Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Saturday, October 3, 2009


(1) deface
1) mar
2) small round piece of medicine
3) premonition
4) display of partiality toward a favored person

(2) carousal
1) thousand-year period (as in the New Testament)
2) excessively careful (with great attention to detail)
3) maker of a will
4) drunken revel

(3) bombardment
1) speed
2) attack (as with missiles or bombs)
3) not genuine
4) support

(4) cursive
1) great fire
2) (of writing) flowing
3) peak
4) transparent

(5) unfrock
1) sharp upslope of a hill
2) defrock
3) keep
4) gather leavings

(6) demure
1) lead-colored
2) empty
3) state of reacting readily to appeals, orders, etc.
4) (of a woman or child) grave

(7) prohibitive
1) so high as to prohibit purchase or use
2) comfort in sorrow or trouble
3) predecessor
4) go backwards

(8) appellation
1) descent
2) blessedness
3) name
4) travel about selling (wares)

(9) spoof
1) parody
2) pertaining to land or its cultivation
3) long shallow trench made by a plow
4) precede

(10) mayhem
1) expressing irony
2) final
3) injury to body
4) stare foolishly

(11) negate
1) symbol of immortality or rebirth
2) testify
3) insane
4) cancel out

(12) dichotomy
1) trifle with
2) clothing or equipment for a special purpose
3) redden
4) division into two opposite parts

(13) pang
1) sudden sharp feeling of pain
2) mongrel
3) art and science of preparing and serving good food
4) (of liquid) pour out in large quantities from a hole

(14) unregenerate
1) making no attempt to change one's bad practices
2) tease
3) brief, comprehensive summary
4) small representative world

(15) neologism
1) new or newly coined word or phrase
2) clowning
3) disobedience
4) blacken

(16) forte
1) strong point or special talent in a person's character
2) giving off an odor
3) like a fox
4) lecherous man

(17) stilted
1) bombastic
2) system of ideas characteristic of a group or culture
3) murder of a king or queen
4) struggle confusedly

(18) ignite
1) kindle
2) lively or animated
3) displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness
4) minor fight

(19) withstand
1) jaunty
2) offering or providing help
3) stand up against
4) complain

(20) minatory
1) hateful
2) menacing
3) remedy to counteract a poison or disease
4) surviving remnant (from an extinct culture)

(21) accord
1) seeker after position or status
2) agreement
3) drink greedily
4) nimbleness

(22) primogeniture
1) obligated
2) (of someone) suspicious
3) noble
4) seniority by birth

(23) vicar
1) parish priest
2) harp on
3) secret
4) forceful

(24) habitat
1) imitation of a real object used as a substitute
2) natural home of a plant or animal
3) funeral ceremony
4) person who establishes (an organization or business)

(25) confidential
1) place of refuge
2) exact
3) holding one's attention
4) spoken or written in secret

(1)1 (2)4 (3)2 (4)2 (5)2 (6)4 (7)1 (8)3 (9)1 (10)3 (11)4 (12)4 (13)1 (14)1 (15)1 (16)1 (17)1 (18)1 (19)3 (20)2 (21)2 (22)4 (23)1 (24)2 (25)4