Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Monday, April 19, 2010


(1) unfrock

1) providing for future needs

2) lament

3) apply a lubricant to

4) defrock

(2) deranged

1) flood

2) gallop slowly

3) insane

4) disfranchise

(3) irascible

1) beautiful clothes for a special occasion

2) irritable

3) omen

4) introductory statement

(4) conclusive

1) employed

2) decisive

3) hypnotic state

4) spasmodic

(5) raffle

1) small waterfall

2) lottery

3) dining hall

4) multi-colored (as of a garment worn by a jester)

(6) inopportune

1) based on theory

2) express evil satisfaction

3) untimely

4) meal

(7) regatta

1) boat or yacht race

2) pry

3) ability to change in form

4) harmful

(8) frieze

1) withdrawal

2) poisonous

3) ornamental horizontal band on a wall

4) active enmity

(9) tutelage

1) guardianship

2) wrestle

3) feeling of sickness and desire to vomit

4) moving force

(10) putrid

1) mosaic

2) decayed and foul-smelling

3) powerful movement of or like a wave

4) imaginary

(11) impregnable

1) support

2) bruise

3) approval

4) invulnerable

(12) tablet

1) deep dish for serving soup

2) small round piece of medicine

3) made of inferior material

4) justification

(13) polyglot

1) pertaining to drama

2) small boat

3) speaking several languages

4) ) entrance

(14) proxy

1) chain

2) authorized agent

3) without definite purpose, plan, or aim

4) protruding knot on a tree

(15) interstice

1) narrow space between things

2) arrival

3) right or privilege granted by authority

4) substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness

(16) choleric

1) run away secretly with the intention of getting married

2) poet

3) insightful

4) hot-tempered

(17) prank

1) mischievous trick

2) cheating

3) large sled drawn by work animals

4) harness fitted about a horse's head (used to restrain)

(18) confluence

1) decayed and foul-smelling

2) unruly

3) pertaining to cultivation of gardens

4) flowing together

(19) chagrin

1) important in history

2) large vehicle drawn by a horse over snow or ice

3) military unit

4) annoyance and disappointment

(20) comeuppance

1) prominent

2) deserts

3) sudden frenzied rush (of panic-stricken animals or people)

4) most reliable

(21) foul

1) very bad or disagreeable

2) self-satisfaction

3) something attached to but holding an inferior position

4) adjust to climate or environment

(22) vagabond

1) wanderer (without a permanent home)

2) eating away by chemicals or disease

3) vain about dress and appearance

4) able to live both on land and in water

(23) valediction

1) pierce (with a sharp point)

2) shine erratically

3) violation of a law

4) saying farewell

(24) incognito

1) hypnotic state

2) surrender of prisoner by one state to another

3) with identity concealed

4) urbanity

(25) distraught

1) upset

2) life after death

3) live together

4) greatness (in size or extent)