entree(entrĂ‚´ee) = entrance; a way in; right to enter; main
dish of a meal; Ex. entree into the exclusive circle
toady = servile flatterer; yes man; sycophant; V: be a
toady to; fawn
disparate = basically different; impossible to compare;
abscond = depart secretly and hide
mendacious = lying; habitually dishonest; N. mendacity
anticlimax = letdown in thought or emotion; something
unexciting, ordinary, or disappointing coming after
something important or exciting
inquisitor = questioner (especially harsh); investigator;
person making an inquisition
pilfer = steal things of small value; filch; snitch
effluvium = noxious(harmful) smell
sardonic = scornfully mocking; disdainful; sarcastic; cynical;
Ex. sardonic smile
amulet = charm; talisman; an object worn believed to protect
against evil, bad luck
transcribe = copy; write a copy of; N. transcription
rant = speak violently or excitedly; rave; talk excitedly
showing anger; scold; make a grandiloquent speech; Ex.
The priest ranted about the devil.
vindicate = clear from blame; free from blame or accusation
(with supporting proof); exonerate; substantiate;
justify or support; avenge; Ex. vindicate one.s client; Ex.
vindicate one.s claim; CF. vindicator
drivel = nonsense; foolishness; V: talk nonsense
unregenerate = making no attempt to change one.s bad
haven = place of safety; refuge; harbor; Ex. tax haven
foist = insert improperly; impose upon another by coercion;
palm off; pass off as genuine or worthy; CF. fist
contagion = infection (by contact); ADJ. contagious; CF.
infectious: that can be passed by infection in the air
subterfuge = stratagem(deceptive scheme); pretense;
evasion; Ex. resort to a harmless subterfuge
windfall = fallen fruit; unexpected lucky event
stipple = paint or draw with dots or short strokes
irascible = irritable; easily angered
trilogy = group of three related works (connected by a
shared subject but each complete in itself)
carousal = drunken revel; V. carouse
pedigree = ancestry; lineage
orifice = mouthlike opening; small opening (esp. to a cavern
or passage of the body); CF. mouth
sinuous = twisting; winding; bending in and out; not
morally honest
nonplus = put at a loss; bring to a halt by confusion; perplex;
CF. no more
earthly = of this earth; terrestrial; worldly; not divine;
possible; Ex. no earthly reason
dowse = use a divining rod to search for underground
water or minerals
miscellaneous = made up of a variety of parts
bountiful = generous; graciously generous; showing
glacial = like a glacier; of an ice age; extremely cold; Ex.
glacial epoch; CF. iceberg
expedite = hasten; make go faster
expiate = make amends for (a sin)
ward = administrative division of a city; division in a hospital
or prison; incompetent person placed under the
protection of a guardian; V: guard; ward off: avert
flippant = lacking proper seriousness; Ex. flippant remarks
about death; N. flippancy
embellish = adorn; ornament; enhance as a story (by
adding fictitious details)
indolent = lazy
impersonal = not being a person; not showing personal
feelings; Ex. impersonal force/manner/organization
conformity = harmony; agreement with established rules
or customs; similarity; Ex. behave in conformity with;
V. conform: be similar; act in agreement; comply; Ex.
conform to the rule; CF. conformance
brink = edge (at the top of a cliff); Ex. on the brink of the
Grand Canyon
nubile = marriageable; of marriageable age; CF. connubial
criteria = standards used in judging; CF. criterion
soothsayer = one who foretells the future
clot = half-solid lump formed from a liquid (or blood); V.
artifice = deception; trickery
prowess = extraordinary ability; military bravery; Ex.
prowess in battle
fruitful = producing results; profitable; prolific; producing
in abundance
adroit = skillful (in using mind or hand)
agenda = items of business at a meeting
guile = deceit; duplicity; wiliness; cunning; Ex. persuade
her by guile
cemetery = place for burying the dead
bourgeois = middle class; selfishly materialistic; too interested
in material possessions
loathe = detest; ADJ. loathsome: arousing loathing; offensive;
Ex. loathsome smell
calculated = deliberately planned; likely
obscure = dark; vague; unclear; not well known; Ex. obscure
meaning/village; V: darken; cover; make unclear;
Ex. obscure the moon/meaning
physiological = pertaining to the science of the function
of living organisms; N. physiology
bellicose = warlike
headfirst = moving with the head leading; headlong
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Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
cavil = quibble; make frivolous objections; find fault unnecessarily
malodorous = foul-smelling
tribunal = court of justice
quay = dock; wharf; pier; landing place (for boats)
milieu = social environment; means of expression; Ex.
feel out of one.s milieu; Ex. His proper milieu is watercolor.
reticent = inclined to silence; uncommunicative; reserved;
Ex. He was reticent about the reasons; N. reticence
inhibited = (of a person) unable to express what one really
dolorous = sorrowful; N. dolor
remission = temporary moderation (of disease symptoms);
remitting of a debt or punishment; cancelation
of a debt; pardon; Ex. The disease went into remission;
Ex. Christians pray for the remission of sins.
exorcise = drive out evil spirits
caulk(calk) = make watertight (by blocking up cracks as
in a ship)
estimable = (of a person) worthy of esteem; admirable;
deserving esteem; possible to estimate
bouillon = clear beef (or meat) soup
taciturn = habitually silent; talking little
loath = reluctant; unwilling; disinclined; Ex. Romeo and
Juliet were both loath for him to go.
saccharine = cloying sweet; characteristic of sugar or saccharin
indiscriminate = choosing at random; confused; not
based on careful distinctions
impalpable = imperceptible(not easily understood); intangible;
OP. palpable: tangible; easily perceptible
jettison = throw overboard (from a ship or plane)
futile = useless; hopeless; ineffectual
altruistic = unselfishly generous; concerned for others; N.
altiruism: unselfish concern for the welfare of others;
unselfishness; OP. egoism
viand = food; CF. live
foible = small weakness of character; slight fault; CF. feeble
mauve = pale purple
solder = repair or make whole by using a metal alloy; N:
metal alloy (usually tin and lead) used in the molten
state to join metallic parts
prominent = protruding(sticking out); conspicuous; notable;
tract = propaganda pamphlet (esp. by a religious or political
group); expanse of land; region of indefinite size;
system of related organs; Ex. digestive tract
novice = beginner
mutinous = unruly; rebellious; Ex. mutinous teenagers;
N. mutiny: open rebellion; CF. mutineer
connubial = pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial
crust = hard outer covering (as of earth or snow)
digression = wandering away from the subject; V. digress
adjacent = adjoining; neighboring; close by
troth = pledge of good faith especially in betrothal; betrothal;
Ex. by my troth
fervent = ardent; zealous; hot
log = record of a voyage or flight; record of day-to-day
activities; section of a trunk; V.
rail = complain bitterly; scold; rant; Ex. the weaker railing
against injustices
incongruity = lack of harmony; absurdity; ADJ. incongruous:
lacking in harmony; inappropriate
comatose = in a coma; extremely sleepy
outspoken = candid; blunt
resilient = elastic; having the power of springing back;
able to recover quickly (as from misfortune)
grate = make a harsh noise; have an unpleasant effect;
shred by rubbing against a rough surface; Ex. grated
cheese N: framework of metal bars to hold fuel in a fireplace
prevaricate = lie; hide the truth (by equivocating)
natation = swimming
articulate = effective; distinct; expressing ideas clearly;
having clear sounds; having joints; Ex. articulate
speech; V: express thoughts and feeling clearly; pronounce
clearly; unite by joints
arbiter = person with power to decide a matter in dispute;
judge who is in a position ot make influential judgments;
Ex. supreme arbiter of fashion in beachware
aversion = firm dislike
preamble = introductory statement
illuminate = brighten; clear up or make understandable;
enlighten; enable to understand; Ex. illuminating remarks
ichthyology = study of fish; CF. ichthyo-: fish
polar = of a pole; characterized by opposite extremes; Ex.
polar opposites
immobility = state of being immovable
haggard = wasted away; gaunt; Ex. haggard faces of the
rescued miners
unwarranted = unjustified; having no justification;
groundless; baseless; undeserved
proletarian = member of the working class; blue collar
guy; N. proletariat: working class (who have to work
for wages)
pulchritude = beauty; comeliness; ADJ. pulchritudinous
embezzlement = taking for one.s own use in violation of
trust; stealing (of money placed in one.s care)
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cavil = quibble; make frivolous objections; find fault unnecessarily
malodorous = foul-smelling
tribunal = court of justice
quay = dock; wharf; pier; landing place (for boats)
milieu = social environment; means of expression; Ex.
feel out of one.s milieu; Ex. His proper milieu is watercolor.
reticent = inclined to silence; uncommunicative; reserved;
Ex. He was reticent about the reasons; N. reticence
inhibited = (of a person) unable to express what one really
dolorous = sorrowful; N. dolor
remission = temporary moderation (of disease symptoms);
remitting of a debt or punishment; cancelation
of a debt; pardon; Ex. The disease went into remission;
Ex. Christians pray for the remission of sins.
exorcise = drive out evil spirits
caulk(calk) = make watertight (by blocking up cracks as
in a ship)
estimable = (of a person) worthy of esteem; admirable;
deserving esteem; possible to estimate
bouillon = clear beef (or meat) soup
taciturn = habitually silent; talking little
loath = reluctant; unwilling; disinclined; Ex. Romeo and
Juliet were both loath for him to go.
saccharine = cloying sweet; characteristic of sugar or saccharin
indiscriminate = choosing at random; confused; not
based on careful distinctions
impalpable = imperceptible(not easily understood); intangible;
OP. palpable: tangible; easily perceptible
jettison = throw overboard (from a ship or plane)
futile = useless; hopeless; ineffectual
altruistic = unselfishly generous; concerned for others; N.
altiruism: unselfish concern for the welfare of others;
unselfishness; OP. egoism
viand = food; CF. live
foible = small weakness of character; slight fault; CF. feeble
mauve = pale purple
solder = repair or make whole by using a metal alloy; N:
metal alloy (usually tin and lead) used in the molten
state to join metallic parts
prominent = protruding(sticking out); conspicuous; notable;
tract = propaganda pamphlet (esp. by a religious or political
group); expanse of land; region of indefinite size;
system of related organs; Ex. digestive tract
novice = beginner
mutinous = unruly; rebellious; Ex. mutinous teenagers;
N. mutiny: open rebellion; CF. mutineer
connubial = pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial
crust = hard outer covering (as of earth or snow)
digression = wandering away from the subject; V. digress
adjacent = adjoining; neighboring; close by
troth = pledge of good faith especially in betrothal; betrothal;
Ex. by my troth
fervent = ardent; zealous; hot
log = record of a voyage or flight; record of day-to-day
activities; section of a trunk; V.
rail = complain bitterly; scold; rant; Ex. the weaker railing
against injustices
incongruity = lack of harmony; absurdity; ADJ. incongruous:
lacking in harmony; inappropriate
comatose = in a coma; extremely sleepy
outspoken = candid; blunt
resilient = elastic; having the power of springing back;
able to recover quickly (as from misfortune)
grate = make a harsh noise; have an unpleasant effect;
shred by rubbing against a rough surface; Ex. grated
cheese N: framework of metal bars to hold fuel in a fireplace
prevaricate = lie; hide the truth (by equivocating)
natation = swimming
articulate = effective; distinct; expressing ideas clearly;
having clear sounds; having joints; Ex. articulate
speech; V: express thoughts and feeling clearly; pronounce
clearly; unite by joints
arbiter = person with power to decide a matter in dispute;
judge who is in a position ot make influential judgments;
Ex. supreme arbiter of fashion in beachware
aversion = firm dislike
preamble = introductory statement
illuminate = brighten; clear up or make understandable;
enlighten; enable to understand; Ex. illuminating remarks
ichthyology = study of fish; CF. ichthyo-: fish
polar = of a pole; characterized by opposite extremes; Ex.
polar opposites
immobility = state of being immovable
haggard = wasted away; gaunt; Ex. haggard faces of the
rescued miners
unwarranted = unjustified; having no justification;
groundless; baseless; undeserved
proletarian = member of the working class; blue collar
guy; N. proletariat: working class (who have to work
for wages)
pulchritude = beauty; comeliness; ADJ. pulchritudinous
embezzlement = taking for one.s own use in violation of
trust; stealing (of money placed in one.s care)
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Thursday, May 28, 2009
tarantula = venomous spider
chapel = small church (in a prison, college, or hospital)
molten = melted; Ex. molten lava
egotistical = egotistic; excessively selfcentered(
egocentric); self-important; conceited
rave = overwhelmingly favorable review; V: talk wildly
as if mad; Ex. raving lunatic
usurp = seize another.s power or rank (without legal authority);
supplant; appropriate; N. usurpation; CF. take
for one.s own use
reiterate = repeat
compliant = readily acting in accordance with a rule, order,
or the wishes or others; yielding; comforming to
dote = be excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline
obstetrician = physician specializing in delivery(assisting
in giving birth) of babies; N. obstetrics; CF. midwife
musty = stale (in odor or taste); spoiled by age; CF. moist
attest = testify; bear witness
thrifty = careful about money; economical; N. thrift
finish = surface texture; completeness of execution
oracular = of an oracle; prophetic; uttered as if with divine
authority; mysterious or ambiguous; hard to understand;
N. oracle: wiser person; prophecy made by
an oracle
anomalous = abnormal; irregular
dowry = money or property brought by a bride to her
husband at marriage
rebate = return of part of a payment; discount; V.
conglomerate = corporation made up of several different
companies in diversified fields; mass of various material
gathered together; rock consisting of small stones held
together by clay; V.
chant = tune(melody) in which a number of words are
sung on the same note; V: sing (a chant); utter (a slogan)
in the manner of a chant
gustatory = affecting or relating to the sense of taste
droll = queer and amusing
incentive = spur; motive; something which encourages
one to greater activity
sound = in good condition; showing good judgment
or good sense; thorough; complete; Ex. sound
secular = worldly; not pertaining to church matters or religion;
blue = gloomy; depressed
expurgate = clean; remove offensive parts of a book
gratuity = tip
latitude = freedom from narrow limitations
equine = resembling a horse; Ex. equine face
interregnum = period between two successive reigns or
memoir = memoirs; autobiography; biography
aghast = filled with great surprise or fear; horrified
regime = method of system or government
bowdlerize = expurgate; CF. Thomas Bowdler
discombobulated = discomposed; confused
proscenium = part of stage in front of curtain; front arch
of a stage
dormer = window projecting upright from roof; CF. sleeping
panoramic = denoting an unobstructed and comprehensive
view; N. panorama: unbroken view of a wide area
endemic = prevailing among a specific group of people or
in a specific area or country; peculiar to a particular region
or people; CF. pandemic
chorus = phrase repeated throughout a song or poem
except = exclude; N. exception: objection; exclusion; ADJ.
exceptional: unusual; of unusually high quality
fervor = glowing ardor; intensity of feeling; quality of being
fervent or fervid; zeal; intense heat
urbane = suave; refined in manner; elegant
cite = quote; commend; Ex. cited for bravery in an official
ignominy = deep disgrace; shame or dishonor; ADJ. ignominious;
Ex. ignominous defeat
inured = accustomed; hardened; Ex. inured to the
Alaskan cold; V. inure: make used to something undesirable;
harden; CF. unfeeling
unearth = dig up; discover (facts) by careful searching;
Ex. He unearthed some secrets about her; OP. conceal
padre = chaplain (in the armed forces)
predicament = difficult situation; tricky or dangerous situation;
torpedo = underwater explosive apparatus; V.
prestige = respect or admiration; impression produced by
achievements or reputation; ADJ: causing admiration;
ADJ. prestigious: having prestige
scheme = systematic plan; plot; clever dishonest plan; orderly
arrangement of elements; Ex. health insurance
scheme; Ex. a scheme to escape taxes; Ex. a color
scheme; Ex. a story with no scheme; V: contrive a
rhapsody = excessively enthusiastic expression of feeling;
musical composition of irregular form (as if made up as
one plays it)
entity = real being
distract = take (one.s attention) off something; upset emotionally;
make anxious; ADJ. distracted
anthropologist = student of the history and science of humankind
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tarantula = venomous spider
chapel = small church (in a prison, college, or hospital)
molten = melted; Ex. molten lava
egotistical = egotistic; excessively selfcentered(
egocentric); self-important; conceited
rave = overwhelmingly favorable review; V: talk wildly
as if mad; Ex. raving lunatic
usurp = seize another.s power or rank (without legal authority);
supplant; appropriate; N. usurpation; CF. take
for one.s own use
reiterate = repeat
compliant = readily acting in accordance with a rule, order,
or the wishes or others; yielding; comforming to
dote = be excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline
obstetrician = physician specializing in delivery(assisting
in giving birth) of babies; N. obstetrics; CF. midwife
musty = stale (in odor or taste); spoiled by age; CF. moist
attest = testify; bear witness
thrifty = careful about money; economical; N. thrift
finish = surface texture; completeness of execution
oracular = of an oracle; prophetic; uttered as if with divine
authority; mysterious or ambiguous; hard to understand;
N. oracle: wiser person; prophecy made by
an oracle
anomalous = abnormal; irregular
dowry = money or property brought by a bride to her
husband at marriage
rebate = return of part of a payment; discount; V.
