: proceed or act with uncertainty; falter;
hesitate; waver; stop
overt = open to view; public; not secret; CF. covert
upright = (sitting or standing) straight up; honest; moral
pathos = tender sorrow; pity; quality in art or literature
that produces these feelings; Ex. pathos that runs
through the novel
probity = uprightness; honesty; incorruptibility
stratified = divided into classes; arranged into strata; V.
embroil = throw into confusion; involve in strife, dispute,
or quarrel; entangle; CF. imbroglio

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cosmic = pertaining to the universe; vast
gratify = please; satisfy; Ex. gratify a desire
slack = moving slowly; sluggish; inactive; (of a rope)
loose; negligent; lax; Ex. slack season; Ex. slack in one.s
work; N. V.
truculence = aggressiveness; ferocity; ADJ. truculent: aggressive;
pugnacious; fierce
healthy = possessing good health; healthful
mash = crush into mash; convert into mash; N: mixture of
ground grain and nutrients fed to livestock and fowl
humanitarian = one devoted to the promotion of human
welfare; CF. humanism
idyllic = charmingly carefree; simple and happy; Ex. idyllic
chase = ornament a metal surface by indenting; follow
rapidly to catch
recline = lie down
militate = work against; Ex. militate against the chances
of promotion; CF. serve as a soldier
astute = wise; shrewd; keen; seeing quickly something
that is to one.s advantage
cantankerous = ill-humored; irritable
berate = scold strongly
artery = blood-vessel; CF. vein
mantle = loose sleeveless outer garment; cloak; something
that covers or envelops; the layer of the earth between
the crust and the core
unassailable = not open to attack; impregnable; not subject
to question
gnome = dwarf; underground spirit who guards treasure
limpid = crystal clear
embed(imbed) = enclose; place in something; fix firmly in
a surrounding mass
lachrymose = producing tears; tearful
creep = move with body close to the ground; move
stealthily or slowly; N.
confidant(confidante) = trusted friend (to whom one tells
one.s secret)
fissure = crevice; crack
draw = choosing of a lot or card
sanction = approve; ratify; N: permission; penalty intended
to enforce compliance
amend = correct; change ; generally for the better
irony = hidden sarcasm or satire; use of words that seem
to mean the opposite of what they actually mean; use of
words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning
galvanize = stimulate or shock by an electric current;
stimulate by shock; shock into action; stir up; coat with
rust-resistant zinc by using electricity
efface = rub out; remove the surface of
meander = wind or turn in its course; follow a winding or
turning course; move aimlessly and idly
virtual = in essence; existing in essence though not
in actual form; for practical purposes; Ex. virtual
shimmer = shine with a flickering light; glimmer intermittently;
Ex. The moonlight shimmered on the water;
visionary = produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical;
showing foresight; N: one having foresight; one given
to speculative impractical ideas
prosper = become successful (esp. financially); thrive;
grow well; Ex. children prospering under his care
plait = braid; interwine; interweave strands or lengths of;
make by weaving strands together; Ex. plaited hair; N:
braided length as of hair o fabric; CF. pigtail, ponytail
mercurial = capricious; quick and changing; fickle; containing
the element mercury; Ex. mercurial temper; CF.
historic = important in history; Ex. historic battle
imminent = impending; near at hand
wiggle = wriggle; move from side to side with irregular
twisting motions
curtail = shorten; reduce
narcissist = conceited person; N. narcissism; CF. narcissus
pejorative = (of a word or phrase) suggesting that someone
is of little value; negative in connotation; having
a belittling effect; Ex. Many women now considers
.housewife. a pejorative expression, because it patronized
ration = fixed portion; V: distribute as rations
levity = lack of seriousness or steadiness; frivolity; lightness
of manner
quagmire = bog; marsh; soft, wet, boggy land; predicament;
complex or dangerous situation from which it is
difficult to free oneself
aplomb = poise; composure in difficult situations; assurance;
adhere = stick fast; be a devotd follower; N. adhesion: adhering;
devotion; loyality
doff = take off; OP. don
corrugated = wrinkled; ridged
esteem = respect; value; judge; N.
ambiguous = unclear or doubtful in meaning; having
more than one possible interpretation
wrest = obtain by pulling violently; pull away; take by violence;
Ex. wrest victory from their grasp
spate = sudden flood or rush; Ex. spate of accidents
inanimate = lifeless; not animate
armada = fleet of warships
polarize = split into opposite extremes or camps
rolling = (of land) rising and falling in long gentle slopes;
happening continuously by stages; Ex. rolling devolution
of power to local governments
practicable = feasible

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