Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Thursday, October 1, 2009


(1) tawdry
1) cheap and gaudy
2) dexterity
3) spread through or over (with a color or liquid)
4) (of a woman or child) grave

(2) mash
1) crush into mash
2) fret
3) breathe out
4) design composed of one or more initials of a name

(3) peer
1) man who is not a cleric
2) recent convert
3) mysterious
4) one who has equal standing with another

(4) contrite
1) straightforward
2) penitent
3) elementary
4) person who seeks to overturn the established government

(5) purported
1) pointed tool used for piercing
2) mongrel
3) alleged
4) beautiful writing

(6) pristine
1) withdraw
2) unspoiled
3) clearly different from others of the same kind
4) objectionable

(7) posterity
1) forcible restraint, especially unlawfully
2) descendants
3) tax of one-tenth (contributed to a church)
4) extremely hungry

(8) knave
1) forerunners
2) untrustworthy person
3) weak
4) liberal

(9) Shangri-la
1) ill luck
2) imaginary remote paradise on earth
3) phrase dulled in meaning by repetition
4) careful in choosing

(10) assumption
1) vertebrate animal whose female suckles its young
2) llduggery) dishonest behavior or action
3) something taken for granted
4) bold

(11) ascribe
1) hard to understand
2) refer
3) dispute
4) disloyal

(12) quay
1) dock
2) change or harden into bone
3) messenger
4) untrustworthy person

(13) repository
1) pouring forth
2) isolate
3) storehouse
4) substance that dissolves another

(14) entrepreneur
1) businessperson (who assumes the risk of a business venture)
2) claw of bird
3) (unpleasantly) swollen or puffed as with water or air
4) place of origin

(15) dismantle
1) raised platform for speakers or other important people
2) take apart
3) dispute or contradict (often in an insulting way)
4) delaying

(16) analogous
1) comparable
2) large quantity or number
3) clearness of expression
4) pertaining to hell

(17) choleric
1) landless agricultural worker
2) hot-tempered
3) determine in advance
4) of or pertaining to the people

(18) loiter
1) remove (fleece or hair) by cutting
2) lowest point
3) hang about/around
4) pertaining to the improvement of race

(19) frock
1) something hinted at or suggested
2) irresistible
3) long loose garment (worn by monks)
4) move in search of plunder

(20) mire
1) given to diligent study
2) state of having two opposite qualities
3) selective
4) entangle

(21) ferret
1) not native
2) mysterious
3) drive or hunt out of hiding
4) provide or use scantily

(22) mores
1) start a fire
2) superfluous
3) conventions
4) hot sweet dish

(23) efface
1) repulsive to the sight
2) time long past
3) dig
4) rub out

(24) unrequited
1) not requited
2) negligent
3) nearness
4) painting on wet plaster (usually fresh)

(25) luxuriate
1) strict disciplinarian
2) Peeping Tom
3) outstanding
4) take pleasure in great comfort

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