conglomerate = corporation made up of several different
companies in diversified fields; mass of various material
gathered together; rock consisting of small stones held
together by clay; V.
chant = tune(melody) in which a number of words are
sung on the same note; V: sing (a chant); utter (a slogan)
in the manner of a chant
gustatory = affecting or relating to the sense of taste
droll = queer and amusing
incentive = spur; motive; something which encourages
one to greater activity
sound = in good condition; showing good judgment
or good sense; thorough; complete; Ex. sound
secular = worldly; not pertaining to church matters or religion;
blue = gloomy; depressed
expurgate = clean; remove offensive parts of a book
gratuity = tip
latitude = freedom from narrow limitations
equine = resembling a horse; Ex. equine face
interregnum = period between two successive reigns or
memoir = memoirs; autobiography; biography
aghast = filled with great surprise or fear; horrified
regime = method of system or government
bowdlerize = expurgate; CF. Thomas Bowdler
discombobulated = discomposed; confused
proscenium = part of stage in front of curtain; front arch
of a stage
dormer = window projecting upright from roof; CF. sleeping
panoramic = denoting an unobstructed and comprehensive
view; N. panorama: unbroken view of a wide area
endemic = prevailing among a specific group of people or
in a specific area or country; peculiar to a particular region
or people; CF. pandemic
chorus = phrase repeated throughout a song or poem
except = exclude; N. exception: objection; exclusion; ADJ.
exceptional: unusual; of unusually high quality
fervor = glowing ardor; intensity of feeling; quality of being
fervent or fervid; zeal; intense heat
urbane = suave; refined in manner; elegant
cite = quote; commend; Ex. cited for bravery in an official
ignominy = deep disgrace; shame or dishonor; ADJ. ignominious;
Ex. ignominous defeat
inured = accustomed; hardened; Ex. inured to the
Alaskan cold; V. inure: make used to something undesirable;
harden; CF. unfeeling
unearth = dig up; discover (facts) by careful searching;
Ex. He unearthed some secrets about her; OP. conceal
padre = chaplain (in the armed forces)
predicament = difficult situation; tricky or dangerous situation;
torpedo = underwater explosive apparatus; V.
prestige = respect or admiration; impression produced by
achievements or reputation; ADJ: causing admiration;
ADJ. prestigious: having prestige
scheme = systematic plan; plot; clever dishonest plan; orderly
arrangement of elements; Ex. health insurance
scheme; Ex. a scheme to escape taxes; Ex. a color
scheme; Ex. a story with no scheme; V: contrive a
rhapsody = excessively enthusiastic expression of feeling;
musical composition of irregular form (as if made up as
one plays it)
entity = real being
distract = take (one.s attention) off something; upset emotionally;
make anxious; ADJ. distracted
anthropologist = student of the history and science of humankind
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Wednesday, May 27, 2009
overbearing = bossy; domineering and arrogant; decisively
important; Ex. overbearing manner/importance;
V. overbear: dominate
indissoluble = permanent; impossible to dissolve or disintegrate
rotund = (of a person) fat and round
contention = assertion; claim; thesis; struggling; competition
treatise = article treating a subject systematically and
exude = flow out slowly; discharge (gradually); give
forth; N. exudation
creed = system of religious or ethical belief
scrimmage = disorderly fight between two or more people
delete = erase; strike out
mandate = order; charge; authoritative command; power
to govern another country; power to given to a government;
region under administration; V: give a mandate
to; place under a mandate; Ex. mandated territory
astral = relating to the stars
quicksilver = mercury
buoyant = able to float; cheerful and optimistic; N. buoyancy;
Ex. buoyancy of wood/water/American market
prostrate = stretch out full on ground; make prostrate; enervate;
Ex. prostrating illness; ADJ: lying face down;
having lost all strength
embryonic = undeveloped; rudimentary; N. embryo: organism
in the early stage of development
exegesis = explanation, especially of biblical(of the bible)
quizzical = curious; suggesting puzzlement (without saying);
questioning; teasing; mocking; bantering; Ex.
quizzical glance
retrospective = looking back on the past; N. retrospection;
V. retrospect
monetary = pertaining to money
sidereal = relating to stars; Ex. sidereal day
quibble = minor objection or complaint; V: raise minor
objections; carp; cavil
controvert = oppose with arguments; attempt to refute;
contradict; ADJ. controversial; N. controversy
ordination = ceremony conferring holy orders; ceremony
of ordaining a priest
coeval = living at the same time as; existing during the
same period of time; contemporary; of the same age
nullify = make invalid; make null; invalidate
prolixity = tedious wordiness; verbosity; ADJ. prolix:
wordy; verbose; diffuse
equity = fairness; justice; OP. inequity
derivative = unoriginal; obtained from another source;
Ex. derivative prose style; N.
intimate = hint; suggest; imply; ADJ: marked by close
relationship; familiar; private; personal; Ex. intimate
knowledge/thoughts in the diary; N: close friend or
confidant; CF. intimacy
retinue = following; attendants
dabble = work at in a nonserious fashion; splash around;
move noisily in a liquid
penetrate = enter into; pierce; permeate; see through;
grasp the inner significance of; understand
swamp = wetland; marsh; V: flood; overwhelm; drench in
with liquid
inquisitive = eager for knowledge; unduly curious
feint = trick; shift; sham blow; feigned attack to draw
away defensive action; V.
portly = stout; corpulent
irreproachable = beyond reproach; blameless; impeccable;
Ex. irreproachable conduct
couple = join; unite; OP. uncouple
caprice = whim; sudden change of mind without any real
compound = combine; produce by combining; increase;
make worse by adding to or increasing; exacerbate; Ex.
compound an error; ADJ: consisting of two or more
parts; N: combination of two or more parts; area enclosed
by a wall containing a group of buildings; Ex.
factory compound; CF. complex
capsize = (of a boat) turn over
nonentity = person of no importance; nonexistence
mulct = defraud a person of something; swindle; Ex.
mulct the boy of his legacy
egregious = notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking
attentive = alert and watchful; listening carefully; paying
attention; considerate; thoughtful; politely helpful; Ex.
attentive audience; Ex. He was attentive to the old lady;
N. attentions: act of courtesy and consideration
propitious = favorable; auspicious; advantageous; fortunate;
Ex. propitious day/sign
synoptic = providing a general overview; summary; N.
opprobrium = infamy; disgrace arising from shameful
conduct; vilification(slander); scorn; contempt; Ex. opprobrium
hurled against him; ADJ. opprobrious: expressing
contempt; shameful or infamous
despondent = without hope and courage; depressed;
gloomy; N. despondency: loss of hope with gloom; dejection
derivation = deriving; origin or source of something; Ex.
the derivation of the word
concise = brief and compact
exclaim = cry out suddenly; N. exclamation; ADJ. exclamatory
chuckle = laugh quietly
ossify = change or harden into bone; become hard and
unchanging in one.s ideas
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overbearing = bossy; domineering and arrogant; decisively
important; Ex. overbearing manner/importance;
V. overbear: dominate
indissoluble = permanent; impossible to dissolve or disintegrate
rotund = (of a person) fat and round
contention = assertion; claim; thesis; struggling; competition
treatise = article treating a subject systematically and
exude = flow out slowly; discharge (gradually); give
forth; N. exudation
creed = system of religious or ethical belief
scrimmage = disorderly fight between two or more people
delete = erase; strike out
mandate = order; charge; authoritative command; power
to govern another country; power to given to a government;
region under administration; V: give a mandate
to; place under a mandate; Ex. mandated territory
astral = relating to the stars
quicksilver = mercury
buoyant = able to float; cheerful and optimistic; N. buoyancy;
Ex. buoyancy of wood/water/American market
prostrate = stretch out full on ground; make prostrate; enervate;
Ex. prostrating illness; ADJ: lying face down;
having lost all strength
embryonic = undeveloped; rudimentary; N. embryo: organism
in the early stage of development
exegesis = explanation, especially of biblical(of the bible)
quizzical = curious; suggesting puzzlement (without saying);
questioning; teasing; mocking; bantering; Ex.
quizzical glance
retrospective = looking back on the past; N. retrospection;
V. retrospect
monetary = pertaining to money
sidereal = relating to stars; Ex. sidereal day
quibble = minor objection or complaint; V: raise minor
objections; carp; cavil
controvert = oppose with arguments; attempt to refute;
contradict; ADJ. controversial; N. controversy
ordination = ceremony conferring holy orders; ceremony
of ordaining a priest
coeval = living at the same time as; existing during the
same period of time; contemporary; of the same age
nullify = make invalid; make null; invalidate
prolixity = tedious wordiness; verbosity; ADJ. prolix:
wordy; verbose; diffuse
equity = fairness; justice; OP. inequity
derivative = unoriginal; obtained from another source;
Ex. derivative prose style; N.
intimate = hint; suggest; imply; ADJ: marked by close
relationship; familiar; private; personal; Ex. intimate
knowledge/thoughts in the diary; N: close friend or
confidant; CF. intimacy
retinue = following; attendants
dabble = work at in a nonserious fashion; splash around;
move noisily in a liquid
penetrate = enter into; pierce; permeate; see through;
grasp the inner significance of; understand
swamp = wetland; marsh; V: flood; overwhelm; drench in
with liquid
inquisitive = eager for knowledge; unduly curious
feint = trick; shift; sham blow; feigned attack to draw
away defensive action; V.
portly = stout; corpulent
irreproachable = beyond reproach; blameless; impeccable;
Ex. irreproachable conduct
couple = join; unite; OP. uncouple
caprice = whim; sudden change of mind without any real
compound = combine; produce by combining; increase;
make worse by adding to or increasing; exacerbate; Ex.
compound an error; ADJ: consisting of two or more
parts; N: combination of two or more parts; area enclosed
by a wall containing a group of buildings; Ex.
factory compound; CF. complex
capsize = (of a boat) turn over
nonentity = person of no importance; nonexistence
mulct = defraud a person of something; swindle; Ex.
mulct the boy of his legacy
egregious = notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking
attentive = alert and watchful; listening carefully; paying
attention; considerate; thoughtful; politely helpful; Ex.
attentive audience; Ex. He was attentive to the old lady;
N. attentions: act of courtesy and consideration
propitious = favorable; auspicious; advantageous; fortunate;
Ex. propitious day/sign
synoptic = providing a general overview; summary; N.
opprobrium = infamy; disgrace arising from shameful
conduct; vilification(slander); scorn; contempt; Ex. opprobrium
hurled against him; ADJ. opprobrious: expressing
contempt; shameful or infamous
despondent = without hope and courage; depressed;
gloomy; N. despondency: loss of hope with gloom; dejection
derivation = deriving; origin or source of something; Ex.
the derivation of the word
concise = brief and compact
exclaim = cry out suddenly; N. exclamation; ADJ. exclamatory
chuckle = laugh quietly
ossify = change or harden into bone; become hard and
unchanging in one.s ideas
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
incipient = beginning; in an early stage
smudge = dirty mark with unclear edges made by rubbing;
antiseptic = substance that prevents infection in a wound;
virtue = goodness; moral excellence; good quality; advantage;
Ex. by virtue of; Ex. make a virtue of necessity
exemplary = serving as a model; outstanding; Ex. exemplary
punishment/behavior; N. exemplar: typical example;
indecision = irresolution; inability to make up one.s mind
ponderous = having great weight; weighty; unwieldy;
lacking lightness; dull; Ex. ponderous body/style of
frugality = thrift; economy; ADJ. frugal: practicing economy;
costing little; inexpensive
posture = assume an affected pose; act artificially; N:
pose; attitude
comeback = retort; quick clever reply; return to former
acclivity = sharp upslope of a hill; OP. declivity
dummy = imitation of a real object used as a substitute;
purport = intention; purpose; meaning; V: claim; profess;
Ex. order which purports to be signed by the general
terminus = last stop of railroad; end
nuance = shade of slight difference in meaning or color;
subtle distinction
bewitch = cast a spell over; captivate completely
libel = defamatory written statement; act of writing
something that smears a person.s character; V. ADJ. libelous
incantation = singing or chanting of magic spells; magical
formula; (the saying of) words used in magic; CF.
acne = skin disease (on the face)
metrical = metric; written in the form of poetry; Ex. metrical
translation of Homer
impregnable = invulnerable; impossible to capture or enter
by force; Ex. impregnable fort/argument; CF. take
inherent = firmly established by nature or habit; intrinsic
fidelity = loyalty; accuracy
standstill = condition of no movement or activity; stop
adjuration = solemn urging; V. adjure: entreat earnestly;
enjoin solemnly
habitat = natural home of a plant or animal; CF. habitation
obeisance = bow (to show respect and obedience)
carillon = a set of bells (often in a tower) capable of being
sleight = dexterity; CF. sleight of hand: legerdemain;
quickness of the hands in doing tricks
actuarial = calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics
ramble = wander aimlessly (physically or mentally); digress
lustrous = shining; brilliant; Ex. lustrous hair
substantiate = support (a claim) with evidence; establish
with evidence; verify
resolution = determination; resoluteness; ADJ. resolute:
firm or determined in purpose
awl = pointed tool used for piercing
urge = drive or force forward (by causing impulses); drive
to take action; impel; entreat earnestly; Ex. urge horses;
N: impulse that prompts action
vigilante = one who without authority assumes law enforcement
hatch = deck opening; lid covering a deck opening; V:
emerge from an egg; produce (young) from an egg
irreparable = not able to be corrected or repaired; impossible
to repair
herpetologist = one who studies reptiles; CF. herpetology:
branch of zoology that deals with reptiles and amphibians
saturate = soak thoroughly; imbue; impregnate; charge;
fill to capacity
medley = mixture
improvident = thriftless; not providing for the future
connivance = pretense of ignorance of something wrong;
assistance; permission to offend; V. connive: feign ignorance
(of a wrong); cooperate secretly in an illegal action;
verdigris = green coating or patina on copper which has
been exposed to the weather
pusillanimous = cowardly; lacking courage; fainthearted
clique = small exclusive group of people
congruence = correspondence of parts; harmonious relationship;
CF. congruity
dexterous = skillful; skill in using hands or mind; N. dexterity
beware = be cautious (of)
relent = become less severe; give in(surrender); ADJ. relentless:
unyielding; continuously severe
senility = old age; feeblemindedness of old age; ADJ. senile:
resulting from old age; showing the weakness of
body or mind from old age; Ex. senile dementia
xenophobia = fear or hatred of foreigners; N. xenophobe
jest = playful remark or act; V. act or speak playfully
expository = explanatory; serving to explain; N. exposition:
explaining; exhibition
catechism = book for religious instruction in questionand-
answer form; religious instruction by question and
answer; V. catechize
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incipient = beginning; in an early stage
smudge = dirty mark with unclear edges made by rubbing;
antiseptic = substance that prevents infection in a wound;
virtue = goodness; moral excellence; good quality; advantage;
Ex. by virtue of; Ex. make a virtue of necessity
exemplary = serving as a model; outstanding; Ex. exemplary
punishment/behavior; N. exemplar: typical example;
indecision = irresolution; inability to make up one.s mind
ponderous = having great weight; weighty; unwieldy;
lacking lightness; dull; Ex. ponderous body/style of
frugality = thrift; economy; ADJ. frugal: practicing economy;
costing little; inexpensive
posture = assume an affected pose; act artificially; N:
pose; attitude
comeback = retort; quick clever reply; return to former
acclivity = sharp upslope of a hill; OP. declivity
dummy = imitation of a real object used as a substitute;
purport = intention; purpose; meaning; V: claim; profess;
Ex. order which purports to be signed by the general
terminus = last stop of railroad; end
nuance = shade of slight difference in meaning or color;
subtle distinction
bewitch = cast a spell over; captivate completely
libel = defamatory written statement; act of writing
something that smears a person.s character; V. ADJ. libelous
incantation = singing or chanting of magic spells; magical
formula; (the saying of) words used in magic; CF.
