Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


(1) commemorate
1) social outcast
2) (of a sound) grate on (eg. nerves)
3) honor the memory of
4) narrow neck of land connecting two larger bodies of land

(2) academic
1) related to a school
2) suitable to debate or courts of law
3) lacking in spirit or energy
4) direct vote by the entire electorate (on an important issue)

(3) propulsive
1) hostile invasion
2) unable to compromise about points of doctrine
3) driving forward
4) designed to create ill will or envy

(4) browse
1) graze
2) operatic solo
3) having a common center
4) honor at a festival

(5) concave
1) sharpen
2) refine
3) bear fruit
4) hollow

(6) graphic
1) pertaining to the art of delineating
2) trunk of statue with head and limbs missing
3) graze
4) switch (a railroad car) to a siding

(7) countenance
1) whimsical
2) appease
3) thriftless
4) approve

(8) repercussion
1) rebound
2) meeting place
3) lack of proper respect or reverence
4) only slightly connected

(9) ruminate
1) reasoning
2) chew over and over (mentally or, like cows, physically)
3) distribute
4) cut off with shears

(10) ascertain
1) find out for certain
2) stipulation
3) mismanage
4) in utter disorder

(11) minion
1) servile dependent
2) prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or country
3) eager enthusiasm (to a cause or ideal)
4) thick-skinned animal

(12) noisome
1) appear or take shape (usually in an enlarged, indistinct, or distorted form)
2) foul smelling
3) drowsy
4) bankrupt

(13) alloy
1) medieval chemistry
2) unpleasantly dark
3) comic misuse of a word
4) mixture as of metals

(14) luminary
1) good judgment with composure
2) bankrupt
3) celebrity (in a specific field)
4) acquire

(15) promiscuous
1) mixed indiscriminately
2) sudden flood or rush
3) behaving like a slave
4) long and thin

(16) gnarled
1) twisted
2) loud and harsh
3) stubborn
4) brief statement used to express a principle

(17) egotism
1) tendency to speak or write of oneself excessively
2) children
3) inflated
4) shyness

(18) aristocracy
1) hereditary nobility
2) particle removed by a file
3) quick clever reply
4) windy

(19) precipitous
1) dig into (to get stone)
2) steep
3) important in history
4) abundant

(20) sanguine
1) believing that pleasure is good and suffering is bad and should be avoided
2) optimistic
3) underwater explosive apparatus
4) (of people or animals) sturdy

(21) nauseate
1) entirely acceptable
2) speak equivocally about an issue
3) vinegary
4) cause to become sick

(22) frantic
1) serious
2) bear one's self
3) travel about selling (wares)
4) wild

(23) sarcasm
1) distasteful
2) complete
3) cutting ironic remark
4) deviation from the normal

(24) exotic
1) questionable
2) error
3) bitter scolding or denunciation
4) not native

(25) spatula
1) give up (a position, right, or claim)
2) broad-bladed instrument used for spreading or mixing
3) easy to approach
4) stupid person

(1)3 (2)1 (3)3 (4)1 (5)4 (6)1 (7)4 (8)1 (9)2 (10)1 (11)1 (12)2 (13)4 (14)3 (15)1 (16)1 (17)1 (18)1 (19)2 (20)2 (21)4 (22)4 (23)3 (24)4 (25)2