Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


(1) mandatory

1) chuckle with delight

2) nearness (in space or relationship)

3) obligatory

4) piece of burning wood

(2) cleave

1) calm

2) split or sever

3) having absolute unchecked power

4) predict (according to present indications)

(3) introvert

1) eager for knowledge

2) not spacious

3) impartial

4) one who is introspective or inclined to think more about oneself

(4) annals

1) hybridize

2) give an imitation that ridicules

3) records arranged in yearly parts

4) conceal

(5) lode

1) metal-bearing vein(long deposit of an ore)

2) equipment

3) forewarning

4) contaminate

(6) willful

1) deceive

2) small ornamental statuette(very small statue)

3) state of being partial

4) wilful

(7) recipient

1) receiver

2) condition of being unable to feel pain

3) reflection

4) mental calmness

(8) buffoonery

1) produce young

2) clowning

3) make greater

4) ugly

(9) aromatic

1) mournful

2) (of light or color) bright and distinct

3) fragrant

4) adorn

(10) collected

1) composed

2) straightforward

3) theme

4) extraordinary ability

(11) detrimental

1) harmful

2) flexible

3) unaccustomed

4) demand and obtain by force

(12) luminous

1) impatiently restless (induced by external coercion or restriction)

2) shining (esp. in the dark)

3) formal demand or request

4) (of a person) truthful

(13) verge

1) irresistible

2) without feeling

3) disparage

4) border

(14) constituency

1) ravenous

2) voters represented by an elected official

3) dissimilar

4) turn over

(15) eulogy

1) expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death

2) sorcery

3) (of a person) truthful

4) daily

(16) log

1) delayed

2) record of a voyage or flight

3) legal official of high rank

4) prescribed course of diet or exercise

(17) notable

1) pertaining to ships or navigation

2) person who enjoys his own pain

3) conspicuous

4) conceivably true

(18) pinnace

1) ostentatious

2) nservatoire) school of the fine arts (especially music or drama)

3) small boat

4) illness

(19) nostrum

1) neat and trim in appearance

2) questionable medicine

3) refusal to yield

4) readily acting in accordance with a rule, order, or the wishes or others

(20) converse

1) one guilty of a crime

2) opposite

3) cold or cheerless

4) prank

(21) demotic

1) annoying

2) positive assertion

3) of or pertaining to the people

4) chatter rapidly or unintelligibly

(22) mingle

1) banish from a group

2) mix together in close association

3) mix

4) vehicle

(23) unwieldy

1) drowsy

2) awkward (to carry or move)

3) abstaining from sexual intercourse

4) abnormal or deviant

(24) precise

1) secure grasp or hold

2) small ridge on a smooth surface (face or cloth)

3) exact

4) avaricious

(25) curtail

1) shorten

2) conspiring in a fraudulent scheme to cheat or deceive others

3) draw out fact or information (by discussion or from someone)

4) understanding the nature of an event after it has actually happened