Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Friday, August 21, 2009


(1) catechism
1) book for religious instruction in question-and-answer form
2) motivated solely by money or gain
3) one who commits sabotage
4) eating away by chemicals or disease

(2) draft
1) not earthly
2) first rough form
3) female warrior
4) unfounded false rumor

(3) panache
1) detached plant shoot used in grafting
2) dig into (to get stone)
3) flair
4) strong emotion

(4) disinterested
1) imagined
2) belief
3) unprejudiced
4) mosaic

(5) prop
1) support placed under or against something
2) copy
3) burdensome
4) wasteful (of money)

(6) unilateral
1) unwilling
2) one-sided
3) walk
4) systematic

(7) maritime
1) be suited to
2) state of having two opposite qualities
3) decide
4) bordering on(adjacent to) the sea

(8) lateral
1) practical
2) practical rule guiding conduct
3) of or coming from the side
4) report

(9) stupor
1) morbid fear
2) one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society
3) state of being stupefied
4) meal

(10) discombobulated
1) in good condition
2) discomposed
3) temporary stay
4) making a harsh noise

(11) log
1) record of a voyage or flight
2) outwit
3) seize another's power or rank (without legal authority)
4) concerning alchemy or magic

(12) dutiful(duteous
1) prank
2) induced sleeping state
3) (of a bird with large wings) wave (the wings) lightly, rapidly, and irregularly
4) ) (of people or their behavior) respectful

(13) insurrection
1) disease passed on by the bite of an infected animal (causing madness and death)
2) insert between
3) rebellion
4) piece of burning wood

(14) pell-mell
1) in confusion
2) lose animation or strength
3) mock
4) taking up again

(15) pathological
1) torn piece of cloth
2) slow
3) combativeness
4) pertaining to disease

(16) atheistic
1) denying the existence of God
2) servile dependent
3) brawl
4) storehouse for grain

(17) precipitate
1) hurl downward
2) revoke
3) legal claim or right on a property
4) intelligent

(18) laud
1) lazy
2) written statement made under oath (for use as proof in a court of law)
3) praise
4) fitness

(19) migrant
1) loathe
2) changing its habitat
3) shack
4) lustful

(20) prosody
1) illicit lover
2) art of versification
3) kingdom
4) capable of being repaired

(21) thermal
1) pleasantly tart-tasting
2) pertaining to heat
3) prominent
4) supplying nourishment

(22) redundant
1) any ulcerous sore
2) egotistic
3) superfluous
4) seemingly reasonable but incorrect

(23) legend
1) trace
2) explanatory list of symbols on a map
3) walk
4) being truly so

(24) elaboration
1) small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests
2) roundabout
3) addition of details
4) lively

(25) ingratiate
1) become popular with
2) treat gently
3) falling to pieces
4) selective

(1)1 (2)2 (3)3 (4)3 (5)1 (6)2 (7)4 (8)3 (9)3 (10)2 (11)1 (12)4 (13)3 (14)1 (15)4 (16)1 (17)1 (18)3 (19)2 (20)2 (21)2 (22)3 (23)2 (24)3 (25)1