Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Monday, March 29, 2010


(1) ratiocination

1) unable for the moment to speak (because of strong feeling)

2) reasoning

3) like wood

4) superfluous

(2) mode

1) invulnerable

2) prevailing style

3) shaky

4) widespread damage

(3) wispy

1) balance

2) thin

3) too improbable to be believed

4) unmanageable

(4) vulgar

1) of the common people

2) not genuine

3) small church (in a prison, college, or hospital)

4) condition of being squalid

(5) unctuous

1) introductory statement

2) insane

3) oily

4) conceivably true

(6) monolithic

1) solidly uniform

2) fragment generally of broken pottery (glass, clay bowl, or cup)

3) exclamation

4) (of an animal) not domestic

(7) angular

1) formal agreement

2) baffle or confuse by a difficult problem

3) sharp-cornered

4) reading desk or stand for a public speaker

(8) imprudent

1) chemical reaction that splits complex organic compounds

2) lacking caution

3) annoy

4) (of land) dry

(9) unerringly

1) make lively or spirited

2) infallibly

3) compulsive habitual need

4) lustful

(10) gleam

1) use sparingly

2) lustful

3) brief flash of light

4) move (a railway train) from one track to another

(11) biting

1) sharply painful to the body or mind

2) wasteful

3) legal delay of payment or action

4) physician who specializes in treatment of the eyes

(12) commune

1) small (often rural) community whose members share work and income

2) small representative world

3) make smooth or glossy

4) having a very fine bore

(13) unfetter

1) Roman army officer (commanding a company of about 100 soldiers)

2) crushed oats used for making porridge

3) clear from blame or guilt

4) liberate

(14) maleficient

1) doing evil

2) impressionable

3) refrain

4) slight degree of color

(15) sleight

1) hint

2) dexterity

3) hairy

4) remorse

(16) swerve

1) deviate

2) agreeable

3) mental keenness

4) pertaining to cultivation of gardens

(17) lethal

1) deadly

2) something taken for granted

3) anxious

4) aggressiveness

(18) finicky

1) candid

2) too particular

3) comprehend

4) one incapacitated(disabled) by a chronic illness

(19) truculence

1) aggressiveness

2) wasting away

3) hanging

4) local or provincial dialect

(20) consanguineous(

1) puff or gust (of air, scent, etc.)

2) deep-rooted

3) connected with history

4) consanguine) having a common ancestor

(21) preeminent

1) outstanding

2) pertinent

3) decree

4) having foresight

(22) titanic

1) severely critical

2) gigantic

3) group of persons joined in political intrigue

4) father and ruler of a family or tribe

(23) championship

1) rebellious

2) made of inferior material

3) assault

4) position of champion

(24) colloquial

1) strenuous work

2) based on assumptions or hypotheses

3) pertaining to conversational or common speech

4) show by example

(25) avalanche

1) severe trial or affliction

2) scold

3) hostile invasion

4) great mass of falling snow and ice