affirmation = positive assertion; confirmation; solemn
pledge by one who refuses to take an oath; V. affirm;
ADJ. affirmative; CF. affirmative action: positive discrimination
reparable = capable of being repaired
malaise = uneasiness; vague feeling of ill health (without
any particular pain or appearance of disease)
fecundity = fertility; fruitfulness; ADJ. fecund: very productive
of crops or young
frieze = ornamental horizontal band on a wall
canter = slow gallop; V. CF. trot
reserve = self-control; self-restraint; formal but distant
manner; reticence; Ex. without reserve: freely and
openly; ADJ. reserved: shy and uncommunicative
whimsical = capricious; fanciful; amusingly strange
feebleminded = deficient in intelligence; very stupid
exodus = departure (of a large number of people)
collate = examine and compare in order to verify authenticity;
arrange in order (the sheets of a book before they
are bound)
whittle = pare; cut away thin bits (from wood); fashion in
this way; reduce gradually; trim
soporific = sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness; drowsy
pterodactyl = extinct flying reptile; CF. wing+finger
mass = Christian religious ceremony; CF. Mass: ceremony
of the Eucharist
coagulate = congeal; thicken; clot; N. coagulant
metaphysical = pertaining to speculative philosophy; of
metaphysics; N. metaphysics: branch of philosophy
that examines the nature of reality
compulsive = resulting from compulsion
incumbent = obligatory; imposed as an obligation; currently
holding an office; N: person who holds an office
swipe = hit with a sweeping motion; N.
deify = turn into a god; make a god of; idolize; Ex. Kings
were deified; CF. deity
prodigy = highly gifted child; person with exceptional
talents; marvel; wonder
hazy = slightly obscure; misty; unclear; N. haze: light
mist or smoke; confused state of mind
incidental = not essential; minor; N: something incidental
decrepit = weak and in bad condition from old age or
hard use; Ex. decrepit old chair/man
methodical = systematic; N. method: systematic method
of procedure
malapropos = inappropriate; ADV.
capacity = mental or physical ability; role; position or
duty; ability to accommodate; Ex. in my capacity as
preempt = prevent in advance; head off(forestall); forestall
by acting first; appropriate for oneself before others;
supplant; take the place of; displace; Ex. preempt
any attempts; ADJ. preemptive
testator = maker of a will; CF. testatrix
libertine = debauched person; dissolute or licentious person;
rouĂ‚´e; CF. free
consolidation = unification; process of becoming firmer
or stronger; V. consolidate: merge; strengthen
veto = vested power to reject a bill; exercise of this right;
V: prevent or forbid by exercising the power of veto
dishonor = disgrace; N. ADJ. dishonorable
hull = husk; dry outer covering of a seed; frame or body
of a ship
inception = start; beginning
grandeur = impressiveness; stateliness; majesty
extirpate = root up; uproot; destroy completely
bicker = quarrel
euphemism = mild expression in place of an unpleasant
one; ADJ. euphemistic
ordeal = severe trial or affliction; difficult experience;
trial(test of patience or endurance); affliction
limber = flexible; supple; pliable; V.
astronomical = enormously large or extensive
presage = foretell; be a warning or sign of; N: presentiment;
foreboding; omen
uproar = noisy confusion
nuptial = related to marriage or the wedding ceremony;
N. nuptials: wedding ceremony
chaotic = in utter disorder
shack = crude cabin
caucus = private meeting of a group of people in a political
party to select officers or determine policy; CF. the
Caucus club of Boston
inveterate = deep-rooted; habitual; CF. grow old
besiege = surround with armed forces; harass (with requests);
annoy continually
relish = enjoy; savor; N: enjoyment; zest
dull = (of colors or surfaces) not bright; cloudy; overcast;
boring; (of edge or sound) not sharp; not rapid; sluggish;
slow in thinking and understanding; stupid; V.
monumental = massive; impressively large; built as a
attire = clothe; N: clothing; array; apparel
theocracy = government run by religious leaders
cerebral = pertaining to the brain or intellect; intellectual
rather than emotional; CF. cerebrum
affluence = abundance; wealth
carnage = destruction of life; slaughter; killing of large
numbers of people or animals
whelp = young animal (esp. of the dog or cat family);
young wolf, dog, tiger, etc.
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Monday, April 20, 2009
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