Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Friday, January 8, 2010


(1) resplendent

1) turn into vapor (steam, gas, fog, etc.)

2) thriftless

3) brilliant

4) pick out from others (to kill the weakest members)

(2) mongrel

1) a light meal

2) rubble

3) plant or animal (esp. a dog) of mixed breed

4) terms used in a science or art

(3) embryonic

1) commonplace

2) refusal to yield

3) undeveloped

4) abundance

(4) surly

1) lack of seriousness or steadiness

2) bad-tempered

3) student at a military school

4) extremely (offensively) obvious

(5) inclined

1) submissive

2) operatic singer

3) issue forth

4) tending or leaning toward

(6) slacken

1) slow up

2) wild

3) te) ornament worn on the shoulder (of a uniform, etc.)

4) anything discarded or rejected as worthless

(7) ultimatum

1) able to live both on land and in water

2) make discontented

3) nearing

4) last demand

(8) collaborate

1) mercy killing

2) work together

3) state of violent agitation

4) behead

(9) monograph

1) burn (a wound or snakebite, etc.) with hot iron or caustic substance to stop bleeding and prevent infection

2) scholarly article

3) short poem idealizing rural life

4) eliminate from consideration

(10) partiality

1) susceptible to wounds or attack

2) feeling of kinship

3) moderation or self-control

4) state of being partial

(11) malign

1) make discontented

2) untidy (of a woman or clothes)

3) length of time something lasts

4) speak evil of

(12) vaporize

1) incomplete

2) church dignitary

3) turn into vapor (steam, gas, fog, etc.)

4) relapse

(13) stipend

1) disturb the composure of

2) pay for services

3) having an odor

4) mob

(14) infidel

1) first in rank or importance

2) written symbols

3) deliverance from a charge

4) unbeliever (with respect to a particular religion)

(15) mobile

1) habitual return to crime (even after being punished)

2) fragrant

3) pollute

4) movable

(16) recession

1) main impact or shock (of an attack or blow)

2) letdown in thought or emotion

3) withdrawal

4) great waterfall

(17) corpulent

1) bend the knee as in worship

2) those of gentle birth

3) very fat

4) stir up

(18) belie

1) act of keeping watch

2) contradict

3) loud continous noise

4) annoy by repeated attacks

(19) forthcoming

1) mortuary

2) happening in the near future

3) morally disapproved person

4) practical (as opposed to idealistic)

(20) concerted

1) teacher of philosophy

2) unsatisfied

3) mutually agreed on

4) green coating or patina on copper which has been exposed to the weather

(21) hazy

1) state of being undecided

2) slightly obscure

3) apply a lubricant to

4) unfounded false rumor

(22) supercilious

1) feeling of kinship

2) make unfriendly or hostile

3) haughty

4) abundance

(23) intractable

1) practical rule guiding conduct

2) stick out

3) unruly

4) group sharing a common cause or opinion

(24) incinerate

1) one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs

2) chew over and over (mentally or, like cows, physically)

3) utter a deep guttural sound (as a pig does)

4) burn to ashes

(25) straggle

1) conventions

2) (of a fault or sin) forgivable

3) sudden strong feeling of disgust

4) stray or fall behind (a main group)