acne = skin disease (on the face)
metrical = metric; written in the form of poetry; Ex. metrical
translation of Homer
impregnable = invulnerable; impossible to capture or enter
by force; Ex. impregnable fort/argument; CF. take
inherent = firmly established by nature or habit; intrinsic
fidelity = loyalty; accuracy
standstill = condition of no movement or activity; stop
adjuration = solemn urging; V. adjure: entreat earnestly;
enjoin solemnly
habitat = natural home of a plant or animal; CF. habitation
obeisance = bow (to show respect and obedience)
carillon = a set of bells (often in a tower) capable of being
sleight = dexterity; CF. sleight of hand: legerdemain;
quickness of the hands in doing tricks
actuarial = calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics
ramble = wander aimlessly (physically or mentally); digress
lustrous = shining; brilliant; Ex. lustrous hair
substantiate = support (a claim) with evidence; establish
with evidence; verify
resolution = determination; resoluteness; ADJ. resolute:
firm or determined in purpose
awl = pointed tool used for piercing
urge = drive or force forward (by causing impulses); drive
to take action; impel; entreat earnestly; Ex. urge horses;
N: impulse that prompts action
vigilante = one who without authority assumes law enforcement
hatch = deck opening; lid covering a deck opening; V:
emerge from an egg; produce (young) from an egg
irreparable = not able to be corrected or repaired; impossible
to repair
herpetologist = one who studies reptiles; CF. herpetology:
branch of zoology that deals with reptiles and amphibians
saturate = soak thoroughly; imbue; impregnate; charge;
fill to capacity
medley = mixture
improvident = thriftless; not providing for the future
connivance = pretense of ignorance of something wrong;
assistance; permission to offend; V. connive: feign ignorance
(of a wrong); cooperate secretly in an illegal action;
verdigris = green coating or patina on copper which has
been exposed to the weather
pusillanimous = cowardly; lacking courage; fainthearted
clique = small exclusive group of people
congruence = correspondence of parts; harmonious relationship;
CF. congruity
dexterous = skillful; skill in using hands or mind; N. dexterity
beware = be cautious (of)
relent = become less severe; give in(surrender); ADJ. relentless:
unyielding; continuously severe
senility = old age; feeblemindedness of old age; ADJ. senile:
resulting from old age; showing the weakness of
body or mind from old age; Ex. senile dementia
xenophobia = fear or hatred of foreigners; N. xenophobe
jest = playful remark or act; V. act or speak playfully
expository = explanatory; serving to explain; N. exposition:
explaining; exhibition
catechism = book for religious instruction in questionand-
answer form; religious instruction by question and
answer; V. catechize
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Monday, May 25, 2009
testy = irritable; impatient and bad-tempered; shorttempered;
N. testiness
solvent = substance that dissolves another; ADJ: capable
of dissolving another substance
animosity = active enmity
cantata = story set to music to be sung by a chorus
(shorter than an oratorio)
mandatory = obligatory; compulsory; of a mandate
perspicacious = (of someone) having insight; penetrating;
coma = deep prolonged unconsciousness caused by disease,
poison, or a severe blow
retract = withdraw; take back; draw back; Ex. retract a
statement/an offer/claws; N. retraction; CF. retractile
espionage = spying
coterie = group that meets socially; select circle; close
group of people with shared interests
verdant = green; covered with green plants or grass; lush
in vegetation; Ex. verdant meadows
diffidence = shyness; lack of self-confidence; timidity;
ADJ. diffident
compulsory = obligatory; that must be done
halcyon = calm; peaceful; Ex. halcyon days
suppress = put an end to forcibly; subdue; stifle; overwhelm;
inhibit the expression of; check; prevent from
being published or made public; Ex. suppress a smile;
Ex. suppress the magazine/truth
sap = diminish; weaken; undermine the foundations of (a
fortification); Ex. The element kryptonite sapped his
fortuitous = accidental; by chance; N. fortuity
intervene = come between; interfere; Ex. intervened to
prevent a fight; N. intervention
cant = insincere speech or expression of piety; jargon of
thieves; special words used by a particular group of
wangle = achieve by cleverness or trick; wiggle out; fake;
Ex. She tried to wangle an invitation to the party.
phobia = morbid fear
igneous = produced by fire; of fire; volcanic; (of rocks)
formed from lava; Ex. igneous meteorite
cerebration = thought; working of the brain
annuity = yearly allowance
unexceptionable = entirely acceptable; not offering any
basis for criticism
scuffle = struggle confusedly; move off in a confused
hurry; N. CF. scuffling twins ?
platitude = trite remark; commonplace statement; ADJ.
charm = quality of pleasing; amulet; action or formula
thought to have magical power; spell; V: attract; cast a
spell on; bewitch
hubbub = confused uproar; loud noise; din
unconscionable = unscrupulous; not guided by conscience;
excessive; beyond reason; Ex. unconscionable
morose = ill-humored; sullen; sullenly melancholy
maneuver(manoeuver) = strategic military or naval
movement (done for training purposes); carefully
planned process; stratagem; V: carry out a military
maneuver; use maneuvers in gaining an end
lout = clumsy person; ADJ. loutish; CF. from countrysides
amnesia = loss of memory
pedestal = support or base as for a pillar or statue
clime = climate
martial = warlike; of war; Ex. martial art/law
firebrand = piece of burning wood; hothead; troublemaker;
person who stirs up trouble
moodiness = fits of depression or gloom; ADJ. moody:
given to changeable moods; subject to periods of depression;
gloomy CF. mood: state of mind or emotion
figurative = not literal but metaphorical; using a figure(
impression) of speech
peddle = travel about selling (wares); CF. foot
unceremonious = not done politely without due formalities
festive = joyous; celebratory; relating to a feast or festival
typhoon = tropical hurricane or cyclone
antecede = precede
apiary = a place where bees are kept
humdrum = dull; monotonous
nostalgia = homesickness; longing for the past; Ex. nostalgia
for the clothes of 1920s; ADJ. nostalgic
pomposity = self-important behavior; acting like a stuffed
shirt(pompous person); ADJ. pompous: self-important
exuberance = overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm;
flamboyance; lavishness; ADJ. exuberant: high-spirited
and lively; growing abundantly and strongly
diorama = life-size, three-dimensional scene from nature
or history; three-dimensional scene with modeled figures
against a painted background
communal = held in common; public; of a group of people;
of a commune
eminent = rising above others; high; lofty; distinguished;
Ex. eminent position
conception = beginning; forming of an idea; fertilization;
V. conceive: form an idea in the mind; devise; become
pregnant; CF. inception
roseate = rosy; optimistic; Ex. roseate views
forthright = straightforward; direct; frank
degenerate = become worse in quality; deteriorate; ADJ:
having become worse; Ex. a degenerate species; N: depraved
or corrupt person
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testy = irritable; impatient and bad-tempered; shorttempered;
N. testiness
solvent = substance that dissolves another; ADJ: capable
of dissolving another substance
animosity = active enmity
cantata = story set to music to be sung by a chorus
(shorter than an oratorio)
mandatory = obligatory; compulsory; of a mandate
perspicacious = (of someone) having insight; penetrating;
coma = deep prolonged unconsciousness caused by disease,
poison, or a severe blow
retract = withdraw; take back; draw back; Ex. retract a
statement/an offer/claws; N. retraction; CF. retractile
espionage = spying
coterie = group that meets socially; select circle; close
group of people with shared interests
verdant = green; covered with green plants or grass; lush
in vegetation; Ex. verdant meadows
diffidence = shyness; lack of self-confidence; timidity;
ADJ. diffident
compulsory = obligatory; that must be done
halcyon = calm; peaceful; Ex. halcyon days
suppress = put an end to forcibly; subdue; stifle; overwhelm;
inhibit the expression of; check; prevent from
being published or made public; Ex. suppress a smile;
Ex. suppress the magazine/truth
sap = diminish; weaken; undermine the foundations of (a
fortification); Ex. The element kryptonite sapped his
fortuitous = accidental; by chance; N. fortuity
intervene = come between; interfere; Ex. intervened to
prevent a fight; N. intervention
cant = insincere speech or expression of piety; jargon of
thieves; special words used by a particular group of
wangle = achieve by cleverness or trick; wiggle out; fake;
Ex. She tried to wangle an invitation to the party.
phobia = morbid fear
igneous = produced by fire; of fire; volcanic; (of rocks)
formed from lava; Ex. igneous meteorite
cerebration = thought; working of the brain
annuity = yearly allowance
unexceptionable = entirely acceptable; not offering any
basis for criticism
scuffle = struggle confusedly; move off in a confused
hurry; N. CF. scuffling twins ?
platitude = trite remark; commonplace statement; ADJ.
charm = quality of pleasing; amulet; action or formula
thought to have magical power; spell; V: attract; cast a
spell on; bewitch
hubbub = confused uproar; loud noise; din
unconscionable = unscrupulous; not guided by conscience;
excessive; beyond reason; Ex. unconscionable
morose = ill-humored; sullen; sullenly melancholy
maneuver(manoeuver) = strategic military or naval
movement (done for training purposes); carefully
planned process; stratagem; V: carry out a military
maneuver; use maneuvers in gaining an end
lout = clumsy person; ADJ. loutish; CF. from countrysides
amnesia = loss of memory
pedestal = support or base as for a pillar or statue
clime = climate
martial = warlike; of war; Ex. martial art/law
firebrand = piece of burning wood; hothead; troublemaker;
person who stirs up trouble
moodiness = fits of depression or gloom; ADJ. moody:
given to changeable moods; subject to periods of depression;
gloomy CF. mood: state of mind or emotion
figurative = not literal but metaphorical; using a figure(
impression) of speech
peddle = travel about selling (wares); CF. foot
unceremonious = not done politely without due formalities
festive = joyous; celebratory; relating to a feast or festival
typhoon = tropical hurricane or cyclone
antecede = precede
apiary = a place where bees are kept
humdrum = dull; monotonous
nostalgia = homesickness; longing for the past; Ex. nostalgia
for the clothes of 1920s; ADJ. nostalgic
pomposity = self-important behavior; acting like a stuffed
shirt(pompous person); ADJ. pompous: self-important
exuberance = overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm;
flamboyance; lavishness; ADJ. exuberant: high-spirited
and lively; growing abundantly and strongly
diorama = life-size, three-dimensional scene from nature
or history; three-dimensional scene with modeled figures
against a painted background
communal = held in common; public; of a group of people;
of a commune
eminent = rising above others; high; lofty; distinguished;
Ex. eminent position
conception = beginning; forming of an idea; fertilization;
V. conceive: form an idea in the mind; devise; become
pregnant; CF. inception
roseate = rosy; optimistic; Ex. roseate views
forthright = straightforward; direct; frank
degenerate = become worse in quality; deteriorate; ADJ:
having become worse; Ex. a degenerate species; N: depraved
or corrupt person
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Sunday, May 24, 2009
propinquity = nearness (in space or relationship); proximity;
innovation = change; something newly introduced; introduction
of something new; V. innovate: begin or introduce
(something new); be creative; ADJ. innovative
writ = written command issued by a court (telling someone
to do or not to do something)
schematic = of a schema or scheme; relating to an outline
or diagram; using a system of symbols; N. schema: diagrammatic
representation; outline
ego = one.s opinion of oneself; self-esteem
score = number of points; written form of a musical composition;
reason; group of 20; notch or incision; Ex.
full/vocal score; Ex. Don.t worry on that score; V: mark
with lines or notches; Ex. score the paper to make it easy
to fold
venture = risk; expose to risk; dare; undertake a risk; N.
garbled = mixed up; jumbled; distorted; V. garble: mix
up or distort (a message) to such an extent as to make
misleading or unintelligible
iniquitous = wicked; immoral; unrighteous; N. iniquity;
Ex. den of iniquity
existential = pertaining to existence; pertaining to the
philosophy of existentialism
catholic = (of likings and interests) universal; general;
broad; including many different parts; wide-ranging
liberal; Ex. catholic opinions/tastes
lunar = pertaining to the moon
mirage = unreal reflection; optical illusion
tawny = brownish yellow
actuary = someone who advises insurance companies
predecessor = former occupant of a post
axiom = self-evident truth requiring no proof
cessation = stoppage
raffle = lottery; V: award as a prize in a raffle; Ex. raffle off
a new car
indecisive = marked by indecision; inconclusive; Ex. indecisive
euthanasia = mercy killing
sodden = thoroughly soaked; dull or stupid as if from
precedent = preceding (in time, rank, etc.)
evince = show clearly
flourish = grow well; prosper; make sweeping gestures;
wave; brandish; Ex. The trees flourished in the sun.
N: showy movement or gesture; embellishment or ornamentation
(esp. in handwriting)
rescind = repeal; annul; cancel (a law, decision, or agreement)
intrepid = fearless
recourse = resorting to help when in trouble; Ex. without
recourse to
alliteration = repetition of beginning sound in poetry
straggle = stray or fall behind (a main group); spread out
in a scattered group; Ex. straggling marathon racer; Ex.
straggling branch
piquant = pleasantly tart-tasting; spicy; pleasantly stimulating;
Ex. piquant situation when my old enemy asked
for my help
compunction = remorse; strong uneasiness caused by
circumscribe = limit; confine; draw a line around
takeoff = burlesque; act of leaving the ground
elope = run away secretly with the intention of getting
season = enhance the flavor of by adding a spice, etc.; inure;
harden; N. seasoning: something used in seasoning
fancy = imagination (of a whimsical or fantastic nature);
capricious liking; V: imagine; be fond of; ADJ. decorative;
zany = comic; crazy; N: clown; comical person (given to
outlandish behavior)
overblown = inflated; exaggerated
artless = without guile; open and honest
perjury = false testimony while under oath; V. perjure
oneself: testify falsely under oath
sagacious = wise; perceptive; shrewd; having insight; N.
verity = quality of being true; lasting truth or principle;
Ex. the verity of his testimony; Ex. one of the eternal
idolatry = worship of idols; excessive admiration or devotion;
ADJ. idolatrous
hedonist = one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim
in life; CF. hedonism: practice of living one.s life purely
for pleasure
rile = irritate; vex; muddy
fortitude = bravery; courage; strength of mind
piscatorial = pertaining to fishing; CF. Pisces
flout = reject; mock; show contempt for; scorn; Ex. flout
the rules
introvert = one who is introspective or inclined to think
more about oneself; ADJ. introverted
felicitous = (of a word or remark) apt; suitably expressed;
well chosen
jab = poke abruptly with something sharp; punch with
short blows
panache = flair; manner of doing things without any difficulty
(causing admiration); flamboyance; bunch of
feathers (on a helmet); Ex. with great panache;
stanch = stop or check flow of blood; Ex. stanch the gushing
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propinquity = nearness (in space or relationship); proximity;
innovation = change; something newly introduced; introduction
of something new; V. innovate: begin or introduce
(something new); be creative; ADJ. innovative
writ = written command issued by a court (telling someone
to do or not to do something)
schematic = of a schema or scheme; relating to an outline
or diagram; using a system of symbols; N. schema: diagrammatic
representation; outline
ego = one.s opinion of oneself; self-esteem
score = number of points; written form of a musical composition;
reason; group of 20; notch or incision; Ex.
full/vocal score; Ex. Don.t worry on that score; V: mark
with lines or notches; Ex. score the paper to make it easy
to fold
venture = risk; expose to risk; dare; undertake a risk; N.
garbled = mixed up; jumbled; distorted; V. garble: mix
up or distort (a message) to such an extent as to make
misleading or unintelligible
iniquitous = wicked; immoral; unrighteous; N. iniquity;
Ex. den of iniquity
existential = pertaining to existence; pertaining to the
philosophy of existentialism
catholic = (of likings and interests) universal; general;
broad; including many different parts; wide-ranging
liberal; Ex. catholic opinions/tastes
lunar = pertaining to the moon
mirage = unreal reflection; optical illusion
tawny = brownish yellow
actuary = someone who advises insurance companies
predecessor = former occupant of a post
axiom = self-evident truth requiring no proof
cessation = stoppage
raffle = lottery; V: award as a prize in a raffle; Ex. raffle off
a new car
indecisive = marked by indecision; inconclusive; Ex. indecisive
euthanasia = mercy killing
sodden = thoroughly soaked; dull or stupid as if from
precedent = preceding (in time, rank, etc.)
evince = show clearly
flourish = grow well; prosper; make sweeping gestures;
wave; brandish; Ex. The trees flourished in the sun.
