(1) disaffected
1) violation (of a rule or regulation)
2) fond of books and reading
3) disloyal
4) speak with involuntarily pauses or repetitions
(2) tensile
1) nearing
2) capable of being stretched
3) imprison
4) fallen fruit
(3) deleterious
1) harmful
2) participation
3) large city
4) v. ask or beg earnestly
(4) fusion
1) (of weather) hot or scorching
2) traditional
3) union
4) plan of a trip
(5) prudent
1) give a bodily form to
2) cowardly
3) storehouse for grain
4) cautious
(6) arid
1) make slight sounds like silk moving or being rubbed together
2) (of land) dry
3) based on assumptions or hypotheses
4) feeling of sickness and desire to vomit
(7) canker
1) ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant
2) any ulcerous sore
3) fluent (with insincerity or superficiality)
4) sediment deposited by running water (at the entrance to a harbor or by a bend in a river)
(8) forthcoming
1) happening in the near future
2) isolation
3) sediment in a liquid
4) resorting to help when in trouble
(9) awe
1) cautious
2) solemn wonder
3) intimidate
4) unrestrained
(10) vagary
1) female warrior
2) uninterrupted
3) friendship
4) capricious happening
(11) vent
1) miser
2) begin formally
3) systematic
4) release or discharge through a vent
(12) hackles
1) skillful
2) hairs on back and neck, especially of a dog
3) beginning
4) poverty
(13) ameliorate
1) improve
2) bookish
3) harp on
4) baffle or confuse by a difficult problem
(14) preeminent
1) clever and imaginative (in dealing with difficult situations)
2) mar
3) eating both plant and animal food
4) outstanding
(15) propagate
1) quality of being true
2) increase in number by producing young
3) walk lamely
4) easily approachable
(16) hypnosis
1) justified
2) induced sleeping state
3) deceit
4) remitting of money
(17) infinitesimal
1) very small
2) plan of a trip
3) scornfully mocking
4) burden
(18) escapade
1) tear made by rending
2) deride or provoke
3) squabble
4) prank
(19) trek
1) travel
2) move back suddenly
3) leftover food
4) general agreement
(20) kleptomaniac
1) blacken
2) light-hearted
3) person who has a compulsive desire to steal
4) meaning
(21) expository
1) of the same kind
2) having a very fine bore
3) explanatory
4) barrier laid down by artillery fire
(22) Occident
1) rendering
2) insincere speech or expression of piety
3) the West
4) inflated
(23) hortatory
1) intelligent
2) (of a liquid) having the sediment disturbed
3) encouraging
4) assent
(24) pedant
1) scholar who overemphasizes book learning, trivial details of learning, or technicalities
2) solemn wonder
3) possession of land or building by rent
4) derived by reasoning
(25) imperative
1) absolutely necessary
2) stealthy
3) indignation
4) public official who investigates any death thought to be of other than natural causes
(1)3 (2)2 (3)1 (4)3 (5)4 (6)2 (7)2 (8)1 (9)2 (10)4 (11)4 (12)2 (13)1 (14)4 (15)2 (16)2 (17)1 (18)4 (19)1 (20)3 (21)3 (22)3 (23)3 (24)1 (25)1
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