Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Saturday, November 7, 2009


(1) resound
1) (of a place) be filled with sound
2) expressing irony
3) straightforward
4) payment or expense

(2) kinetic
1) unworthy
2) annoy
3) producing motion
4) (of a snake) shed or cast off (dead outer skin)

(3) collate
1) of or causing sepsis
2) examine and compare in order to verify authenticity
3) model of perfection
4) pretend

(4) autocratic
1) plunder
2) the smallest particle (one or more atoms) of a substance that has all the properties of that substance
3) having absolute unchecked power
4) candid

(5) aghast
1) silently showing ill humor or resentment
2) enthusiastic follower
3) advance in rank
4) filled with great surprise or fear

(6) duplicity
1) double-dealing
2) wise
3) bend the knee as in worship
4) complete

(7) welt
1) branch out
2) raised mark from a beating or whipping
3) punishment
4) not thick

(8) resumption
1) lead-colored
2) fortress
3) taking up again
4) shameless and noticeable

(9) coalition
1) do drudgery
2) partnership
3) humoring
4) a set of bells (often in a tower) capable of being played

(10) compulsive
1) perfectionist
2) resulting from compulsion
3) adjust to climate or environment
4) slanderous remark

(11) tautological
1) quantity of motion of a moving body
2) needlessly repetitious
3) unscrupulous
4) set right

(12) feasible
1) practical
2) intentionally hidden
3) fleshly
4) deprived of (something valuable)

(13) shunt
1) make watertight (by blocking up cracks as in a ship)
2) move (a railway train) from one track to another
3) cut into small parts
4) reduce

(14) flout
1) wilful
2) reject
3) cut or knock down (a tree or a person)
4) trick to deceive

(15) subside
1) layer of earth's surface
2) discordant
3) sink to a lower level
4) causing a problem

(16) glut
1) speak with involuntarily pauses or repetitions
2) revive
3) overstock
4) weak and in bad condition from old age or hard use

(17) chafe
1) harass, annoy, torment (by repeated attacks)
2) warm by rubbing
3) (of something bad) widespread
4) refusal of any compromise

(18) scoff
1) having a fixed order of procedure
2) plead
3) protrusion
4) laugh (at)

(19) venal
1) capable of being bribed
2) seemingly reasonable but incorrect
3) homeless wanderer
4) call by bugles or trumpets

(20) alleviate
1) reasoning
2) relieve (pain)
3) ambush
4) split into opposite extremes or camps

(21) disport
1) block
2) place of refuge or shelter
3) amuse
4) surrender something (stolen)

(22) jaundiced
1) ransack
2) inflammatory disorder of the lower intestinal tract
3) yellowed
4) seeker after position or status

(23) knell
1) tolling of a bell especially to indicate a funeral, disaster, etc.
2) noble
3) decisive
4) difference

(24) intellect
1) insolent
2) frugality
3) higher mental powers
4) domestic

(25) cavalier
1) casual and offhand
2) long period of time
3) supplicatory prayer
4) active enmity

(1)1 (2)3 (3)2 (4)3 (5)4 (6)1 (7)2 (8)3 (9)2 (10)2 (11)2 (12)1 (13)2 (14)2 (15)3 (16)3 (17)2 (18)4 (19)1 (20)2 (21)3 (22)3 (23)1 (24)3 (25)1