N: showy movement or gesture; embellishment or ornamentation
(esp. in handwriting)
rescind = repeal; annul; cancel (a law, decision, or agreement)
intrepid = fearless
recourse = resorting to help when in trouble; Ex. without
recourse to
alliteration = repetition of beginning sound in poetry
straggle = stray or fall behind (a main group); spread out
in a scattered group; Ex. straggling marathon racer; Ex.
straggling branch
piquant = pleasantly tart-tasting; spicy; pleasantly stimulating;
Ex. piquant situation when my old enemy asked
for my help
compunction = remorse; strong uneasiness caused by
circumscribe = limit; confine; draw a line around
takeoff = burlesque; act of leaving the ground
elope = run away secretly with the intention of getting
season = enhance the flavor of by adding a spice, etc.; inure;
harden; N. seasoning: something used in seasoning
fancy = imagination (of a whimsical or fantastic nature);
capricious liking; V: imagine; be fond of; ADJ. decorative;
zany = comic; crazy; N: clown; comical person (given to
outlandish behavior)
overblown = inflated; exaggerated
artless = without guile; open and honest
perjury = false testimony while under oath; V. perjure
oneself: testify falsely under oath
sagacious = wise; perceptive; shrewd; having insight; N.
verity = quality of being true; lasting truth or principle;
Ex. the verity of his testimony; Ex. one of the eternal
idolatry = worship of idols; excessive admiration or devotion;
ADJ. idolatrous
hedonist = one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim
in life; CF. hedonism: practice of living one.s life purely
for pleasure
rile = irritate; vex; muddy
fortitude = bravery; courage; strength of mind
piscatorial = pertaining to fishing; CF. Pisces
flout = reject; mock; show contempt for; scorn; Ex. flout
the rules
introvert = one who is introspective or inclined to think
more about oneself; ADJ. introverted
felicitous = (of a word or remark) apt; suitably expressed;
well chosen
jab = poke abruptly with something sharp; punch with
short blows
panache = flair; manner of doing things without any difficulty
(causing admiration); flamboyance; bunch of
feathers (on a helmet); Ex. with great panache;
stanch = stop or check flow of blood; Ex. stanch the gushing
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Saturday, May 23, 2009
rally = come or bring together; call up or summon (forces,
vital powers, etc.); revive or recuperate (after illness or
difficulty); N: act of rallying; mass gathering
crest = top (as of a hill or wave); showy feathers on the
head of a bird
cadaverous = like a corpse; pale
outrage = act of extreme violence or viciousness; resentful
anger; V: commit an outrage on; produce anger in; ADJ.
outrageous: offensive
reciprocate = do or give something in return; repay in
kind; give or take mutually; interchange; move backwards
and forwards; Ex. reciprocate his invitation by
inviting him; N. reciprocity: reciprocal relationship;
mutual interchange of advantages between two groups;
Ex. reciprocity in trading rights
mischief = behavior (of children) causing trouble with no
serious harm; damage; harm; Ex. mischief to the crops;
ADJ. mischievous: causing mischief; playfully troublesome
mite = very small object or insect-like creature; small coin
placebo = harmless substance prescribed as a dummy pill
impeccable = faultless
terminal = part that forms the end; railroad or bus station;
ADJ. forming an end; ending in death; fatal; Ex. terminal
figment = invention; something invented; imaginary
thing; Ex. figment of your imagination
refute = disprove; prove to be false; N. refutation
pretend = feign; pretend to: claim to possess; make pretensions
to; Ex. I don.t pretend to much expertise; N.
rampart = defensive mound of earth
wont = (the stated person.s) habit or custom; habitual
procedure; ADJ. wonted: customary
animated = lively; spirited
indomitable = unconquerable; unyielding
feasible = practical; able to be carried out; practicable
indignity = treatment or situation that causes shame or
loss of dignity, respect; offensive or insulting treatment;
humiliating or degrading treatment; Ex. I suffered the
indignity of having to say that in front of them.
contusion = bruise
dotage = senility; feeblemindedness of old age; Ex. In
one.s dotage
wrinkle = small ridge on a smooth surface (face or cloth);
amazon = female warrior
ambidextrous = capable of using either hand with equal
malicious = hateful; spiteful; expressing malice; N. malice:
desire to harm others; spite
disseminate = distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds)
grim = causing great fear; unrelenting; determined in
spite of fear; Ex. grim smile
lavish = liberal; wasteful; generous or wasteful in giving
or using; abundant; profuse; great; Ex. decorated lavishly;
V. give in abundance
impenitent = not repentant
obstreperous = boisterous; noisy and uncontrollable
substantial = of substance; material; solid; essential or
fundamental; ample; considerable; well-to-do; wealthy
affinity = feeling of kinship; similarity; Ex. strong affinity
for her; Ex. many affinities between two languages
executive = person having administrative authority; one
branch of government executing laws; ADJ: relating to
gullible = easily deceived
subsidy = direct financial aid by government, etc.; V. subsidize:
assist with a subsidy
Shangri-la = imaginary remote paradise on earth; CF.
Lost Horizon
recrimination = countercharges; V. recriminate
procrastinate = postpone; delay or put off
agitate = stir up; disturb
disquisition = formal systematic inquiry; explanation of
the results of a formal inquiry; long formal speech or
written report
contaminate = pollute
amiss = wrong; faulty; Ex. something amiss; ADV.
potentate = monarch; sovereign
pristine = unspoiled; remaining in a pure state; characteristic
of earlier times; primitive; Ex. an old book in
pristine condition
homage = honor; tribute; great respect; Ex. pay/do
homage to
choleric = hot-tempered; bad-tempered; irritable; easily
angered; CF. cholera
heed = pay attention to; N: close attention
extraneous = not essential; irrelevant; superfluous; external;
coming from the outside; Ex. extraneous details/
noise/to the subject
suffragist = advocate of the extension of voting rights (for
women); CF. suffrage
finesse = delicate skill; V: handle with finesse
propagate = increase in number by producing young;
multiply; spread; Ex. Most plants propagate by seed;
Ex. newspaper propagating their ideas
foil = contrast; one that by contrast enhances the distinctive
characteristics of another
transcendent = exceeding ordinary limits; superior; surpassing;
V. transcend: go beyond; exceed; surpass; N.
hermetic = sealed by fusion so as to be airtight; airtight
ablution = washing
dinghy = small boat (often ship.s boat)
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rally = come or bring together; call up or summon (forces,
vital powers, etc.); revive or recuperate (after illness or
difficulty); N: act of rallying; mass gathering
crest = top (as of a hill or wave); showy feathers on the
head of a bird
cadaverous = like a corpse; pale
outrage = act of extreme violence or viciousness; resentful
anger; V: commit an outrage on; produce anger in; ADJ.
outrageous: offensive
reciprocate = do or give something in return; repay in
kind; give or take mutually; interchange; move backwards
and forwards; Ex. reciprocate his invitation by
inviting him; N. reciprocity: reciprocal relationship;
mutual interchange of advantages between two groups;
Ex. reciprocity in trading rights
mischief = behavior (of children) causing trouble with no
serious harm; damage; harm; Ex. mischief to the crops;
ADJ. mischievous: causing mischief; playfully troublesome
mite = very small object or insect-like creature; small coin
placebo = harmless substance prescribed as a dummy pill
impeccable = faultless
terminal = part that forms the end; railroad or bus station;
ADJ. forming an end; ending in death; fatal; Ex. terminal
figment = invention; something invented; imaginary
thing; Ex. figment of your imagination
refute = disprove; prove to be false; N. refutation
pretend = feign; pretend to: claim to possess; make pretensions
to; Ex. I don.t pretend to much expertise; N.
rampart = defensive mound of earth
wont = (the stated person.s) habit or custom; habitual
procedure; ADJ. wonted: customary
animated = lively; spirited
indomitable = unconquerable; unyielding
feasible = practical; able to be carried out; practicable
indignity = treatment or situation that causes shame or
loss of dignity, respect; offensive or insulting treatment;
humiliating or degrading treatment; Ex. I suffered the
indignity of having to say that in front of them.
contusion = bruise
dotage = senility; feeblemindedness of old age; Ex. In
one.s dotage
wrinkle = small ridge on a smooth surface (face or cloth);
amazon = female warrior
ambidextrous = capable of using either hand with equal
malicious = hateful; spiteful; expressing malice; N. malice:
desire to harm others; spite
disseminate = distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds)
grim = causing great fear; unrelenting; determined in
spite of fear; Ex. grim smile
lavish = liberal; wasteful; generous or wasteful in giving
or using; abundant; profuse; great; Ex. decorated lavishly;
V. give in abundance
impenitent = not repentant
obstreperous = boisterous; noisy and uncontrollable
substantial = of substance; material; solid; essential or
fundamental; ample; considerable; well-to-do; wealthy
affinity = feeling of kinship; similarity; Ex. strong affinity
for her; Ex. many affinities between two languages
executive = person having administrative authority; one
branch of government executing laws; ADJ: relating to
gullible = easily deceived
subsidy = direct financial aid by government, etc.; V. subsidize:
assist with a subsidy
Shangri-la = imaginary remote paradise on earth; CF.
Lost Horizon
recrimination = countercharges; V. recriminate
procrastinate = postpone; delay or put off
agitate = stir up; disturb
disquisition = formal systematic inquiry; explanation of
the results of a formal inquiry; long formal speech or
written report
contaminate = pollute
amiss = wrong; faulty; Ex. something amiss; ADV.
potentate = monarch; sovereign
pristine = unspoiled; remaining in a pure state; characteristic
of earlier times; primitive; Ex. an old book in
pristine condition
homage = honor; tribute; great respect; Ex. pay/do
homage to
choleric = hot-tempered; bad-tempered; irritable; easily
angered; CF. cholera
heed = pay attention to; N: close attention
extraneous = not essential; irrelevant; superfluous; external;
coming from the outside; Ex. extraneous details/
noise/to the subject
suffragist = advocate of the extension of voting rights (for
women); CF. suffrage
finesse = delicate skill; V: handle with finesse
propagate = increase in number by producing young;
multiply; spread; Ex. Most plants propagate by seed;
Ex. newspaper propagating their ideas
foil = contrast; one that by contrast enhances the distinctive
characteristics of another
transcendent = exceeding ordinary limits; superior; surpassing;
V. transcend: go beyond; exceed; surpass; N.
hermetic = sealed by fusion so as to be airtight; airtight
ablution = washing
dinghy = small boat (often ship.s boat)
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Friday, May 22, 2009
torrent = rushing stream; flood; Ex. The rain fell in torrents.
unscathed = unharmed; Ex. escape the accident unscathed
anarchist = person who seeks to overturn the established
government; advocate of abolishing authority
strut = supporting bar; CF. airplane wings
luster = shine; gloss (of a polished surface)
verisimilitude = appearance of truth; quality of appearing
to be true or real; likelihood; Ex. verisimilitude of
her performance as Lady Macbeth
enliven = make lively or spirited; animate
vulture = carrion-eating birds
flowery = full of flowers; full of ornate expressions
harass = annoy by repeated attacks
sinister = evil; ominous
devolve = deputize; pass or be passed to others (power,
work, or property); Ex. devolve on/upon/to
heinous = atrocious; wicked; hatefully bad; Ex. heinous
adverse = going against; opposing; unfavorable; hostile
rigor = severity; Ex. rigors of the Russian winter
shackle = chain; fetter; confine with shackles; N.
prop = support placed under or against something; V.
sumptuous = grand suggesting great expense; lavish;
rich; Ex. sumptuous feast
fulminate = thunder; explode; issue a severe denunciation
prim = proper to the point of affectation; very precise and
formal; exceedingly proper
clout = great influence (especially political or social); hard
blow with fist
sluggish = lazy; slow; inactive; lethargic; CF. slug: nail
with no shell
dribble = flow or fall in drops; let saliva flow out slowly
from the mouth; move a ball; N.
prong = pointed projecting part
sedulous = diligent; assiduous; paying attention; N.
fashion = give shape to; make; Ex. fashion the pot out of
apprehend = arrest (a criminal); dread; perceive; N. apprehension
panacea = cure-all; remedy for all diseases
recurrent = occurring again and again
plethora = excess; overabundance; Ex. a plethora of excuses
bloated = (unpleasantly) swollen or puffed as with water
or air
subsequent = following in time or order; later
traduce = expose to slander
prod = poke (with a pointed object); stir up; urge; goad to
action; N: pointed object used to prod; prodding
inequity = unfairness; ADJ. inequitable
demean = disgrace; humiliate; debase in dignity; behave
torque = twisting force; force producing rotation
wallow = roll in mud; indulge in; (of a ship) roll in
a rough sea; become helpless; Ex. wallow in the
foment = stir up; incite; instigate; promote the growth of
(something evil or unpleasant)
flashy = showy; gaudy; giving a momentary brilliance
inamorata = woman whom a man loves
forum = public square of an ancient Roman city; public
place for open discussion; court of law
blandishment = flattery
adjunct = something attached to but holding an inferior
realm = kingdom; field or sphere; Ex. not within the
realms of possibility
anemia = condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles;
ADJ. anemic
pinch = squeeze between the thumb and a finger, or other
edges; Ex. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn.t
dreaming. N: amount that can be held between the
thumb and a finger
prurient = having or causing lustful desires and thoughts;
arousing immoderate sexual desire
erratic = odd; irregular in movement or behavior; unpredictable
incinerate = burn to ashes
adjoin = be next to
tactile = pertaining to the organs or sense of touch
fluency = smoothness of speech; ADJ. fluent
prolific = producing offspring or fruit in abundance; fertile;
fecund; abundantly fruitful; producing abundant
works; Ex. prolific writer
snivel = complain or whine tearfully; run at the nose;
snuffle; Ex. Don.t come back sniveling to me.
philanderer = faithless lover; flirt
laborious = demanding much work or care; tedious
rancor = long-lasting hatred; bitterness; Ex. negotiation
without rancor; ADJ. rancorous
palpitate = throb; beat rapidly; flutter; tremble; Ex. Her
heart began to palpitate.
tread = walk; trample; N: grooved face of a tire; horizontal
part of a step
mat = not shiny; matte; having a dull finish; N: flat piece
of material used as a floor covering; V.
dissimulate = pretend; conceal by feigning; dissemble
enlist = (cause to) join the armed forces; obtain (help,
sympathy, or support)
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torrent = rushing stream; flood; Ex. The rain fell in torrents.
unscathed = unharmed; Ex. escape the accident unscathed
anarchist = person who seeks to overturn the established
government; advocate of abolishing authority
strut = supporting bar; CF. airplane wings
luster = shine; gloss (of a polished surface)
verisimilitude = appearance of truth; quality of appearing
to be true or real; likelihood; Ex. verisimilitude of
her performance as Lady Macbeth
enliven = make lively or spirited; animate
vulture = carrion-eating birds
flowery = full of flowers; full of ornate expressions
harass = annoy by repeated attacks
sinister = evil; ominous
devolve = deputize; pass or be passed to others (power,
work, or property); Ex. devolve on/upon/to
heinous = atrocious; wicked; hatefully bad; Ex. heinous
adverse = going against; opposing; unfavorable; hostile
rigor = severity; Ex. rigors of the Russian winter
shackle = chain; fetter; confine with shackles; N.
prop = support placed under or against something; V.
sumptuous = grand suggesting great expense; lavish;
rich; Ex. sumptuous feast
fulminate = thunder; explode; issue a severe denunciation
prim = proper to the point of affectation; very precise and
formal; exceedingly proper
clout = great influence (especially political or social); hard
blow with fist
sluggish = lazy; slow; inactive; lethargic; CF. slug: nail
with no shell
dribble = flow or fall in drops; let saliva flow out slowly
from the mouth; move a ball; N.
prong = pointed projecting part
sedulous = diligent; assiduous; paying attention; N.
