incipient = beginning; in an early stage
smudge = dirty mark with unclear edges made by rubbing;
antiseptic = substance that prevents infection in a wound;
virtue = goodness; moral excellence; good quality; advantage;
Ex. by virtue of; Ex. make a virtue of necessity
exemplary = serving as a model; outstanding; Ex. exemplary
punishment/behavior; N. exemplar: typical example;
indecision = irresolution; inability to make up one.s mind
ponderous = having great weight; weighty; unwieldy;
lacking lightness; dull; Ex. ponderous body/style of
frugality = thrift; economy; ADJ. frugal: practicing economy;
costing little; inexpensive
posture = assume an affected pose; act artificially; N:
pose; attitude
comeback = retort; quick clever reply; return to former
acclivity = sharp upslope of a hill; OP. declivity
dummy = imitation of a real object used as a substitute;
purport = intention; purpose; meaning; V: claim; profess;
Ex. order which purports to be signed by the general
terminus = last stop of railroad; end
nuance = shade of slight difference in meaning or color;
subtle distinction
bewitch = cast a spell over; captivate completely
libel = defamatory written statement; act of writing
something that smears a person.s character; V. ADJ. libelous
incantation = singing or chanting of magic spells; magical
formula; (the saying of) words used in magic; CF.
acne = skin disease (on the face)
metrical = metric; written in the form of poetry; Ex. metrical
translation of Homer
impregnable = invulnerable; impossible to capture or enter
by force; Ex. impregnable fort/argument; CF. take
inherent = firmly established by nature or habit; intrinsic
fidelity = loyalty; accuracy
standstill = condition of no movement or activity; stop
adjuration = solemn urging; V. adjure: entreat earnestly;
enjoin solemnly
habitat = natural home of a plant or animal; CF. habitation
obeisance = bow (to show respect and obedience)
carillon = a set of bells (often in a tower) capable of being
sleight = dexterity; CF. sleight of hand: legerdemain;
quickness of the hands in doing tricks
actuarial = calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics
ramble = wander aimlessly (physically or mentally); digress
lustrous = shining; brilliant; Ex. lustrous hair
substantiate = support (a claim) with evidence; establish
with evidence; verify
resolution = determination; resoluteness; ADJ. resolute:
firm or determined in purpose
awl = pointed tool used for piercing
urge = drive or force forward (by causing impulses); drive
to take action; impel; entreat earnestly; Ex. urge horses;
N: impulse that prompts action
vigilante = one who without authority assumes law enforcement
hatch = deck opening; lid covering a deck opening; V:
emerge from an egg; produce (young) from an egg
irreparable = not able to be corrected or repaired; impossible
to repair
herpetologist = one who studies reptiles; CF. herpetology:
branch of zoology that deals with reptiles and amphibians
saturate = soak thoroughly; imbue; impregnate; charge;
fill to capacity
medley = mixture
improvident = thriftless; not providing for the future
connivance = pretense of ignorance of something wrong;
assistance; permission to offend; V. connive: feign ignorance
(of a wrong); cooperate secretly in an illegal action;
verdigris = green coating or patina on copper which has
been exposed to the weather
pusillanimous = cowardly; lacking courage; fainthearted
clique = small exclusive group of people
congruence = correspondence of parts; harmonious relationship;
CF. congruity
dexterous = skillful; skill in using hands or mind; N. dexterity
beware = be cautious (of)
relent = become less severe; give in(surrender); ADJ. relentless:
unyielding; continuously severe
senility = old age; feeblemindedness of old age; ADJ. senile:
resulting from old age; showing the weakness of
body or mind from old age; Ex. senile dementia
xenophobia = fear or hatred of foreigners; N. xenophobe
jest = playful remark or act; V. act or speak playfully
expository = explanatory; serving to explain; N. exposition:
explaining; exhibition
catechism = book for religious instruction in questionand-
answer form; religious instruction by question and
answer; V. catechize
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
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