Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Sunday, April 25, 2010


(1) repast

1) lethargy

2) meal

3) shorten

4) lessen in value

(2) brevity

1) lawsuit

2) devoted to the pleasures of the sense

3) solemn urging

4) conciseness

(3) venison

1) absence of contradictions

2) iron block used in hammering out metals

3) sympathy for the suffering of others

4) meat of a deer

(4) torpedo

1) counselor-at-law or lawyer in the higher court of law

2) disease passed on by the bite of an infected animal (causing madness and death)

3) underwater explosive apparatus

4) liable to err

(5) figurine

1) sceptic

2) small ornamental statuette(very small statue)

3) ) any gain above stipulated salary

4) sustaining

(6) motto

1) move furtively

2) act of dissecting living animals

3) brief statement used to express a principle

4) evident

(7) antagonism

1) hostility

2) inner excitement or exuberance

3) waterspout carved in grotesque figures on a building

4) one regarded as embodying a set image or type

(8) politic

1) prudent

2) fault

3) living at the same time as

4) person who keeps bees

(9) enthrall

1) hug

2) capture

3) law enacted by the legislature

4) dark

(10) bereft

1) belief

2) eliminate from consideration

3) four-footed animal

4) deprived of (something valuable)

(11) crescendo

1) storage place for military equipment

2) courtesy

3) state of being undecided

4) increase in the volume or intensity as in a musical passage

(12) unwonted

1) great influence (especially political or social)

2) unaccustomed

3) threat

4) wasteful (of money)

(13) stalwart

1) bookish

2) physically strong

3) hug

4) eat away

(14) debauch

1) crash

2) opening

3) corrupt morally

4) one guilty of a crime

(15) shed

1) distinguish

2) Scandinavian myth

3) having human form or characteristics

4) small roofed structure for storage and shelter

(16) chide

1) earthen or stone embankment to prevent flooding

2) scold

3) willingness to take new ventures

4) large group

(17) loiter

1) causing great fear

2) chances

3) taking up again

4) hang about/around

(18) ingenious

1) imitate or mimic (a person's behavior or manner)

2) pamper

3) deep feeling of dislike

4) marked by inventive skill

(19) hygiene

1) science and practice of the promotion and preservation of health

2) disclaim or disavow

3) pardon (allowed by government to political criminals)

4) improperness

(20) anthology

1) book of literary selections by various authors

2) sky blue

3) strenuous work

4) leave helpless on a deserted island or coast

(21) giddy

1) tendency of a system or organism to maintain relative stability or internal equilibrium

2) shove

3) light-hearted

4) denoting a widely used temperature scale (basically same as Celsius)

(22) demean

1) joyous

2) disgrace

3) lessening

4) significance

(23) ulcer

1) roundabout

2) deduce

3) sore place appearing on the skin inside or outside the body

4) list (of names)

(24) wring

1) young animal (esp. of the dog or cat family)

2) twist (to extract liquid)

3) sink to a lower level

4) be a sign of

(25) unconscionable

1) unscrupulous

2) tyrant

3) person who seeks to overturn the established government

4) steal another's ideas or writings and pass them off as one's own