hostage = person who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy
so that the other side will do what the enemy demands
resentment = indignation; bitterness; displeasure; V. resent:feel anger about
palimpsest = parchment or piece of writing material used
for second time after original writing has been erased
vaporize = turn into vapor (steam, gas, fog, etc.)
lackadaisical = lacking interest or effort; lacking purpose or zest; lazy; halfhearted; languid
casualty = serious or fatal accident; person killed or
wounded in an accident or battle
bulk = size or volume (esp. when very large); main part;
Ex. The bulk of the work has already been done; ADJ. bulky: having great size
rectitude = moral correctness; moral uprightness; moral
virtue; correctness of judgment
vainglorious = boastful; excessively conceited; N. vainglory: great vanity
filing = particle removed by a file
inveigh = denounce; utter censure or invective; Ex. inveigh against the evils of drink
pathetic = causing sadness, compassion, pity; touching
agnostic = one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability
of a god or any ultimate reality
supererogatory = superfluous; more than needed or demanded
engross = occupy fully; absorb
orgy = wild drunken revelry; unrestrained indulgence in
an activity; Ex. orgy of shopping
feral = (of an animal) not domestic; wild
hilarity = boisterous mirth(merriment; laughter); ADJ. hilarious:
full of laughter
incandescent = strikingly bright; shining with intense
heat; emitting visible light when heated; Ex. incandescent
light bulb; CF. candle
forebears(forbears) = ancestors
disenfranchise = disfranchise; deprive of a civil right; OP. enfranchise
slink = move furtively; ADJ. slinky: stealthy; furtive;
sneaky (as in ambush)
besmirch = soil; defile; make dirty
brood = sit on in order to hatch; think deeply or worry
anxiously; N: the young of certain animals; group of
young birds hatched at one time
beholden = obligated; indebted; owing thanks; obliged or
indebted from gratitude
flay = strip off skin; plunder; remove the skin from; criticize
sophomoric = immature; half-baked; like a sophomore
exculpate = clear from blame or guilt
perturb = disturb greatly
variegated = (esp. of a flower or leaf) many-colored
excerpt = selected passage (written or musical) taken
from a longer work; V.
insolvent = bankrupt; lacking money to pay; N. insolvency
parley = conference (between opponents); CF. speak
compendium = brief, comprehensive summary; ADJ.
gusty = windy
benison = blessing
don = put on; OP. doff
chaffing = bantering; joking
hive = box for bees; V: cause to go in a hive
catapult = slingshot; hurling machine; V: fire from catapult
aspirant = seeker after position or status
magistrate = official with power to administer the law
finite = limited
supplicant = one who supplicates; ADJ.
scrappy = quarrelsome
intelligentsia = intellectuals; members of the educated
elite (often used derogatorily)
crochet = make (a piece of needlework) by looping thread
with a hooked needle; N. CF. crotchet
epitome = perfect example or embodiment; brief summary;
Ex. epitome of good manners; V. epitomize: make
an epitome of; be an epitome of; embody
vagrant = wandering from place to place; roving; stray;
moving in a random fashion; Ex. vagrant thoughts; N.
falter = hesitate; weaken in purpose or action; walk or
move unsteadily through weakness; N.
florid = ruddy; (of a complexion) reddish; flowery; very
ornate; CF. rose
philatelist = stamp-collector; N. philately: stamp collecting
grotesque = fantastic; comically hideous; strange and unnatural
(causing fear or amusement)
avalanche = great mass of falling snow and ice
accessible = easy to approach; obtainable
inane = silly; senseless; Ex. inane remarks; N. inanity
orientation = act of finding oneself in society; orienting
acidulous = slightly sour (in taste or manner); sharp;
crabbed = sour; bad-tempered; peevish; difficult to read
as handwriting
lagoon = shallow body of water or lake near a sea; lake
separated from a sea by sandbars or coral reefs
unprepossessing = unattractive
airy = of air; high in the air; lofty; immaterial; unreal
acuity = sharpness (of mind or senses of sight or hearing)
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Thursday, March 19, 2009
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