spruce = neat and trim in appearance; smart; Ex. Be
spruce for your job interview; V.
jumble = mix in a confused way
grimace = facial distortion to show feeling such as pain,
disgust, etc; V.
humble = of low rank or position; modest; having a low
opinion of oneself and a high opinion of others; unassuming;
not proud; V. humiliate: make humble; cause
to feel ashamed or to lose the respect of others
lurid = wild; sensational; graphic; gruesome; horrible; Ex.
lurid details of the murder
application = diligent attention; diligence; V. apply oneself
psychosis = mental disorder; ADJ. N. psychotic
hoary = white with age
vacillate = waver (in opinion); fluctuate; sway to and fro;
N. vacillation
sturdy = strong and firm (in the body)
emblazon = ornament richly (a shield or flag); N. emblazonment
optometrist = one who fits glasses to remedy visual defects
impetus = moving force; momentum; force of a moving
body; incentive; stimulus; impulse
optional = not compulsory; left to one.s choice; N. option:
act of choosing; choice; freedom or power to choose;
something available as a choice; Ex. have no option; Ex.
two options
nadir = lowest point; point on the celestial sphere diametrically
opposite the zenith
low = moo; make the sound of a cow
pastiche = imitation of another.s style in musical composition
or in writing; work of art openly imitating the
works of other artists
selective = careful in choosing; having an effect only on
certain things; not general; Ex. eclectic weed killer
eddy = swirling current of water, air, etc.; V.
languid = lacking energy or vitality; weary; sluggish; listless
vestige = trace; remains; Ex. vestiges of some ancient religion
partisan = one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party
(with dislike of any others); N: strong supporter of a
party; guerrilla
implicit = understood but not stated; implied; unquestioning
and complete; Ex. implicit trust
thesis = opinion put forward and supported by reasoned
symbiosis = interdependent relationship (between
groups, species) often mutually beneficial; ADJ.
symbiotic; CF. together + life
sneak = move, give, or take in a quiet, stealthy way; N:
one who sneaks; ADJ. sneaky
minutiae = petty or trivial details; CF. minutia
pass´e = old-fashioned; past the prime
dissent = disagree
centigrade = denoting a widely used temperature scale
(basically same as Celsius)
whit = small amount; smallest speck; Ex. not a whit of
arroyo = gully; narrow channel formed by rainwater
splice = join together end to end to make one continuous
length; fasten together; unite; Ex. splice two strips of
tape; N.
makeshift = temporary expedient or substitute (in the
case of urgent need); Ex. makeshift shelter
monochromatic = having only one color
irate = angry; CF. ire: anger; wrath
imposture = assuming a false identity; masquerade; CF.
flux = flowing; series of changes; fluctuation; Ex. in a state
of flux
bulwark = strong wall built for defense; earthwork or
other strong defense; person who defends
harping = tiresome dwelling on a subject; V. harp: dwell
on(think or speak a lot about) tediously
profane = violate; desecrate (something holy); treat unworthily;
be profane for; ADJ: secular; nonreligious; irreverent
for holy things
mincing = affectedly dainty(delicate); V. mince: cut (esp.
meat) into very small pieces; walk with exaggerated
primness; walk in an unnatural way, taking little short
steps; Ex. The actor minced across the stage; CF. mincemeat;
CF. mincer
partial = incomplete; favoring one side over another; having
a liking for something
sedentary = requiring sitting; done while sitting; not
moving from one place to another; settled; Ex. sedentary
tan = convert (hide) into leather; make brown by exposure
to the sun
equipoise = balance; balancing force; equilibrium
recuperate = recover; return to health; regain; Ex. recuperate
fiat = command; arbitrary order; Ex. presidential fiat; CF.
let it be done
crave = desire; want intensely
putrid = decayed and foul-smelling; foul; rotten; decayed;
N. putridity
puissant = powerful; strong; potent; N. puissance: power
vendor = seller
infirmity = weakness
shoot = new growth from a plant
arcade = a covered passageway usually lined with shops
propriety = fitness; quality of being proper; correct conduct;
conformity to prevailing customs and usages; CF.
proprietor, proprietary
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