mire = entangle; stick in swampy ground; stick or sink in
mire; N: bog; deep mud; Ex. sucked deeper into the
revoke = cancel; retract; CF. irrevocable
peruse = read through with care; N. perusal
indignation = anger at an injustice; Ex. righteous indignation;
ADJ. indignant
niggle = spend too much time on minor points (esp.
when finding fault); find fault; Ex. niggle over details;
ADJ. niggling
slag = glassy residue from smelting metal; dross; waste
asunder = into parts; apart; V. sunder
sleazy = shabby and dirty; flimsy; insubstantial; Ex.
sleazy back-street hotel/fabric
hallucination = delusion; false idea; false perception of
objects with a compelling sense of their reality; objects
so perceived; V. hallucinate; ADJ. hallucinatory
impervious = impenetrable; incapable of being damaged
or distressed; incapable of being affected (in one.s opinions);
Ex. impervious to water/criticism
jaunt = trip; short journey
solemnity = seriousness; gravity
thermal = pertaining to heat; producing heat; warm; Ex.
thermal bath; N: rising current of warm air
scotch = stamp out(put an end to); thwart; hinder; Ex.
scotch = the rumor; CF. cut;
cameo = shell or jewel carved in relief; star.s special appearance
in a minor role in a film
unwieldy = awkward (to carry or move); cumbersome;
stygian = unpleasantly dark; gloomy; hellish; deathly; CF.
Styx: the chief river in the subterranean land of the dead
touchy = oversensitive; easily offended; irasible; delicate;
needing delicate handling; Ex. touchy situation
skinflint = miser; stingy person
insurgent = rebellious; N.
replica = copy
suckle = give or take milk at the breast or udder
frolic = play and jump about happily; frisk; Ex. frolicking
young lambs
expatriate = exile; someone who has withdrawn from his
native land; V: exile; banish; leave one.s country
maladroit = clumsy; not skillful; awkward; bungling
lumen = unit of light energy (one candle.s worth)
sever = separate; cut off (a part) from a whole; break up
(a relationship); N. severance; CF. severance pay: extra
pay given an employee upon leaving a position
diurnal = daily; occurring during the daytime
predator = predatory animal or bird; predatory person;
creature that seizes and devours another animal; person
who robs or exploits others; ADJ. predatory: living by
preying on other organisms; plundering; N. predation
motility = ability to move spontaneously; ADJ. motile:
moving spontaneously
litotes = understatement for emphasis; Ex. .not
bad(=pretty good).
renown = fame; ADJ. renowned
blues = state of depression or melancholy; style of slow,
mournful music (evolved from southern Black American
concomitant = that which accompanies; Ex. Deafnes is a
frequent concommitant of old age; ADJ: existing or happening
together with something else
conceit = vanity or self-love; too high opinion of one.s
own value; extravagant metaphor (in poetry)
decelerate = slow down
indigent = poor; destitute
shrewd = clever; astute
incredulous = withholding belief; skeptical; showing disbelief
tremor = trembling; slight quiver (as of the earth or from
nervous agitation)
concur = agree; coincide; happen at the same time
smelt = melt (ore) for separating and removing the metal;
melt or blend ores changing their chemical composition
hap = chance; luck
deducible = derived by reasoning; V. deduce: infer; derive
by reasoning
demolition = destruction; V. demolish
aphorism = pithy maxim or saying; ADJ. aphoristic
motto = brief statement used to express a principle
confluence = flowing together; the place where two rivers
flow together; crowd; gathering together
bludgeon = club; heavy-headed weapon; V.
vile = despicable; unpleasant; disgusting; Ex. vile slander
glare = shine intensely and blindingly; stare fixedly and
angrily; N.
convert = one who has adopted a different religion or
opinion; V: change into another form; (persuade to)
adopt a particular religion or belief
chisel = swindle or cheat; N: wedgelike tool for cutting
avocation = secondary or minor occupation
finery = beautiful clothes for a special occasion
lush = (of a plant or grass) growing very well
marrow = soft fatty tissue that fills most bone cavities and
is the source of blood cells
vulgar = of the common people; deficient in refinement;
not refined; coarse; Ex. vulgar display of wealth; N.
vulgarism: vulgarity; crudely indecent word; CF. vulgarian:
vulgar person; boor; lout
emolument = salary; payment for an office; compensation
abysmal = bottomless
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