romp = play or frolic boisterously; gambol; N.
acerbity = bitterness of speech and temper; ADJ. acerbic:
bitter; acrid (in taste, manner, or tone)
cumulative = growing by addition; accumulative
dignitary = person of high rank or position
berserk = mad with violent anger; frenzied; madly excited
languish = lose animation or strength
outskirts = fringes; outer borders (as of a city); Ex. outskirts
of Boston
paranoia = psychosis marked by delusions of grandeur or
persecution; N: ADJ: paranoid, paranoiac
paradox = something apparently contradictory in nature
(that may nonetheless be true); statement that looks
false but is actually correct
infinitesimal = very small
masquerade = wear a mask or disguise; pretend; N: costume
party or ball at which masks are worn; pretense;
shade = slight difference in degree; nuance; degree of
color; Ex. shades of meaning/grey
merit = good quality deserving praise; merits: aspect
of character or behavior deserving approval or disapproval;
Ex. judge each plan on its own merits; V: deserve;
charlatan = quack; pretender to knowledge (esp. in
legacy = gift made by a will; something handed down
from an ancestor
suffuse = spread through or over (with a color or liquid);
charge; Ex. A blush suffused her cheeks.
prelude = introduction; introductory performance or
event; forerunner
cursive = (of writing) flowing; running; having the successive
letters joined
alleviate = relieve (pain)
hireling = one who serves for hire (usually used contemptuously);
one who works solely for compensation; Ex.
hireling politician
palatial = of or suitable for a palace; magnificent
execrate = curse; express abhorrence for; detest
disheveled = untidy (of hair or clothing); V. dishevel
geniality = cheerfulness; kindliness; sympathy; ADJ. genial:
cheerful and good-tempered
sanguinary = bloody; with much bloodshed
impediment = hindrance; stumbling-block; speech defect
preventing clear articulation; Ex. speech impediment
dolt = slow-thinking stupid person; CF. dull
sacrilegious = desecrating; profane; N. sacrilege: desecration,
misuse, or theft of something sacred
nutritious = providing nourishment
menace = threat; V: threaten
dilapidated = falling to pieces; in a bad condition; ruined
because of neglect; Ex. dilapidated old car/castle; N.
cataract = great waterfall; eye abnormality (causing a
gradual loss of eyesight)
usury = lending money at illegal high rates of interest
impute = attribute; ascribe; charge; N. imputation
jaundiced = yellowed; prejudiced (envious, hostile, or resentful)
from long and disappointing experience of human
affairs; Ex. with a jaundiced eye
lace = cord used to draw and tie together two opposite
edges (as of a shoe); delicate fabric made of fine threads;
V: draw together by tying a lace
prophylactic = used to prevent disease; N: something
prophylactic; condom; N. prophylaxis: prevention of
paroxysm = fit or attack of pain, laughter, rage; sudden
transmute = transform; change; convert to something different
submerge = place under water; dip; go under water;
cover completely (as with water); Ex. submerged in
foppish = vain about dress and appearance; N. fop: man
who takes too much interest in his clothes and appearance
psychopathic = pertaining to mental dearrangement; N.
psychopath: person with an antisocial personality disorder
porridge = soft food made by boiling oatmeal
religious = of religion; (of a person) pious; having reverence
for a deity
cumbersome = heavy and awkward to carry or wear; burdensome;
Ex. cumbersome parcel/uniform
volley = simultaneous discharge of a number of shots; V.
silt = sediment deposited by running water (at the entrance
to a harbor or by a bend in a river)
catcall = shout of disapproval or displeasure (made at the
theater or a sports match); boo; V.
sleeper = one that achieves unexpected success; something
originally of little value or importance that in time
becomes very valuable
replete = fully filled; filled to the brim or to the point of
being stuffed; abundantly supplied; Ex. report replete
with errors
rakish = jaunty; stylish; sporty; morally corrupt; dissolute;
Ex. He wore his hat at a rakish and jaunty angle.
writhe = twist in coils; contort in pain
satirical = using satire; mocking
nauseate = cause to become sick; fill with disgust; fill nausea
muddle = confuse; mix up confusedly; N: state of confusion
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Saturday, April 11, 2009
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