privy = secret; hidden; not public; made a participant in
something secret; Ex. privy chamber government; Ex.
be privy to a discussion; CF. private
docket = program as for trial; book where such entries are
made; list of things to be done; agenda; label fixed to a
package listing contents or directions; V: describe in a
stifle = suppress; extinguish; inhibit; smother or suffocate
patronize = support; act superior toward; treat in a condescending
manner; be a customer of; N. patron: one
that supports; regular customer; N. patronage; CF. boycott
colloquial = pertaining to conversational or common
speech; informal; N. colloquialism: colloquial expression
fester = rankle; produce irritation or resentment; (of a cut
or wound) generate pus or rot; Ex. His insult festered in
my mind for days.
skirmish = minor fight; minor battle in war; V.
avow = declare openly; N. avowal
emboss = produce a design in raised relief; decorate with
a raised design
latch = fastening or lock consisting of a movable bar that
fits into a notch; V: close with a latch
interim = meantime; Ex. in the interim; ADJ. taking place
during an interim; Ex. interim paper
fanfare = call by bugles or trumpets; showy display; spectacular
public display
craven = cowardly
runic = mysterious; set down in an ancient alphabet; N.
rune: one of the letters of an alphabet used by ancient
Germanic peoples (cut on stone or wood); magic charm
arid = (of land) dry; barren; unproductive
pose = assume a particular posture; put forward; present;
affect a particular attitude (to impress others); Ex. pose
a threat; N.
listless = lacking in spirit or energy; languid
tautological = needlessly repetitious; Ex. .It was visible
to the eye.; N. tautology: needless repetition of the
same sense; statement that is always true
plumb = exactly vertical; N: weight on the end of a line;
V: examine very carefully or critically in order to understand;
measure depth (by sounding); Ex. plumb the
depth of
prune = cut away; trim
amphitheater = oval building with tiers of seats; CF. arena
fulcrum = support on which a lever rests or pivots
befuddle = confuse thoroughly
heterodox = (of beliefs) against accepted opinion; unorthodox;
germ = earliest form of an organism; seed or bud; something
that may develop into something larger or more
important; microbe
flamboyant = ornate; highly elaborate; richly colored; ostentatious;
showy; CF. flame
magnanimity = generosity; ADJ. magnanimous: generous
atypical = not normal; not typical
enterprise = willingness to take new ventures; initiative;
business organization; plan (that is difficult or daring);
Ex. their latest enterprise to sail round the world in a
small boat
incidence = rate of occurrence; particular occurrence; Ex.
high incidence of infant mortality
accord = agreement
crestfallen = dejected; dispirited
imbue = saturate(soak thoroughly); fill; Ex. imbue someone
with feelings
fleet = fast; rapid; N. ADJ. fleeting: passing quickly;
pertinent = suitable; to the point; relevant
surpass = exceed
demographic = related to population balance; N. demography:
statistical study of human population
ragamuffin = dirty child in torn clothes; person wearing
tattered clothes
afterlife = life after death; later part of one.s life
parameter = limit; independent variable; Ex. parameters
of the problem; Ex. within the parameters of the budget
confidential = spoken or written in secret; trusted with
private matters; Ex. confidential secretary
quarantine = isolation of a person, place, or ship to prevent
spread of infection; V: isolate in quarantine
passive = not active; acted upon; receiving an action without
acting in return; accepting without resistance
mammoth = gigantic; enormous
somnolent = half asleep; drowsy; N. somnolence
sage = person celebrated for wisdom; wise person; ADJ:
sidetrack = switch (a railroad car) to a siding; divert from
a main issue; N. CF. siding: short section of railroad
track connected by switches with a main track
limbo = region near heaven or hell where certain souls are
kept; prison (slang); Ex. Purgatory and Limbo
gregarious = sociable; (of an animal) tending to form a
slick = make smooth or glossy; N: smooth surface; Ex. oil
slick; ADJ: smooth; glossy; deftly executed; adroit; glib
prerogative = privilege; unquestionable right; CF. ask before
paragon = model of perfection; Ex. paragon of virtue
gadfly = animal-biting fly; irritating person
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009
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