Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Sunday, August 2, 2009


(1) implacable
1) reflection
2) delayed
3) incapable of being pacified
4) trick

(2) dappled
1) anxious
2) spotted
3) weakness of mind
4) talk idly

(3) bawdy
1) lazy person
2) destruction of life
3) evident
4) indecent

(4) wrest
1) act or state of separation
2) things thrown from a ship (to lighten the ship)
3) obtain by pulling violently
4) unreal reflection

(5) corpulent
1) act of using one's will
2) very fat
3) seek to attain (position or status)
4) small bunch (of hair)

(6) jab
1) disregard
2) poke abruptly with something sharp
3) half asleep
4) morally pure

(7) jug
1) express evil satisfaction
2) obligatory
3) pitcher
4) ill-humored

(8) appraise
1) proverb
2) heavy and awkward to carry or wear
3) infringe
4) estimate value of

(9) benign
1) made less dense (of a gas)
2) Scandinavian myth
3) unrepressed
4) kindly

(10) disapprobation
1) person having administrative authority
2) minor quarrel
3) disapproval
4) commit an offense

(11) dehydrate
1) person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will
2) romp
3) arsonist
4) remove water from

(12) elegy
1) suave
2) state of collapse or weakness caused by illness or old age
3) poem or song expressing lamentation (for the dead)
4) help bring about

(13) scad
1) large wave of water
2) introduction
3) payments made regularly to an ex-spouse after divorce
4) a great quantity

(14) solicitor
1) lecherous man
2) ridicule
3) put on
4) lawyer in the lower court of law

(15) impenitent
1) irresistible
2) lower
3) study of artifacts and relics of early mankind
4) not repentant

(16) quagmire
1) stronghold
2) bog
3) change voting district lines in order to favor a political party
4) interdependent relationship (between groups, species) often mutually beneficial

(17) cohesion
1) food
2) eling) inexperienced
3) joyous
4) tendency to keep together

(18) cupidity
1) greed (for wealth)
2) wrestle
3) useless
4) spread out (troops) in an extended though shallow battle line

(19) emolument
1) watch over and direct
2) mysterious
3) salary
4) refine (a liquid by evaporating and subsequent condensation)

(20) effeminate
1) having womanly traits
2) area in the care of a single priest and served by one main church
3) an error involving time in a story
4) main wooden stem of a tree

(21) magnanimity
1) introverted
2) excessively modest or proper person (who is easily shocked by improper things, esp. of a sexual nature)
3) mutually agreed on
4) generosity

(22) retard
1) somewhat saline
2) delay (in development)
3) cut the top off
4) flood

(23) erratic
1) odd
2) teacher of philosophy
3) breathe out
4) suggested or implied meaning of an expression

(24) slavish
1) enormous chasm
2) of or like a slave
3) horn (or horn-shaped container) overflowing with fruit and grain
4) hostile feeling or intent

(25) correlation
1) mutual relationship
2) consider
3) border upon
4) weaken (esp. through heat, hunger, illness)

(1)3 (2)2 (3)4 (4)3 (5)2 (6)2 (7)3 (8)4 (9)4 (10)3 (11)4 (12)3 (13)4 (14)4 (15)4 (16)2 (17)4 (18)1 (19)3 (20)1 (21)4 (22)2 (23)1 (24)2 (25)1