fashion = give shape to; make; Ex. fashion the pot out of
apprehend = arrest (a criminal); dread; perceive; N. apprehension
panacea = cure-all; remedy for all diseases
recurrent = occurring again and again
plethora = excess; overabundance; Ex. a plethora of excuses
bloated = (unpleasantly) swollen or puffed as with water
or air
subsequent = following in time or order; later
traduce = expose to slander
prod = poke (with a pointed object); stir up; urge; goad to
action; N: pointed object used to prod; prodding
inequity = unfairness; ADJ. inequitable
demean = disgrace; humiliate; debase in dignity; behave
torque = twisting force; force producing rotation
wallow = roll in mud; indulge in; (of a ship) roll in
a rough sea; become helpless; Ex. wallow in the
foment = stir up; incite; instigate; promote the growth of
(something evil or unpleasant)
flashy = showy; gaudy; giving a momentary brilliance
inamorata = woman whom a man loves
forum = public square of an ancient Roman city; public
place for open discussion; court of law
blandishment = flattery
adjunct = something attached to but holding an inferior
realm = kingdom; field or sphere; Ex. not within the
realms of possibility
anemia = condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles;
ADJ. anemic
pinch = squeeze between the thumb and a finger, or other
edges; Ex. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn.t
dreaming. N: amount that can be held between the
thumb and a finger
prurient = having or causing lustful desires and thoughts;
arousing immoderate sexual desire
erratic = odd; irregular in movement or behavior; unpredictable
incinerate = burn to ashes
adjoin = be next to
tactile = pertaining to the organs or sense of touch
fluency = smoothness of speech; ADJ. fluent
prolific = producing offspring or fruit in abundance; fertile;
fecund; abundantly fruitful; producing abundant
works; Ex. prolific writer
snivel = complain or whine tearfully; run at the nose;
snuffle; Ex. Don.t come back sniveling to me.
philanderer = faithless lover; flirt
laborious = demanding much work or care; tedious
rancor = long-lasting hatred; bitterness; Ex. negotiation
without rancor; ADJ. rancorous
palpitate = throb; beat rapidly; flutter; tremble; Ex. Her
heart began to palpitate.
tread = walk; trample; N: grooved face of a tire; horizontal
part of a step
mat = not shiny; matte; having a dull finish; N: flat piece
of material used as a floor covering; V.
dissimulate = pretend; conceal by feigning; dissemble
enlist = (cause to) join the armed forces; obtain (help,
sympathy, or support)
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Thursday, May 21, 2009
scraps = leftover food
kinetic = producing motion; of motion
corroborate = confirm; support; strengthen
polity = (particular form of) political organization; form
of government of nation or state; Ex. student polity
discount = disregard; regard (a story or news) as unimportant;
deduct from a cost
oust = expel; drive out; force out; N. ouster: ousting
hereafter = life after death
putrescent = becoming putrid; putrefying
institute = organization for a special purpose; V: establish
kudos = honor; glory; acclaim or praise for exceptional
feud = bitter prolonged quarrel (usually between two
peoples or families); V. CF. Romeo and Juliet; CF. feudal,
exceptionable = objectionable; likely to cause dislike; offensive;
CF. unexceptionable: entirely acceptable
consign = send to a person or place for sale; deliver officially;
entrust; put into the care of another; set apart
(for a special purpose); N. consignment; CF. consignor,
parallelism = state of being parallel; similarity; analogy
disavowal = denial; disclaiming; repudiating; disowning;
V. disavow; CF. disclaim
infidel = unbeliever (with respect to a particular religion)
bantering = joking talk; good-naturedly ridiculing; N.V.
amorous = moved by sexual love; loving; of sexual love;
Ex. amorous advances
haphazard = random; by chance; happening in an unplanned
manner; Ex. haphazard growth of the town
reminiscence = recollection; V. reminisce: recollect the
restraint = moderation or self-control; controlling force;
dormant = sleeping; temporarily inactive; lethargic; latent
bump = hit or knock against with force; N.
despise = look on with scorn; regard as worthless or distasteful;
ADJ. despicable: contemptible
unrequited = not requited; not reciprocated; Ex. unrequited
indite = write; compose
mercenary = motivated solely by money or gain; N.
ashen = ash-colored; deadly pale
conventional = ordinary; typical; not nuclear; Ex. conventional
sobriety = moderation (especially regarding indulgence
in alcohol); seriousness
graduated = arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty,
thespian = pertaining to drama; N: actor or actress
ligneous = like wood
felicity = happiness; appropriateness (of a remark, choice,
etc.); quality of being felicitous
malfeasance = wrongdoing; misconduct (by a public official)
mural = wall painting
forgo(forego) = give up; do without
fuddle = make stupid or confused as with alcholic drink;
N. in a fuddle: confused
sustain = suffer (harm or loss); experience; support; prop;
maintain; keep in existence; nourish (to maintain life);
Ex. sustain the family/the trapped miners
slacken = slow up; loosen; make or become slack
presentiment = premonition; foreboding; feeling something
will happen; anticipatory fear
superimpose = place over something else
supplicate = petition humbly; pray to grant a favor
potential = expressing possibility; latent; N: capacity for
quip = taunt; clever sarcastic remark; V.
dissuade = persuade not to do; discourage; N. dissuasion
hypothetical = based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed;
N. hypothesis
withhold = refuse to give; hold back; Ex. withholding tax
acute = (of the senses) sharp; quickly perceptive; keen;
penetrating; brief and severe; Ex. acute sense of
paltry = insignificant; petty; trifling; contemptible; Ex.
paltry sum; CF. trash
travail = strenuous work; toil; painful labor; labor of
atone = make amends for; pay for; Ex. atone for
requisite = necessary requirement; something required;
ADJ: required; necessary
vernacular = living language (as compared to the official
language); language spoken in a country or region; natural
style; Ex. lapse into the vernacular
gargoyle = waterspout carved in grotesque figures on a
unfrock = defrock; strip a priest or minister of church authority
apocryphal = (of a story) widely believed but untrue
gnarl = protruding knot on a tree; V.
riddle = pierce with holes; permeate or spread throughout;
Ex. The gunman riddled the car with bullets; Ex.
The whole report is riddled with errors; N. large sieve
(separating earth from stone)
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scraps = leftover food
kinetic = producing motion; of motion
corroborate = confirm; support; strengthen
polity = (particular form of) political organization; form
of government of nation or state; Ex. student polity
discount = disregard; regard (a story or news) as unimportant;
deduct from a cost
oust = expel; drive out; force out; N. ouster: ousting
hereafter = life after death
putrescent = becoming putrid; putrefying
institute = organization for a special purpose; V: establish
kudos = honor; glory; acclaim or praise for exceptional
feud = bitter prolonged quarrel (usually between two
peoples or families); V. CF. Romeo and Juliet; CF. feudal,
exceptionable = objectionable; likely to cause dislike; offensive;
CF. unexceptionable: entirely acceptable
consign = send to a person or place for sale; deliver officially;
entrust; put into the care of another; set apart
(for a special purpose); N. consignment; CF. consignor,
parallelism = state of being parallel; similarity; analogy
disavowal = denial; disclaiming; repudiating; disowning;
V. disavow; CF. disclaim
infidel = unbeliever (with respect to a particular religion)
bantering = joking talk; good-naturedly ridiculing; N.V.
amorous = moved by sexual love; loving; of sexual love;
Ex. amorous advances
haphazard = random; by chance; happening in an unplanned
manner; Ex. haphazard growth of the town
reminiscence = recollection; V. reminisce: recollect the
restraint = moderation or self-control; controlling force;
dormant = sleeping; temporarily inactive; lethargic; latent
bump = hit or knock against with force; N.
despise = look on with scorn; regard as worthless or distasteful;
ADJ. despicable: contemptible
unrequited = not requited; not reciprocated; Ex. unrequited
indite = write; compose
mercenary = motivated solely by money or gain; N.
ashen = ash-colored; deadly pale
conventional = ordinary; typical; not nuclear; Ex. conventional
sobriety = moderation (especially regarding indulgence
in alcohol); seriousness
graduated = arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty,
thespian = pertaining to drama; N: actor or actress
ligneous = like wood
felicity = happiness; appropriateness (of a remark, choice,
etc.); quality of being felicitous
malfeasance = wrongdoing; misconduct (by a public official)
mural = wall painting
forgo(forego) = give up; do without
fuddle = make stupid or confused as with alcholic drink;
N. in a fuddle: confused
sustain = suffer (harm or loss); experience; support; prop;
maintain; keep in existence; nourish (to maintain life);
Ex. sustain the family/the trapped miners
slacken = slow up; loosen; make or become slack
presentiment = premonition; foreboding; feeling something
will happen; anticipatory fear
superimpose = place over something else
supplicate = petition humbly; pray to grant a favor
potential = expressing possibility; latent; N: capacity for
quip = taunt; clever sarcastic remark; V.
dissuade = persuade not to do; discourage; N. dissuasion
hypothetical = based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed;
N. hypothesis
withhold = refuse to give; hold back; Ex. withholding tax
acute = (of the senses) sharp; quickly perceptive; keen;
penetrating; brief and severe; Ex. acute sense of
paltry = insignificant; petty; trifling; contemptible; Ex.
paltry sum; CF. trash
travail = strenuous work; toil; painful labor; labor of
atone = make amends for; pay for; Ex. atone for
requisite = necessary requirement; something required;
ADJ: required; necessary
vernacular = living language (as compared to the official
language); language spoken in a country or region; natural
style; Ex. lapse into the vernacular
gargoyle = waterspout carved in grotesque figures on a
unfrock = defrock; strip a priest or minister of church authority
apocryphal = (of a story) widely believed but untrue
gnarl = protruding knot on a tree; V.
riddle = pierce with holes; permeate or spread throughout;
Ex. The gunman riddled the car with bullets; Ex.
The whole report is riddled with errors; N. large sieve
(separating earth from stone)
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
pugnacity = combativeness; disposition to fight; ADJ.
pugnacious: (of people) belligerent; combative in nature
exasperate = vex; annoy or make angry (by testing the patience)
germinate = cause to sprout; sprout
memento = token; reminder of the past; keepsake; Ex.
memento of your visit
reconnaissance = survey of enemy by soldiers; reconnoitering;
V. reconnoiter: make a preliminary inspection of
(esp. to gather military information)
oath = solemn promise; blasphemous use of sacred words
to express strong feelings; swear-word; Ex. .For Christ.s
thwart = block or hinder; baffle; frustrate
vehement = forceful; intensely emotional; with marked
vigor; strong; N. vehemence
contraband = illegal trade; smuggling; smuggled goods;
wrench = twist; pull; strain; Ex. He wrenched the gun out
of her hands.
dainty = delicate; delicately beautiful; fastidious; not easy
to please; Ex. dainty movement/dress
zephyr = gentle breeze; west wind
waylay = ambush; lie in wait for and attack
contrite = penitent; repentant; N. contrition
treasure = keep as precious; cherish
ford = place where a river can be crossed on foot; V.
patrician = noble; aristocratic; N: person of high rank;
aristocrat; CF. member of the governing classes in ancient
Rome; CF. plebian
languor = lack of physical or mental energy; lassitude; depression
foreshadow = give an indication beforehand; be a sign of
(what is coming); portend; prefigure
germane = pertinent; bearing upon(having connection
with) the case at hand; appropriate
reprehensible = deserving blame; blameworthy; V. reprehend:
eon(aeon) = long period of time; an age; longest division
of geologic time containing two or more eras
daub = smear (as with paint); cover with something
sticky; Ex. daub one.s clothes with mud/paint; N: small
bit of sticky substance; Ex. a daub of paint
subordinate = occupying a lower rank; inferior; submissive;
N. V: put in a lower rank or class
antediluvian = antiquated; extremely ancient
stately = formal; ceremonious; grand in style or size; majestic
interminable = endless
proverb = adage; someone or something well known for
notoriety; ADJ. proverbial: of a proverb; widely known;
ADV. proverbially
venue = location; place (of a crime, trial, gathering, etc.);
CF. come
distinction = honor; excellence; difference; contrast; discrimination;
Ex. graduated with distinction; Ex. a writer
of real distinction
converge = approach; tend to meet; come together
inconsistency = state of being self-contradictory; lack of
uniformity or steadiness; ADJ. inconsistent: displaying
a lack of consistency; erratic; contradictory; incompatible
commemorative = remembering; honoring the memory
of; Ex. commemorative stamp
incorporate = introduce something into a larger whole;
include; embody; give material form to; ADJ.
hone = sharpen (a tool); N: whetstone for sharpening a
amenities = convenient features that helps to make life
pleasant; social courtesies
averse = reluctant; disinclined; not liking or opposed; Ex.
averse to cats/doing the house work
speechless = unable for the moment to speak (because of
strong feeling); Ex. speechless with anger
prepossessing = attractive; CF. preoccupying ?
arrears = being in debt; money that should have been
paid; work that should have been done
providence = quality of being provident; divine care;
god.s care; Providence: god; Ex. It seemed like providence
that the doctor happened to be there; ADJ. providential:
of divine providence; fortunate
witticism = witty saying; wisecrack(clever joking remark)
hue = color; aspect; Ex. opinions of every hue
brawl = noisy quarrel
misconstrue = interpret incorrectly; misinterpret; misjudge
auxiliary = offering or providing help; additional or subsidiary;
N: helper; assistant
derogatory = expressing a low opinion; disparaging; V.
derogate: detract; disparage
divine = perceive intuitively (by or as if by magic); foresee
the future; foretell; dowse; ADJ. N. divination
impart = grant a share of; make known; Ex. news to impart
vertigo = severe dizziness; giddiness
forerunner = predecessor; one that comes before and indicates
the approach of another
abnegation = renunciation; self-sacrifice; self-abnegation
breadth = width; extent
acrophobia = fear of heights
reminiscent = suggestive of something (in the past); of
blight = plant disease; V: infect with blight; ruin; destroy
psychiatrist = doctor who treats mental diseases
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pugnacity = combativeness; disposition to fight; ADJ.
pugnacious: (of people) belligerent; combative in nature
exasperate = vex; annoy or make angry (by testing the patience)
germinate = cause to sprout; sprout
memento = token; reminder of the past; keepsake; Ex.
memento of your visit
reconnaissance = survey of enemy by soldiers; reconnoitering;
V. reconnoiter: make a preliminary inspection of
(esp. to gather military information)
oath = solemn promise; blasphemous use of sacred words
to express strong feelings; swear-word; Ex. .For Christ.s
thwart = block or hinder; baffle; frustrate
vehement = forceful; intensely emotional; with marked
vigor; strong; N. vehemence
contraband = illegal trade; smuggling; smuggled goods;
wrench = twist; pull; strain; Ex. He wrenched the gun out
of her hands.
dainty = delicate; delicately beautiful; fastidious; not easy
to please; Ex. dainty movement/dress
zephyr = gentle breeze; west wind
waylay = ambush; lie in wait for and attack
contrite = penitent; repentant; N. contrition
treasure = keep as precious; cherish
ford = place where a river can be crossed on foot; V.
patrician = noble; aristocratic; N: person of high rank;
aristocrat; CF. member of the governing classes in ancient
Rome; CF. plebian
languor = lack of physical or mental energy; lassitude; depression
foreshadow = give an indication beforehand; be a sign of
(what is coming); portend; prefigure
germane = pertinent; bearing upon(having connection
with) the case at hand; appropriate
reprehensible = deserving blame; blameworthy; V. reprehend:
eon(aeon) = long period of time; an age; longest division
of geologic time containing two or more eras
daub = smear (as with paint); cover with something
sticky; Ex. daub one.s clothes with mud/paint; N: small
bit of sticky substance; Ex. a daub of paint
subordinate = occupying a lower rank; inferior; submissive;
N. V: put in a lower rank or class
antediluvian = antiquated; extremely ancient
stately = formal; ceremonious; grand in style or size; majestic
interminable = endless
proverb = adage; someone or something well known for
notoriety; ADJ. proverbial: of a proverb; widely known;
ADV. proverbially
venue = location; place (of a crime, trial, gathering, etc.);
CF. come
distinction = honor; excellence; difference; contrast; discrimination;
Ex. graduated with distinction; Ex. a writer
of real distinction
converge = approach; tend to meet; come together
inconsistency = state of being self-contradictory; lack of
uniformity or steadiness; ADJ. inconsistent: displaying
a lack of consistency; erratic; contradictory; incompatible
commemorative = remembering; honoring the memory
of; Ex. commemorative stamp
incorporate = introduce something into a larger whole;
include; embody; give material form to; ADJ.
hone = sharpen (a tool); N: whetstone for sharpening a
amenities = convenient features that helps to make life
pleasant; social courtesies
averse = reluctant; disinclined; not liking or opposed; Ex.
averse to cats/doing the house work
speechless = unable for the moment to speak (because of
strong feeling); Ex. speechless with anger
prepossessing = attractive; CF. preoccupying ?
