Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Saturday, September 5, 2009


(1) cerebration
1) dwell
2) thought
3) prototype
4) sharply painful to the body or mind

(2) harass
1) frown angrily
2) grouch
3) annoy by repeated attacks
4) cautious

(3) bard
1) poet
2) drink of the gods
3) deceive
4) concerning the sense of smell

(4) cleft
1) N: split
2) demand and obtain by force
3) upward
4) diminish

(5) doff
1) malleable
2) condemnation to a severe penalty
3) take off
4) unlikely occurrence

(6) resurrect
1) quick or willing to receive (ideas, suggestions, etc.)
2) cancel
3) revive
4) stir up

(7) leeway
1) eager enthusiasm (to a cause or ideal)
2) quarrelsome
3) support
4) room to move

(8) larceny
1) long narrow channel made in a surface to guide the movement of something
2) (of a woman or child) grave
3) appropriate
4) theft

(9) maladroit
1) of a member of the cat family
2) clumsy
3) anything discarded or rejected as worthless
4) take (one's attention) off something

(10) creed
1) approve
2) system of religious or ethical belief
3) writing material made from the skin of a sheep or goat
4) evolve as in prenatal growth

(11) banal
1) frown angrily
2) move with body close to the ground
3) hackneyed
4) of a margin

(12) epitome
1) harness fitted about a horse's head (used to restrain)
2) ordinary
3) scorn
4) perfect example or embodiment

(13) dissonance
1) rural
2) mass of material sticking together
3) discord
4) lack of premeditation

(14) granary
1) dismay
2) dispute
3) make unconscious or numb as by a blow
4) storehouse for grain

(15) acuity
1) narrow valley with steep sides
2) summit
3) remainder
4) sharpness (of mind or senses of sight or hearing)

(16) invidious
1) designed to create ill will or envy
2) sermon
3) grant a share of
4) ornamental horizontal band on a wall

(17) plume
1) hint
2) unprejudiced
3) feather, esp. large or showy one
4) wring from

(18) premonitory
1) case for a sword blade
2) one-sided
3) loud and harsh
4) serving to warn

(19) artifice
1) suggestive of something (in the past)
2) lazy
3) uncertain how to act
4) deception

(20) dowdy
1) making no attempt to change one's bad practices
2) social or moral custom
3) untidy (of a woman or clothes)
4) noisy party with a lot of drinking

(21) frustrate
1) proper to the point of affectation
2) thwart
3) fear
4) indirect in speech (when something unpleasant must be said)

(22) acute
1) deceit
2) (of the senses) sharp
3) clever
4) territory enclosed within an alien land

(23) outspoken
1) artificial
2) boisterous merrymaking
3) candid
4) full of self-admiration

(24) placate
1) unruly
2) pacify
3) boastful
4) suggestive

(25) quandary
1) neglect
2) extreme corruption
3) dilemma
4) hidden danger

(1)2 (2)3 (3)1 (4)1 (5)3 (6)3 (7)4 (8)4 (9)2 (10)2 (11)3 (12)4 (13)3 (14)4 (15)4 (16)1 (17)3 (18)4 (19)4 (20)3 (21)2 (22)2 (23)3 (24)2 (25)3