Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Friday, May 14, 2010


(1) homeostasis

1) support

2) monumental tomb

3) tendency of a system or organism to maintain relative stability or internal equilibrium

4) active enmity

(2) arrhythmic

1) having no equal

2) hostility

3) lacking rhythm or regularity

4) prohibit

(3) ebullient

1) showing excitement

2) take (private property) for military use without needing permission or giving payment

3) morbid fear

4) put at a loss

(4) laceration

1) chief

2) standards used in judging

3) full of vigor or energy

4) torn ragged wound

(5) anodyne

1) scolding woman

2) split into opposite extremes or camps

3) drug that relieves pain or trouble

4) beginning

(6) armada

1) prohibit

2) fleet of warships

3) (the stated person's) habit or custom

4) honor

(7) nondescript

1) undistinctive

2) small ridge on a smooth surface (face or cloth)

3) reprove severely

4) old-fashioned

(8) equitable

1) emotionally removed

2) name (of a book, film, etc.)

3) fair

4) unfortunate

(9) mollycoddle

1) move hastily

2) profitable

3) causing nausea

4) pamper

(10) dilettante

1) remainder

2) aimless follower of an art or a field of knowledge (not taking it seriously)

3) avaricious

4) undeveloped

(11) nib

1) collection

2) baffle or confuse by a difficult problem

3) colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism

4) beak(bill)

(12) inaugurate

1) scatter

2) sordid

3) heterogeneous mixture

4) begin formally

(13) staid

1) given freely

2) (of voice) harsh and unpleasant

3) serious and sedate

4) trivial

(14) discomfit

1) frustrate

2) unruly

3) imagination (of a whimsical or fantastic nature)

4) loiter or dawdle

(15) amorous

1) features especially of the face

2) navigation tool used to determine a ship's latitude and longitude (by measuring the altitudes of stars)

3) not open to attack

4) moved by sexual love

(16) plait

1) long heroic poem, novel, or similar work of art (celebrating the feats of a hero)

2) braid

3) induced sleeping state

4) bending of a ray of light

(17) repugnance

1) (esp. of a flower or leaf) many-colored

2) (of societies or groups) combine

3) disgust

4) threat

(18) swell

1) long wave of water that moves continuously without breaking

2) prominent

3) group of artists whose work is based on the newest ideas and methods

4) growth or increase in size by gradual addition

(19) flinch

1) condemn

2) marshal

3) one who foretells the future

4) hesitate

(20) poseur

1) conspicuously wicked, bad, or offensive

2) (of someone) awkward in movement

3) person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant, etc., to impress others

4) keep waiting

(21) seasonal

1) pertaining to conversational or common speech

2) too certain to be disputed

3) song of praise or patriotism

4) of a particular season

(22) summation

1) arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty, etc.)

2) applaud

3) blues

4) act of finding the total

(23) protean

1) able to take on many forms

2) believing that pleasure is good and suffering is bad and should be avoided

3) small speck (esp. of dust)

4) unspoiled

(24) officious

1) meddlesome

2) having many talents

3) determined

4) having no previous example

(25) mimicry

1) arrange into categories or grades

2) separate

3) imitation

4) meal