arrears = being in debt; money that should have been
paid; work that should have been done
providence = quality of being provident; divine care;
god.s care; Providence: god; Ex. It seemed like providence
that the doctor happened to be there; ADJ. providential:
of divine providence; fortunate
witticism = witty saying; wisecrack(clever joking remark)
hue = color; aspect; Ex. opinions of every hue
brawl = noisy quarrel
misconstrue = interpret incorrectly; misinterpret; misjudge
auxiliary = offering or providing help; additional or subsidiary;
N: helper; assistant
derogatory = expressing a low opinion; disparaging; V.
derogate: detract; disparage
divine = perceive intuitively (by or as if by magic); foresee
the future; foretell; dowse; ADJ. N. divination
impart = grant a share of; make known; Ex. news to impart
vertigo = severe dizziness; giddiness
forerunner = predecessor; one that comes before and indicates
the approach of another
abnegation = renunciation; self-sacrifice; self-abnegation
breadth = width; extent
acrophobia = fear of heights
reminiscent = suggestive of something (in the past); of
blight = plant disease; V: infect with blight; ruin; destroy
psychiatrist = doctor who treats mental diseases
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
lineage = descent; ancestry
pendant(pendent) = hanging down from something;
pending; N: ornament (hanging from a necklace etc.)
modish = fashionable; conforming to the current fashion
circumvent = outwit; defeat by behaving more cleverly;
outsmart; baffle; avoid; get around
livid = lead-colored; black and blue (as from a bruise);
ashen; enraged; extremely angry
leery = (of someone) suspicious; wary; cautious
veracious = (of a person) truthful
vigil = keeping watch (during normal sleeping hours);
Ex. all-night vigil
parlance = language; manner of speaking; idiom; Ex. in
legal/common parlance
litany = supplicatory prayer; prayer in which the priest
calls out and the people replies in the same words
offensive = attacking; insulting; distasteful; V. offend: violate;
hurt the feelings of; N. offense: offending; violating
of a moral or social code; crime; attack; Ex. first
stench = strong foul odor; reek; stink
incapacitate = disable; N. incapacity: lack of capacity
tramp = walk with a heavy step; travel on foot; N: vagrant;
one who travels aimlessly about; long walk;
sound of heavy walking
functionary = official (who performs a particular function)
rapacious = voracious; ravenous; taking everything one
can; excessively grasping; plundering; subsisting on
live prey; Ex. rapacious birds
simulate = feign; imitate
depose = dethrone; remove from office; give a deposition;
conduit = aqueduct; passageway for fluids
flighty = (esp. of a woman.s behavior) capricious; often
changing, esp. from one lover to another; impulsive
referendum = direct vote by all the people
worldly = engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual;
of the material world
contrived = unnatural and forced; artificial; not spontaneous;
Ex. The ending was rather contrived.
ethos = underlying character of a culture, group, etc.;
character or ideas peculiar to a specific person, group,
or culture; Ex. the company ethos
disjointed = disconnected; lacking coherence; V. disjoint:
disconnect; disjoin
hallowed = blessed; consecrated; Ex. hallowed ground;
V. hallow: set apart as holy
ecologist = person concerned with the interrelationship
between living organisms and their environment; person
concerned with the detrimental effects of human
civilization on the environment; CF. ecology
disclose = reveal; N. disclosure
weary = tired after long work; V.
encroachment = gradual intrusion; Ex. I resent all these
encroachments on my valuable time; V. encroach: take
another.s possessions or right gradually or stealthily;
intrude; Ex. encroach on/upon
spoof = parody
noxious = harmful; CF. obnoxious
puzzle = baffle or confuse by a difficult problem; ponder
over a problem in an effort to solve; clarify or solve by
reasoning; Ex. puzzle out the answer; N.
reprove = censure; rebuke; N. reproof
paleontology = study of prehistoric life or fossils; CF.
paleo-: ancient or prehistoric; Ex. paleography: study
of ancient written documents
stout = rather fat; strong in body; sturdy; resolute;
determined; strong in determination; Ex. stout
plebiscite = direct vote by the entire electorate (on an important
circumlocution = indirect or roundabout expression (by
using an uncecessarily large number of words esp.
when trying to avoid answering a difficult question directly)
swarm = large group of insects moving in a mass; crowd
of people or animals; V: move in a crowd or mass
culprit = one guilty of a crime
generality = vague statement; general statement which is
not detailed; quality of being general; greater part; most;
Ex. generality of people
veritable = being truly so; real or genuine; actual; not
false or imaginary
respite = time for rest; interval of relief; delay in punishment;
pragmatic = practical (as opposed to idealistic); concerned
with practical worth or impact of something; Ex.
pragmatic test of the skill
sledge = large sled drawn by work animals
seasonal = of a particular season; Ex. seasonal rise in employment
lag = move or develop more slowly; straggle; Ex. lag behind
the rest; N.
tactful = careful no to cause offence; OP. tactless
unprecedented = having no previous example; novel; unparalleled
opiate = medicine to induce sleep or deaden pain; something
that relieves emotions or causes inaction; sleepproducing
drug containing opium
musky = having the odor of musk; N. musk: odorous
substance secreted by an Asian deer
malediction = curse
fritter = waste (time or money on unimportant things)
brandish = wave around (a weapon); flourish
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lineage = descent; ancestry
pendant(pendent) = hanging down from something;
pending; N: ornament (hanging from a necklace etc.)
modish = fashionable; conforming to the current fashion
circumvent = outwit; defeat by behaving more cleverly;
outsmart; baffle; avoid; get around
livid = lead-colored; black and blue (as from a bruise);
ashen; enraged; extremely angry
leery = (of someone) suspicious; wary; cautious
veracious = (of a person) truthful
vigil = keeping watch (during normal sleeping hours);
Ex. all-night vigil
parlance = language; manner of speaking; idiom; Ex. in
legal/common parlance
litany = supplicatory prayer; prayer in which the priest
calls out and the people replies in the same words
offensive = attacking; insulting; distasteful; V. offend: violate;
hurt the feelings of; N. offense: offending; violating
of a moral or social code; crime; attack; Ex. first
stench = strong foul odor; reek; stink
incapacitate = disable; N. incapacity: lack of capacity
tramp = walk with a heavy step; travel on foot; N: vagrant;
one who travels aimlessly about; long walk;
sound of heavy walking
functionary = official (who performs a particular function)
rapacious = voracious; ravenous; taking everything one
can; excessively grasping; plundering; subsisting on
live prey; Ex. rapacious birds
simulate = feign; imitate
depose = dethrone; remove from office; give a deposition;
conduit = aqueduct; passageway for fluids
flighty = (esp. of a woman.s behavior) capricious; often
changing, esp. from one lover to another; impulsive
referendum = direct vote by all the people
worldly = engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual;
of the material world
contrived = unnatural and forced; artificial; not spontaneous;
Ex. The ending was rather contrived.
ethos = underlying character of a culture, group, etc.;
character or ideas peculiar to a specific person, group,
or culture; Ex. the company ethos
disjointed = disconnected; lacking coherence; V. disjoint:
disconnect; disjoin
hallowed = blessed; consecrated; Ex. hallowed ground;
V. hallow: set apart as holy
ecologist = person concerned with the interrelationship
between living organisms and their environment; person
concerned with the detrimental effects of human
civilization on the environment; CF. ecology
disclose = reveal; N. disclosure
weary = tired after long work; V.
encroachment = gradual intrusion; Ex. I resent all these
encroachments on my valuable time; V. encroach: take
another.s possessions or right gradually or stealthily;
intrude; Ex. encroach on/upon
spoof = parody
noxious = harmful; CF. obnoxious
puzzle = baffle or confuse by a difficult problem; ponder
over a problem in an effort to solve; clarify or solve by
reasoning; Ex. puzzle out the answer; N.
reprove = censure; rebuke; N. reproof
paleontology = study of prehistoric life or fossils; CF.
paleo-: ancient or prehistoric; Ex. paleography: study
of ancient written documents
stout = rather fat; strong in body; sturdy; resolute;
determined; strong in determination; Ex. stout
plebiscite = direct vote by the entire electorate (on an important
circumlocution = indirect or roundabout expression (by
using an uncecessarily large number of words esp.
when trying to avoid answering a difficult question directly)
swarm = large group of insects moving in a mass; crowd
of people or animals; V: move in a crowd or mass
culprit = one guilty of a crime
generality = vague statement; general statement which is
not detailed; quality of being general; greater part; most;
Ex. generality of people
veritable = being truly so; real or genuine; actual; not
false or imaginary
respite = time for rest; interval of relief; delay in punishment;
pragmatic = practical (as opposed to idealistic); concerned
with practical worth or impact of something; Ex.
pragmatic test of the skill
sledge = large sled drawn by work animals
seasonal = of a particular season; Ex. seasonal rise in employment
lag = move or develop more slowly; straggle; Ex. lag behind
the rest; N.
tactful = careful no to cause offence; OP. tactless
unprecedented = having no previous example; novel; unparalleled
opiate = medicine to induce sleep or deaden pain; something
that relieves emotions or causes inaction; sleepproducing
drug containing opium
musky = having the odor of musk; N. musk: odorous
substance secreted by an Asian deer
malediction = curse
fritter = waste (time or money on unimportant things)
brandish = wave around (a weapon); flourish
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Monday, May 18, 2009
palpable = tangible; (of something bad) easily perceptible;
obvious; Ex. palpable blunder
palatable = agreeable; pleasing to the taste
cremate = incinerate (a corpse); N. crematory, crematorium
tablet = small round piece of medicine; flat piece of stone
or metal bearing an inscription; Ex. stone tablet on the
grunt = utter a deep guttural sound (as a pig does); N.
supine = lying on back; passive; inactive; Ex. The defeated
pugilist lay supine; Ex. supine acceptance of the
engulf = surround and swallow up
annotate = comment; make explanatory notes
personify = represent (an inanimate object) as a person;
be the embodiment or perfect example of; Ex. She is
evil/patience personified; N. personification
muster = gather; assemble (troops); Ex. muster up one.s
strength for the ordeal; N.
cohabit = live together
coddle = treat gently; indulge excessively; pamper; mollycoddle;
baby; cook in water just below boiling point;
Ex. coddled eggs
acclimate = adjust to climate or environment; adapt
susceptible = impressionable; easily influenced; sensitive;
having little resistance as to a disease; likely to suffer;
receptive to; capable of accepting; Ex. susceptible to
persuasion/colds; Ex. The agreement is not susceptible
of alteration; N. susceptibility
crinkle = wrinkle
titular = of a title; in name only; nominal; having the title
of an office without the obligations; Ex. titular head of
the company
rebus = representation of words in the form of pictures or
symbols; puzzle in which pictures or letters stand for
words; Ex. .R U 18. is a rebus for .Are you 18..
rip = tear or be torn quickly and violently; Ex. The sail
ripped under the force of the wind; N.
brim = uppermost edge of a cup; projecting rim (as on a
hat); Ex. The glass was full to the brim; V: be full to the
aesthetic = artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciating
the beautiful (of a person or building); CF. aesthete;
CF. aesthetics
schism = division into factions (esp. within a religious
body); split
outfit = clothing or equipment for a special purpose; Ex.
cowboy outfit
bookish = fond of books and reading
cuisine = style of cooking; Ex. French cuisine
moribund = dying; at the point of death; CF. death
upbraid = reprimand; severely scold
parody = humorous imitation; spoof; takeoff; travesty; V.
jovial = good-natured; merry; cheerful
encumber = burden; N. encumbrance
giddy = light-hearted; not serious; frivolous; dizzy; causing
dizziness; Ex. giddy youth; Ex. giddy climb/height
implausible = unlikely (to be true); unbelievable; Ex. implausible
drudge = do drudgery; N: person who drudges
suitor = man who is courting a woman
far-fetched = too improbable to be believed; implausible;
Ex. far-fetched story
intimidate = frighten; N. intimidation
ventral = abdominal
utopia = ideal place, state, or society; ADJ. utopian
hazardous = dangerous
drastic = strong; violent and severe; Ex. drastic
impinge = infringe; encroach; influence; touch; collide
with; Ex. The effects are impinging on every aspect of
our lives.
misgivings = doubts
siren = apparatus for making sounds; womanlike creature
piecemeal = one part at a time; gradually; in stages; Ex.
read a novel piecemeal
regimen = prescribed course of diet or exercise; prescribed
diet and habits; Ex. daily regimen of a dancer
temporal = of time; not lasting forever; limited by time;
temporary; secular; worldly
relegate = put into a lower or worse place; banish to an
inferior position; delegate; assign; Ex. relegate the old
furniture to the children.s room; Ex. relegated to the
second division
beatific = giving or showing bliss; blissful
arraign = charge in court; indict
antagonism = hostility; active opposition; V. antagonize:
cause to become an enemy; N. antagonist: person who
is opposed to another; opponent; adversary; principal
character in oppostion to the protagonist
inchoate = (of desire, wish, plan) recently begun; not explicit;
at the beginning of development; rudimentary;
elementary; Ex. inchoate mass
bridle = harness fitted about a horse.s head (used to restrain);
curb; check; V: put a bridle on; control or restrain;
show anger
significant = expressing a meaning; important; Ex. significant
smile; N. significance: importance; meaning; V.
signify: denote; mean; signal; make known; matter; be
aloof = apart; not open in one.s relationship with other
people; reserved; ADV.
stratum = layer of earth.s surface; layer of society; PL.
lounge = stand, sit, or lie in a lazy, relaxed way
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palpable = tangible; (of something bad) easily perceptible;
obvious; Ex. palpable blunder
palatable = agreeable; pleasing to the taste
cremate = incinerate (a corpse); N. crematory, crematorium
tablet = small round piece of medicine; flat piece of stone
or metal bearing an inscription; Ex. stone tablet on the
grunt = utter a deep guttural sound (as a pig does); N.
supine = lying on back; passive; inactive; Ex. The defeated
pugilist lay supine; Ex. supine acceptance of the
engulf = surround and swallow up
annotate = comment; make explanatory notes
personify = represent (an inanimate object) as a person;
be the embodiment or perfect example of; Ex. She is
evil/patience personified; N. personification
muster = gather; assemble (troops); Ex. muster up one.s
strength for the ordeal; N.
cohabit = live together
coddle = treat gently; indulge excessively; pamper; mollycoddle;
baby; cook in water just below boiling point;
Ex. coddled eggs
acclimate = adjust to climate or environment; adapt
susceptible = impressionable; easily influenced; sensitive;
having little resistance as to a disease; likely to suffer;
receptive to; capable of accepting; Ex. susceptible to
persuasion/colds; Ex. The agreement is not susceptible
of alteration; N. susceptibility
crinkle = wrinkle
titular = of a title; in name only; nominal; having the title
of an office without the obligations; Ex. titular head of
the company
rebus = representation of words in the form of pictures or
symbols; puzzle in which pictures or letters stand for
words; Ex. .R U 18. is a rebus for .Are you 18..
rip = tear or be torn quickly and violently; Ex. The sail
ripped under the force of the wind; N.
brim = uppermost edge of a cup; projecting rim (as on a
hat); Ex. The glass was full to the brim; V: be full to the
aesthetic = artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciating
the beautiful (of a person or building); CF. aesthete;
CF. aesthetics
schism = division into factions (esp. within a religious
body); split
outfit = clothing or equipment for a special purpose; Ex.
cowboy outfit
bookish = fond of books and reading
cuisine = style of cooking; Ex. French cuisine
moribund = dying; at the point of death; CF. death
upbraid = reprimand; severely scold
parody = humorous imitation; spoof; takeoff; travesty; V.
jovial = good-natured; merry; cheerful
encumber = burden; N. encumbrance
giddy = light-hearted; not serious; frivolous; dizzy; causing
dizziness; Ex. giddy youth; Ex. giddy climb/height
implausible = unlikely (to be true); unbelievable; Ex. implausible
drudge = do drudgery; N: person who drudges
suitor = man who is courting a woman
far-fetched = too improbable to be believed; implausible;
Ex. far-fetched story
intimidate = frighten; N. intimidation
ventral = abdominal
utopia = ideal place, state, or society; ADJ. utopian
hazardous = dangerous
drastic = strong; violent and severe; Ex. drastic
impinge = infringe; encroach; influence; touch; collide
with; Ex. The effects are impinging on every aspect of
our lives.
misgivings = doubts
siren = apparatus for making sounds; womanlike creature
piecemeal = one part at a time; gradually; in stages; Ex.
