Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Sunday, November 8, 2009


(1) sedentary
1) a manually skilled worker
2) requiring sitting
3) full of life
4) combination (of two business corporations)

(2) delta
1) warlike
2) flat plain of mud or sand between branches of a river
3) hot sweet dish
4) border

(3) resurge
1) being truly so
2) rise again
3) secret
4) truthfulness

(4) run-down
1) turn upside down or inside out
2) the chance occurrence, at the same time, of two or more seemingly connected events
3) foul-smelling
4) (of a place) dilapidated

(5) freebooter
1) slope
2) (of someone) awkward in movement
3) pirate or plunderer who makes war in order to grow rich
4) prohibit

(6) distrait
1) counselor
2) decrease in size or strength (after being full)
3) unpredictable
4) absentminded

(7) weather
1) laugh (at)
2) of a prophet or prophecy
3) pass safely through (a storm or difficult period)
4) low, indistinct, continuous sound

(8) cunning
1) untrustworthy person
2) maze
3) (of a bird with large wings) wave (the wings) lightly, rapidly, and irregularly
4) clever in deceiving

(9) rend
1) split
2) similarly timed
3) (of a sound) echoing
4) fear of being locked in

(10) discompose
1) operate with one's hands
2) disturb the composure of
3) make bitter
4) repeal

(11) doze
1) despicable
2) sleep lightly
3) sheer
4) group of attendants

(12) constituent
1) great hardship or affliction
2) withholding belief
3) teacher
4) supporter

(13) invocation
1) prayer for help (used in invoking)
2) target of a hunt
3) disfranchise
4) played in an abrupt manner

(14) temporal
1) of time
2) not wise
3) rapture
4) beginning

(15) anchor
1) end
2) artificial
3) superiority of power, quantity, etc.
4) secure or fasten firmly

(16) derivative
1) waste (time or money on unimportant things)
2) winding
3) unoriginal
4) annoy

(17) turgid
1) elevated position
2) error
3) swollen
4) carefully contrived

(18) compilation
1) ered) marked by great changes in fortune
2) hereditary nobility
3) listing of information in tabular or book form
4) major classification, second to kingdom, of plants and animals

(19) caricature
1) self-imposed punishment for sin
2) feeling of sickness and desire to vomit
3) distortion
4) not natural

(20) unexceptionable
1) let down
2) lizard that changes color in different situations
3) one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society
4) entirely acceptable

(21) facile
1) easily accomplished
2) limit
3) be thankful for
4) not able to be perceived by touch

(22) trim
1) pertaining to soil deposits left by running water
2) suppress
3) make neat or tidy by clipping
4) charlatan

(23) bellicose
1) shriveled
2) having womanly traits
3) warlike
4) small poor bed

(24) clientele
1) expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death
2) slight degree of color
3) state of being stupefied
4) body of customers

(25) mural
1) grieve
2) wall painting
3) unpleasant high sharp sound
4) wrongdoing

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