read a novel piecemeal
regimen = prescribed course of diet or exercise; prescribed
diet and habits; Ex. daily regimen of a dancer
temporal = of time; not lasting forever; limited by time;
temporary; secular; worldly
relegate = put into a lower or worse place; banish to an
inferior position; delegate; assign; Ex. relegate the old
furniture to the children.s room; Ex. relegated to the
second division
beatific = giving or showing bliss; blissful
arraign = charge in court; indict
antagonism = hostility; active opposition; V. antagonize:
cause to become an enemy; N. antagonist: person who
is opposed to another; opponent; adversary; principal
character in oppostion to the protagonist
inchoate = (of desire, wish, plan) recently begun; not explicit;
at the beginning of development; rudimentary;
elementary; Ex. inchoate mass
bridle = harness fitted about a horse.s head (used to restrain);
curb; check; V: put a bridle on; control or restrain;
show anger
significant = expressing a meaning; important; Ex. significant
smile; N. significance: importance; meaning; V.
signify: denote; mean; signal; make known; matter; be
aloof = apart; not open in one.s relationship with other
people; reserved; ADV.
stratum = layer of earth.s surface; layer of society; PL.
lounge = stand, sit, or lie in a lazy, relaxed way
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Sunday, May 17, 2009
impermeable = impervious; not permitting passage
through its substance; impossible to permeate
sly = clever in deceiving; secretive; not telling one.s intentions
strident = loud and harsh; insistent; N. stridency
catastrophe = calamity ; disaster
wanton = unrestrained; gratuitously cruel; willfully malicious;
unchaste; sexually improper; promiscuous; Ex.
wanton spending/killing; CF. having no just cause
arbitrate = act as judge (at the request of both sides)
maculated = spotted; stained; CF. immaculate
gleam = brief flash of light; glow; V.
pudding = hot sweet dish
ascribe = refer; attribute; assign
antiquity = quality of being very old; ancient times; .Ă‚¦@/
implacable = incapable of being pacified; impossible to
appease; Ex. implacable enemy
ingenious = marked by inventive skill; clever; resourceful;
N. ingenuity
outgoing = sociable; eager to mix socially with others
glossy = smooth and shining; N. gloss: shiny brightness
on a surface; superficially attractive appearance; Ex.
gloss of good manners
vulnerable = susceptible to wounds or attack; N. vulnerability
puerile = childish; immature; CF. puer: boy
pliant = flexible; easily influenced
machinations = evil schemes or plots; schemes or plots to
achieve an evil end; V. machinate
colossal = huge
insensate = without feeling; lacking sense; foolish
lumber = move heavily or clumsily; Ex. The bear lumbered
through the woods; N: timber
ostentatious = showy; trying to attract attention; pretentious;
N. ostentation: showy display
guise = outward appearance; costume; Ex. in a new guise
whiff = puff or gust (of air, scent, etc.); short-lasting smell;
hint; Ex. whiff of perfume/scandal
appease = pacify or soothe; Ex. appease a crying baby; N.
hieroglyphic = picture writing; ADJ.
frigid = intensely cold; cold in manner; Ex. frigid zone
manacle = restrain; handcuff; N.
austere = forbiddingly stern; ascetic; without comfort or
enjoyment; severely simple and unornamented; Ex. a
monk.s austere life; Ex. austere grandeur of the cathedral;
N. austerity
analogy = similarity; parallelism; comparing two similar
energize = invigorate; give energy to; make forceful and
submissive = willing to obey orders; yielding; timid
antidote = remedy to counteract a poison or disease; Ex.
antidote to the economic troubles
lookout = act of keeping watch; high place commanding
a wide view; person who keeps watch
prevalent = widespread; generally accepted
colander = utensil with perforated bottom used for straining
projectile = missile; fired or thrown object (such as stone
or bullet)
pantomime = acting without dialogue; V.
welter = wallow (as in mud or high seas); lie soaked (as
in blood); Ex. The victims weltered in their blood.
slovenly = untidy; careless in work habits; slipshod; N.
sloven: one who is habitually untidy or careless
matriarch = woman who rules a family or larger social
abusive = coarsely insulting; physically harmful
titanic = gigantic; N. titan
entice = lure; persuade to do (something wrong); attract;
hypocritical = pretending to be virtuous; deceiving; N.
hypocrisy: profession of beliefs one does not possess;
CF. hypocrite
paramour = illicit lover
reprieve = postponement or cancelation of a punishment;
temporary stay; V: postpone or cancel the punishment
filigree = delicate ornamental lacelike metalwork
deterrent = something that discourages or deters
backslide = revert (to bad habits); N. reverter
metamorphosis = change of form; Ex. metamorphosis of
caterpillar to butterfly; V. metamorphose: change by
caricature = distortion; burlesque
appurtenances = subordinate possessions; something
added to a more important thing
animadversion = critical remark; V. animadvert: comment
critically with disapproval
coercion = use of force to get someone to object; compelling;
V. coerce
quell = suppress; put an end to; put down forcibly; extinguish;
quiet; Ex. .Army Quells Rebellion. in newspaper;
CF. kill
terminology = terms used in a science or art; study of
hover = hang about; (of birds or aircraft) stay in the air
in one place; (of people) wait nearby; stay around one
place; waver; be in an uncertain state
studious = given to diligent study
antler = bony growth on the head of a deer
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impermeable = impervious; not permitting passage
through its substance; impossible to permeate
sly = clever in deceiving; secretive; not telling one.s intentions
strident = loud and harsh; insistent; N. stridency
catastrophe = calamity ; disaster
wanton = unrestrained; gratuitously cruel; willfully malicious;
unchaste; sexually improper; promiscuous; Ex.
wanton spending/killing; CF. having no just cause
arbitrate = act as judge (at the request of both sides)
maculated = spotted; stained; CF. immaculate
gleam = brief flash of light; glow; V.
pudding = hot sweet dish
ascribe = refer; attribute; assign
antiquity = quality of being very old; ancient times; .Ă‚¦@/
implacable = incapable of being pacified; impossible to
appease; Ex. implacable enemy
ingenious = marked by inventive skill; clever; resourceful;
N. ingenuity
outgoing = sociable; eager to mix socially with others
glossy = smooth and shining; N. gloss: shiny brightness
on a surface; superficially attractive appearance; Ex.
gloss of good manners
vulnerable = susceptible to wounds or attack; N. vulnerability
puerile = childish; immature; CF. puer: boy
pliant = flexible; easily influenced
machinations = evil schemes or plots; schemes or plots to
achieve an evil end; V. machinate
colossal = huge
insensate = without feeling; lacking sense; foolish
lumber = move heavily or clumsily; Ex. The bear lumbered
through the woods; N: timber
ostentatious = showy; trying to attract attention; pretentious;
N. ostentation: showy display
guise = outward appearance; costume; Ex. in a new guise
whiff = puff or gust (of air, scent, etc.); short-lasting smell;
hint; Ex. whiff of perfume/scandal
appease = pacify or soothe; Ex. appease a crying baby; N.
hieroglyphic = picture writing; ADJ.
frigid = intensely cold; cold in manner; Ex. frigid zone
manacle = restrain; handcuff; N.
austere = forbiddingly stern; ascetic; without comfort or
enjoyment; severely simple and unornamented; Ex. a
monk.s austere life; Ex. austere grandeur of the cathedral;
N. austerity
analogy = similarity; parallelism; comparing two similar
energize = invigorate; give energy to; make forceful and
submissive = willing to obey orders; yielding; timid
antidote = remedy to counteract a poison or disease; Ex.
antidote to the economic troubles
lookout = act of keeping watch; high place commanding
a wide view; person who keeps watch
prevalent = widespread; generally accepted
colander = utensil with perforated bottom used for straining
projectile = missile; fired or thrown object (such as stone
or bullet)
pantomime = acting without dialogue; V.
welter = wallow (as in mud or high seas); lie soaked (as
in blood); Ex. The victims weltered in their blood.
slovenly = untidy; careless in work habits; slipshod; N.
sloven: one who is habitually untidy or careless
matriarch = woman who rules a family or larger social
abusive = coarsely insulting; physically harmful
titanic = gigantic; N. titan
entice = lure; persuade to do (something wrong); attract;
hypocritical = pretending to be virtuous; deceiving; N.
hypocrisy: profession of beliefs one does not possess;
CF. hypocrite
paramour = illicit lover
reprieve = postponement or cancelation of a punishment;
temporary stay; V: postpone or cancel the punishment
filigree = delicate ornamental lacelike metalwork
deterrent = something that discourages or deters
backslide = revert (to bad habits); N. reverter
metamorphosis = change of form; Ex. metamorphosis of
caterpillar to butterfly; V. metamorphose: change by
caricature = distortion; burlesque
appurtenances = subordinate possessions; something
added to a more important thing
animadversion = critical remark; V. animadvert: comment
critically with disapproval
coercion = use of force to get someone to object; compelling;
V. coerce
quell = suppress; put an end to; put down forcibly; extinguish;
quiet; Ex. .Army Quells Rebellion. in newspaper;
CF. kill
terminology = terms used in a science or art; study of
hover = hang about; (of birds or aircraft) stay in the air
in one place; (of people) wait nearby; stay around one
place; waver; be in an uncertain state
studious = given to diligent study
antler = bony growth on the head of a deer
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Saturday, May 16, 2009
deplore = regret; express sorrow and severe disapproval
for something bad; Ex. deplore their violent behavior;
ADJ. deplorable: very bad; deserving severe disapproval;
Ex. deplorable living condition
retribution = deserved punishment for wrongdoing;
punishment for offenses; compensation; vengeance; CF.
pay back
titillate = tickle; excite pleasantly; Ex. not to titillate the
audience but to enlighten it
manifestation = outward demonstration; manifesting; indication
of the presence of something; Ex. manifestation
of his pronounced musical bent
irrefutable = indisputable; incontrovertible; undeniable
clangor = loud resounding noise; sound of repeated
random = without definite purpose, plan, or aim; haphazard;
Ex. random shots; Ex. chosen at random
reverend = deserving reverence; N: priest
engaged = employed; busy; betrothed; involved in conflict
repartee = quick clever reply
enfranchise = admit to the rights of citizenship (especially
the right to vote); CF. franchise
suppliant = entreating; beseeching; N.
rampant = growing or spreading uncontrollably; growing
in profusion; unrestrained; Ex. rampant lawlessness/
compute = reckon; calculate
fusillade = simultaneous firing or outburst (of missiles,
questions, etc.)
defiance = refusal to yield; resistance; V. defy; ADJ. defiant
disabuse = correct a false impression; undeceive; free
from a wrong belief
wrath = anger; fury
transcendental = going beyond common thought or
ideas; impossible to understand by practical experiences
or practices; known only by studying thoughts or
intuition; OP. empirical; CF. transcendentalism
multifarious = varied; greatly diversified; Ex. multifarious
resourceful = clever and imaginative (in dealing with difficult
situations); N. resource, resourcefulness
omniscient = all-knowing
callous = hardened; unfeeling; without sympathy for the
sufferings of others; unkind
seduce = lead away from proper conduct; entice; ADJ. seductive
retroactive = taking effect before its enactment (as a law)
or imposition (as a tax); (of a law) having effect on the
past as well as the future
chancellor = legal official of high rank; CF. chancellery(
chancellory): position of a chancellor
blatant = extremely (offensively) obvious; loudly offensive;
Ex. blatant lie; N. blatancy
buxom = full-bosomed; plump; jolly
servile = slavish; cringing; N. servility
centurion = Roman army officer (commanding a company
of about 100 soldiers)
linger = loiter or dawdle; be slow in leaving; delay going;
continue or persist; be slow to disappear; Ex. The smell
lingered for days.
coda = concluding section of a musical or literary composition
bolster = support; reinforce
premise = assumption; postulate; proposition upon
which an argument is based
striated = marked with parallel bands; striped; grooved;
Ex. striated rocks; V. striate; N. stria: thin groove or line
rejuvenate = make young again
apiculture = bee-keeping
promiscuous = mixed indiscriminately; indiscriminate;
not choosing carefully; indiscriminate in the choice
of sexual partners; irregular, particularly sexually; Ex.
promiscuous life/girl; N. promiscuity
warranted = justified; authorized
evasive = not frank; trying to hide the truth; eluding;
evading; V. evade: avoid (a duty or responsibility) or
escape from by deceit
nib = beak(bill); pen point
tanner = person who turns animal hides into leather
clairvoyant = having foresight; fortuneteller; N. clairvoyance
redundant = superfluous; more than is necessary; verbose;
excessively wordy; repetitious
dubious = questionable; (of something) causing doubt;
(of someone) filled with doubt; N. dubiety
elicit = draw out fact or information (by discussion or
from someone)
authenticate = prove genuine
arbitrary = unreasonable or capricious; random; tyrannical;
Ex. arbitrary ruler
unwonted = unaccustomed; unusual; Ex. He arrived
with unwonted punctuality.
ulterior = intentionally hidden; beyond what is evident;
situated beyond; unstated and often questionable; Ex.
ulterior motive
marital = pertaining to marriage
choice = delicate; of very fine quality
caldron(cauldron) = large kettle
entrepreneur = businessperson (who assumes the risk of
a business venture); contractor; ADJ. entrepreneurial
tranquillity = calmness; peace
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deplore = regret; express sorrow and severe disapproval
for something bad; Ex. deplore their violent behavior;
ADJ. deplorable: very bad; deserving severe disapproval;
Ex. deplorable living condition
retribution = deserved punishment for wrongdoing;
punishment for offenses; compensation; vengeance; CF.
pay back
titillate = tickle; excite pleasantly; Ex. not to titillate the
audience but to enlighten it
manifestation = outward demonstration; manifesting; indication
of the presence of something; Ex. manifestation
of his pronounced musical bent
irrefutable = indisputable; incontrovertible; undeniable
clangor = loud resounding noise; sound of repeated
random = without definite purpose, plan, or aim; haphazard;
Ex. random shots; Ex. chosen at random
reverend = deserving reverence; N: priest
engaged = employed; busy; betrothed; involved in conflict
repartee = quick clever reply
enfranchise = admit to the rights of citizenship (especially
the right to vote); CF. franchise
suppliant = entreating; beseeching; N.
rampant = growing or spreading uncontrollably; growing
in profusion; unrestrained; Ex. rampant lawlessness/
compute = reckon; calculate
fusillade = simultaneous firing or outburst (of missiles,
questions, etc.)
defiance = refusal to yield; resistance; V. defy; ADJ. defiant
disabuse = correct a false impression; undeceive; free
from a wrong belief
wrath = anger; fury
transcendental = going beyond common thought or
ideas; impossible to understand by practical experiences
or practices; known only by studying thoughts or
intuition; OP. empirical; CF. transcendentalism
multifarious = varied; greatly diversified; Ex. multifarious
resourceful = clever and imaginative (in dealing with difficult
situations); N. resource, resourcefulness
omniscient = all-knowing
callous = hardened; unfeeling; without sympathy for the
sufferings of others; unkind
seduce = lead away from proper conduct; entice; ADJ. seductive
retroactive = taking effect before its enactment (as a law)
or imposition (as a tax); (of a law) having effect on the
past as well as the future
chancellor = legal official of high rank; CF. chancellery(
chancellory): position of a chancellor
blatant = extremely (offensively) obvious; loudly offensive;
Ex. blatant lie; N. blatancy
buxom = full-bosomed; plump; jolly
servile = slavish; cringing; N. servility
centurion = Roman army officer (commanding a company
of about 100 soldiers)
linger = loiter or dawdle; be slow in leaving; delay going;
continue or persist; be slow to disappear; Ex. The smell
lingered for days.
coda = concluding section of a musical or literary composition
bolster = support; reinforce
premise = assumption; postulate; proposition upon
which an argument is based
striated = marked with parallel bands; striped; grooved;
Ex. striated rocks; V. striate; N. stria: thin groove or line
rejuvenate = make young again
apiculture = bee-keeping
promiscuous = mixed indiscriminately; indiscriminate;
not choosing carefully; indiscriminate in the choice
of sexual partners; irregular, particularly sexually; Ex.
promiscuous life/girl; N. promiscuity
warranted = justified; authorized
evasive = not frank; trying to hide the truth; eluding;
evading; V. evade: avoid (a duty or responsibility) or
escape from by deceit
nib = beak(bill); pen point
tanner = person who turns animal hides into leather
clairvoyant = having foresight; fortuneteller; N. clairvoyance
redundant = superfluous; more than is necessary; verbose;
excessively wordy; repetitious
dubious = questionable; (of something) causing doubt;
(of someone) filled with doubt; N. dubiety
elicit = draw out fact or information (by discussion or
from someone)
authenticate = prove genuine
arbitrary = unreasonable or capricious; random; tyrannical;
Ex. arbitrary ruler
unwonted = unaccustomed; unusual; Ex. He arrived
with unwonted punctuality.
ulterior = intentionally hidden; beyond what is evident;
situated beyond; unstated and often questionable; Ex.
ulterior motive
marital = pertaining to marriage
choice = delicate; of very fine quality
caldron(cauldron) = large kettle
entrepreneur = businessperson (who assumes the risk of
a business venture); contractor; ADJ. entrepreneurial
tranquillity = calmness; peace
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Friday, May 15, 2009
impunity = freedom from punishment or harm; CF. punish
levy = impose (a fine); collect (a payment); impose or collect
(a tax); Ex. levy a tax on tobacco
compatible = harmonious; in harmony with; able to exist
efficacy = power to produce desired effect; ADJ. efficacious:
collected = composed; calm; self-possessed
dupe = someone easily fooled or deceived; V: deceive
mettle = courage (to continue bravely in spite of difficulties);
spirit; ADJ. mettlesome
salutary = tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome; Ex.
The punishment had a salutary effect on the boy; CF.
remnant = remainder
burlesque = give an imitation that ridicules; imitate
aerie(aery,eyrie,eyry) = nest of a large bird of prey
enormity = hugeness (in a bad sense); excessive wickedness;
Ex. enormity of the crime; ADJ. enormous
salubrious = healthful; conducive to health or well-being;
socially desirable; Ex. salubrious area; CF. health
vitreous = of glass; pertaining to or resembling glass; V.
vitrify: change into glass; CF. petrify
premonitory = serving to warn
elevation = elevated position; altitude; height; flat upright
side of a building; angle made by pointing a gun;
Ex. The elevation of her style is much admired; Ex. front
elevation of the house
gorge = narrow canyon; steep rocky cleft; ravine (made
by a stream which runs through it)
contempt = scorn; disdain; ADJ. contemptuous; CF. contemptible
cache = hiding place; V.
sophistry = seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning;
penitent = repentant; N.
vignette = small drawing placed at the beginning or end
of a chapter; picture; short literary sketch; short written
description of a character or scene
extol = praise very highly; glorify
slew = large quantity or number; Ex. slew of errands left
expenditure = payment or expense; expending; something
expended; output; Ex. receipt for the expenditure;
Ex. expenditure of all the energy
piety = devoutness; reverence for God; ADJ. pious
delude = deceive
poultice = soothing application applied to sore and inflamed
portions of the body
cynical = skeptical or distrustful of human motives; N.
cynicism; CF. cynic: person who believes all people are
motivated by selfishness
inebriated = habitually intoxicated; drunk; N. inebriety
psyche = soul; mind
eschew = avoid habitually; Ex. eschew alcoholic drinks
irrepressible = unable to be restrained or held back; impossible
to hold back
exorbitant = (of costs or demands) excessive; exceeding
reasonable bounds
innate = inborn
receptive = quick or willing to receive (ideas, suggestions,
etc.); Ex. receptive to the proposal
assuage = mak less severe; ease or lessen (pain); satisfy
(hunger); soothe (anger)
inasmuch = as since; owing to the fact that
exposĂ‚´e = public revelation of something discreditable
prĂ‚´ecis = abstract; concise summing up of main points;
concise summary of a text
abominate = loathe; hate
underhand(underhanded) = done slyly and secretly (being
atavism = resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to
parents; reversion to an earlier type; throwback; ADJ.
seminary = school for training future ministers; secondary
school, especially for young women
personable = attractive (in personality or appearance)
muggy = (of weather) warm and damp
stink = stench; V: emit a strong foul odor
duress = forcible restraint, especially unlawfully; coercion
by threat; illegal coercion; Ex. a promise made under
peevish = bad-tempered; irritable; V. peeve: make angry
swerve = deviate; turn aside sharply from a straight
course; Ex. swerve from the principle; Ex. The car
swerved to the right.
indentation = notch; deep recess; V. indent; CF. tooth
quandary = dilemma; state of uncertainty; Ex. She is in a
quandary about whether to go.
coiffure = hairstyle
demure = (of a woman or child) grave; quiet and serious;
coy; pretending to be demure
sanguine = optimistic; cheerful; hopeful; of the color of
blood; red
bombardment = attack (as with missiles or bombs); V.
flaccid = flabby; lacking firmness; weak; Ex. flaccid muscles
unearthly = not earthly; supernatural; weird; ghostly
fiasco = total failure; CF. bottle
threat = sign or warning (of coming danger); Ex. threat
of rain; V: express a threat; give warning of (something
bad); Ex. The cloud threatens rain.
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impunity = freedom from punishment or harm; CF. punish
levy = impose (a fine); collect (a payment); impose or collect
(a tax); Ex. levy a tax on tobacco
compatible = harmonious; in harmony with; able to exist
efficacy = power to produce desired effect; ADJ. efficacious:
collected = composed; calm; self-possessed
dupe = someone easily fooled or deceived; V: deceive
mettle = courage (to continue bravely in spite of difficulties);
spirit; ADJ. mettlesome
salutary = tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome; Ex.
The punishment had a salutary effect on the boy; CF.
remnant = remainder
burlesque = give an imitation that ridicules; imitate
aerie(aery,eyrie,eyry) = nest of a large bird of prey
enormity = hugeness (in a bad sense); excessive wickedness;
Ex. enormity of the crime; ADJ. enormous
salubrious = healthful; conducive to health or well-being;
socially desirable; Ex. salubrious area; CF. health
vitreous = of glass; pertaining to or resembling glass; V.
vitrify: change into glass; CF. petrify
premonitory = serving to warn
elevation = elevated position; altitude; height; flat upright
side of a building; angle made by pointing a gun;
Ex. The elevation of her style is much admired; Ex. front
elevation of the house
gorge = narrow canyon; steep rocky cleft; ravine (made
by a stream which runs through it)
contempt = scorn; disdain; ADJ. contemptuous; CF. contemptible
cache = hiding place; V.
sophistry = seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning;
penitent = repentant; N.
vignette = small drawing placed at the beginning or end
of a chapter; picture; short literary sketch; short written
description of a character or scene
extol = praise very highly; glorify
slew = large quantity or number; Ex. slew of errands left
expenditure = payment or expense; expending; something
expended; output; Ex. receipt for the expenditure;
Ex. expenditure of all the energy
piety = devoutness; reverence for God; ADJ. pious
delude = deceive
poultice = soothing application applied to sore and inflamed
portions of the body
cynical = skeptical or distrustful of human motives; N.
cynicism; CF. cynic: person who believes all people are
motivated by selfishness
inebriated = habitually intoxicated; drunk; N. inebriety
psyche = soul; mind
eschew = avoid habitually; Ex. eschew alcoholic drinks
irrepressible = unable to be restrained or held back; impossible
to hold back
exorbitant = (of costs or demands) excessive; exceeding
reasonable bounds
innate = inborn
receptive = quick or willing to receive (ideas, suggestions,
etc.); Ex. receptive to the proposal
assuage = mak less severe; ease or lessen (pain); satisfy
(hunger); soothe (anger)
inasmuch = as since; owing to the fact that
exposĂ‚´e = public revelation of something discreditable
prĂ‚´ecis = abstract; concise summing up of main points;
concise summary of a text
abominate = loathe; hate
underhand(underhanded) = done slyly and secretly (being
atavism = resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to
parents; reversion to an earlier type; throwback; ADJ.
seminary = school for training future ministers; secondary
school, especially for young women
personable = attractive (in personality or appearance)
muggy = (of weather) warm and damp
stink = stench; V: emit a strong foul odor
duress = forcible restraint, especially unlawfully; coercion
by threat; illegal coercion; Ex. a promise made under
peevish = bad-tempered; irritable; V. peeve: make angry
swerve = deviate; turn aside sharply from a straight
course; Ex. swerve from the principle; Ex. The car
swerved to the right.
indentation = notch; deep recess; V. indent; CF. tooth
quandary = dilemma; state of uncertainty; Ex. She is in a
quandary about whether to go.
coiffure = hairstyle
demure = (of a woman or child) grave; quiet and serious;
coy; pretending to be demure
sanguine = optimistic; cheerful; hopeful; of the color of
blood; red
bombardment = attack (as with missiles or bombs); V.
flaccid = flabby; lacking firmness; weak; Ex. flaccid muscles
unearthly = not earthly; supernatural; weird; ghostly
fiasco = total failure; CF. bottle
threat = sign or warning (of coming danger); Ex. threat
of rain; V: express a threat; give warning of (something
bad); Ex. The cloud threatens rain.
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Thursday, May 14, 2009
tenuous = thin; slim; rare
clandestine = secret
tightwad = miser; excessively frugal person
knave = untrustworthy person; rogue; scoundrel; jack; N.
debutante = young woman making formal entrance into
escapade = prank; flighty conduct; reckless adventure
that disobeys rules
archipelago = group of closely located islands
incommodious = not spacious; inconvenient
tiller = handle used to move boat.s rudder (to steer)
transient = staying for a short time; momentary; temporary;
N: one that is transient
concatenate = link as in a chain
missile = object to be thrown or projected
genteel = well-bred; elegant; striving to convey an appearance
of refinement; Ex. genteel poverty
pedantic = bookish; showing off learning; marked by an
excessive ostentatious concern for book learning; N.
pending = not yet decided or settled; impending; Ex.
pending decision; PREP. while awaiting; until; Ex. delay
the decision pending his return
blotch = spot; blot; CF. blot+botch
distort = twist out of shape; give a false account of; misrepresent;
N. distortion
carapace = shell covering the back (of a turtle, tortoise,
crab, etc.)
append = attach
grievance = cause of complaint; complaint
start = move suddenly or involuntarily; Ex. start at the
sight of a snake
voracious = ravenous; eating large quantities of food;
exceedingly eager; insatiable; Ex. voracious animal/
proponent = supporter; backer; opposite of opponent
conglomeration = mass of material sticking together
proximity = nearness; ADJ. proximate
verge = border; edge, rim, or margin; Ex. on the verge of:
very near to; V: border on
exquisite = delicate; very finely made; extremely beautiful;
Ex. exquisite piece of jewelry
purge = remove or get rid of something or someone unwanted;
eliminate; free from blame or guilt; cleanse or
purify (esp. of sin, guilt, or defilement); N.
yokel = rustic; country bumpkin; .@r0lu
humid = damp; N. humidity
hackles = hairs on back and neck, especially of a dog; Ex.
make someone.s hackles rise
courier = messenger
regicide = murder of a king or queen
gouge = overcharge (with high price); extort from; Ex.
gouge the public; CF. usury
embody = give a bodily form to; incorporate; include
brochure = pamphlet
badinage = teasing conversation; banter; joking talk
grouse = complain; fuss; grumble; grouch; N: plump
chickenlike game bird
trepidation = fear; nervous apprehension
trenchant = cutting; incisive; keen
ordinance = decree; authoritative order
oversee = watch over and direct; supervise; N. oversight:
unintentional failure to notice or do something; supervision
miniature = small model; small painting; ADJ: small
vivid = (of light or color) bright and distinct; evoking lifelike
mental images; Ex. vivid red hair/description
snicker = half-stifled(suppressed) laugh; V.
hibernate = sleep throughout the winter; N. hibernation
wrongheaded = stubbornly wrong
rend = split; tear apart; N. rent; CF. heartrending: causing
deep sorrow
enervate = weaken; take away energy from
convulsion = violent uncontrollable shaking movement
(caused by illness); V. convulse; ADJ. convulsive
gloss = over explain away with the intention of deceiving
or hiding faults
proviso = stipulation; condition in an agreement; provision
definitive = most reliable; authorative and complete; that
cannot be improved; conclusive; decisive; definite; Ex.
definitive decision by the supreme court
perimeter = outer boundary; length of the outer boundary;
angular = sharp-cornered; having an angle; not rounded
(body); bony; lean; gaunt; stiff in manner
ambush = act of lying in wait to attack by surprise; sudden
attack made from a concealed position; Ex. lie in
ambush; V.
shyster = lawyer using questionable methods; unscrupulous
denizen = (animal, person, or plant) inhabitant or resident
of a particular place; regular visitor
preponderance = superiority of power, quantity, etc.; V.
preponderate: be greater in power, weight, or importance;
ADJ. preponderant
laggard = slow; sluggish; N: one who lags; straggler
dint = means; effort; Ex. by dint of hard work
pedigree = line of ancestors; ancestry; lineage; ADJ. (of an
animal) descended from of a chosen family; Ex. pedigree
dog; CF. crane.s foot
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tenuous = thin; slim; rare
clandestine = secret
tightwad = miser; excessively frugal person
knave = untrustworthy person; rogue; scoundrel; jack; N.
debutante = young woman making formal entrance into
escapade = prank; flighty conduct; reckless adventure
that disobeys rules
archipelago = group of closely located islands
incommodious = not spacious; inconvenient
tiller = handle used to move boat.s rudder (to steer)
transient = staying for a short time; momentary; temporary;
N: one that is transient
concatenate = link as in a chain
missile = object to be thrown or projected
genteel = well-bred; elegant; striving to convey an appearance
of refinement; Ex. genteel poverty
pedantic = bookish; showing off learning; marked by an
excessive ostentatious concern for book learning; N.
pending = not yet decided or settled; impending; Ex.
pending decision; PREP. while awaiting; until; Ex. delay
the decision pending his return
blotch = spot; blot; CF. blot+botch
distort = twist out of shape; give a false account of; misrepresent;
N. distortion
carapace = shell covering the back (of a turtle, tortoise,
crab, etc.)
append = attach
grievance = cause of complaint; complaint
start = move suddenly or involuntarily; Ex. start at the
sight of a snake
voracious = ravenous; eating large quantities of food;
exceedingly eager; insatiable; Ex. voracious animal/
proponent = supporter; backer; opposite of opponent
conglomeration = mass of material sticking together
proximity = nearness; ADJ. proximate
verge = border; edge, rim, or margin; Ex. on the verge of:
very near to; V: border on
exquisite = delicate; very finely made; extremely beautiful;
Ex. exquisite piece of jewelry
purge = remove or get rid of something or someone unwanted;
eliminate; free from blame or guilt; cleanse or
purify (esp. of sin, guilt, or defilement); N.
yokel = rustic; country bumpkin; .@r0lu
humid = damp; N. humidity
hackles = hairs on back and neck, especially of a dog; Ex.
make someone.s hackles rise
courier = messenger
regicide = murder of a king or queen
gouge = overcharge (with high price); extort from; Ex.
gouge the public; CF. usury
embody = give a bodily form to; incorporate; include
brochure = pamphlet
badinage = teasing conversation; banter; joking talk
grouse = complain; fuss; grumble; grouch; N: plump
chickenlike game bird
trepidation = fear; nervous apprehension
trenchant = cutting; incisive; keen
ordinance = decree; authoritative order
oversee = watch over and direct; supervise; N. oversight:
unintentional failure to notice or do something; supervision
miniature = small model; small painting; ADJ: small
vivid = (of light or color) bright and distinct; evoking lifelike
mental images; Ex. vivid red hair/description
snicker = half-stifled(suppressed) laugh; V.
hibernate = sleep throughout the winter; N. hibernation
wrongheaded = stubbornly wrong
rend = split; tear apart; N. rent; CF. heartrending: causing
deep sorrow
enervate = weaken; take away energy from
convulsion = violent uncontrollable shaking movement
(caused by illness); V. convulse; ADJ. convulsive
gloss = over explain away with the intention of deceiving
or hiding faults
proviso = stipulation; condition in an agreement; provision
definitive = most reliable; authorative and complete; that
cannot be improved; conclusive; decisive; definite; Ex.
definitive decision by the supreme court
perimeter = outer boundary; length of the outer boundary;
angular = sharp-cornered; having an angle; not rounded
(body); bony; lean; gaunt; stiff in manner
ambush = act of lying in wait to attack by surprise; sudden
attack made from a concealed position; Ex. lie in
ambush; V.
shyster = lawyer using questionable methods; unscrupulous
denizen = (animal, person, or plant) inhabitant or resident
of a particular place; regular visitor
preponderance = superiority of power, quantity, etc.; V.
preponderate: be greater in power, weight, or importance;
ADJ. preponderant
laggard = slow; sluggish; N: one who lags; straggler
dint = means; effort; Ex. by dint of hard work
pedigree = line of ancestors; ancestry; lineage; ADJ. (of an
animal) descended from of a chosen family; Ex. pedigree
dog; CF. crane.s foot
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